bugGNU TeXmacs - Bugs: bug #63279, Wildcards in "Replace"...


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bug #63279: Wildcards in "Replace" not work in basic usage.

Submitter:  jadelight
Submitted:  Thu 27 Oct 2022 11:02:13 AM UTC
Category:  Editor Priority:  5 - Normal
Item Group:  Error Status:  Works For Me
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  vdhoeven
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  Closed
Release:  None Release:  2.1.2
Fixed Release:  None Fixed Release: 

Mon 07 Aug 2023 02:43:41 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Yes, your example works in math mode, but not in text mode. In text mode, the (x) is replaced by [<wildcard|x].

The example (a,b) -> [a,b] in my original post works in math mode if we consider "a,b" as one wildcard, which serves the purpose. But if we use a wild card x for a and a wildcard y for b, then it does not work.

comment #1:

> I tried to replace occurrences of (x) by |x|,
> where x is a wildcard, and it works.
> Your screenshots do not show what is happening in
> the main window.  You need some stuff to be replaced there.
> Like (a+b)*(c+d).  For me, this gets correctly replaced
> by |a+b|*|c+d| for your first example .
> I close this bug.
> Please reopen if you still have problems.

Mon 07 Aug 2023 02:23:28 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I tried to replace occurrences of (x) by |x|,
where x is a wildcard, and it works.

Your screenshots do not show what is happening in
the main window.  You need some stuff to be replaced there.
Like (a+b)*(c+d).  For me, this gets correctly replaced
by |a+b|*|c+d| for your first example .

I close this bug.
Please reopen if you still have problems.

Joris van der Hoeven <vdhoeven>
Group administrator
Thu 27 Oct 2022 11:02:13 AM UTC, original submission:  

Some basic examples where the wildcards are not working.

1. Text mode: (a)->[a].
2. Math mode: (a,b) -> [a,b].

See the attached screenshots.

Working examples in math mode:

1. (a) -> [a]
2. \sqrt{a} -> \sqrt{b}
3. frac{a}{b} -> \frac{c}{d}



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  • -email is unavailable- added by vdhoeven (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by jadelight (Submitted the item)

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    Follow 7 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2023-08-07 vdhoeven Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2023-08-07 vdhoeven StatusNone Works For Me
        Assigned toNone vdhoeven
    2022-10-27 jadelight Attached File- Added c982046edec2f5569277e90b63e61e5a3c9a811c_2_1380x702.jpeg, #53910
        Attached File- Added 302a7abc57eead2aeaa6038ee8017f8b475777a4_2_1380x702.jpeg, #53911
        Attached File- Added c982046edec2f5569277e90b63e61e5a3c9a811c_2_1380x702.jpeg, #53912
        Attached File- Added acfb41202bd1d852f855a98a26f6604f22607ab3.png, #53913

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