bugGNU arch -- a revision control system - Bugs: bug #6696, tla update --dest munges nested...


bug #6696: tla update --dest munges nested trees

Submitter:  Andrew Suffield <asuffield>
Submitted:  Fri 21 Nov 2003 03:12:06 PM UTC
Category:  tla Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  bug Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Open/Closed:  Open
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Sun 23 Nov 2003 12:28:24 PM UTC, comment #4: 

That list is missing the contents of nested {arch} trees, so it's a bug in inventory. This is interesting:

asuffield@cyclone:~/arch/dists/lookupd/lookupd-0.1.0$ tla inventory -s --nested --both --all --precious debian | grep \{arch
P? debian/{arch}

Andrew Suffield <asuffield>
Sun 23 Nov 2003 12:16:39 PM UTC, comment #3: 

tla inventory -s --nested -B -p --all should give the list that arch_copy_project_tree uses. Or you can debug arch_copy_project_tree to identify the problem :}. (Sorry, no time to analyse it further now)

Robert Collins <robertc>
Fri 21 Nov 2003 07:26:19 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I'm up to date with: lord@emf.net--2003b/tla--devo--1.1--patch-198

And I can't modify the 'release' field, pooh.

Andrew Suffield <asuffield>
Fri 21 Nov 2003 04:30:41 PM UTC, comment #1: 

This seems to be related to

[bug #5362] make srcfind recognize nested arch control files


I wonder if this hasn't been fixed already in tla--devo--1.1--patch-184 ...

Fri 21 Nov 2003 03:12:06 PM UTC, original submission:  

asuffield@cyclone:~/arch/dists$ tla update -d lookupd/lookupd-0.1.0/ --dest lookupd/lookupd-0.1.1 * copying /home/asuffield/arch/dists/lookupd/lookupd-0.1.0 to lookupd/lookupd-0.1.1

  • tree is already up to date

asuffield@cyclone:~/arch/dists$ tla tree-version lookupd/lookupd-0.1.0/debian/
asuffield@cyclone:~/arch/dists$ tla tree-version lookupd/lookupd-0.1.1/debian/
asuffield@cyclone:~/arch/dists$ ls lookupd/lookupd-0.1.1/debian/\{arch\}/
asuffield@cyclone:~/arch/dists$ ls lookupd/lookupd-0.1.0/debian/\{arch\}/
++default-version  ++pristine-trees  ,,inode-sigs  =tagging-method  lookupd-debian
asuffield@cyclone:~/arch/dists$ ls lookupd/lookupd-0.1.0/debian/        
changelog  control    liblookup-dev.dirs     liblookup0.install  lookupd.install  {arch}
compat     copyright  liblookup-dev.install  lookupd.dirs        rules
asuffield@cyclone:~/arch/dists$ ls lookupd/lookupd-0.1.1/debian/
changelog  control    liblookup-dev.dirs     liblookup0.install  lookupd.install  {arch}
compat     copyright  liblookup-dev.install  lookupd.dirs        rules

The nested tree was copied, but not the nested {arch} tree; this causes a range of interesting problems.

Andrew Suffield <asuffield>


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