bugGNU Screen - Bugs: bug #63479, -dm option ignores the layout of...


bug #63479: -dm option ignores the layout of screenrc.

Submitter:  Constantin Hong <codesupernova>
Submitted:  Tue 06 Dec 2022 07:01:45 PM UTC
Category:  Program Logic Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  * 5 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  4.9.0
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
Work Required:  None
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Tue 06 Dec 2022 07:01:45 PM UTC, original submission:  

To backup my macOS machine, I use a screenrc which a layout and I set

/usr/local/bin/screen -dm -c /Users/username/my_script/GNUscreen/backup.screenrc

 in a crontab.

After waking up, I open the detached screen for peace of mind. Every task works great except for the predefined screen layout. The -dm option doesn't keep the layout. Without a crontab, the bug still exists. (But in this case, detach option in the rc file fixes if screen starts without -dm option). Also this bug exists in bash of Rocky OS 9.

This is an example backup.screenrc to reproduce the error.

layout save default

zombie kr
verbose on

shell zsh
sessionname backup

screen -t macOS 1
screen -t backup 2
screen -t NOTE 3
screen -t VIT 4
select NOTE
focus down
select macOS
focus down
select backup
focus up
focus down
select VIT

The command I used.

 screen -dm -c backup.screenrc

Constantin Hong <codesupernova>


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