bugLibreJS - Bugs: bug #62811, On some sites, LibreJS lists no...


bug #62811: On some sites, LibreJS lists no JS, but allows all of it to run, unless in private mode

Submitter:  Andrew Engelbrecht <sudoman>
Submitted:  Mon 25 Jul 2022 06:25:09 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Mon 25 Jul 2022 06:26:36 PM UTC, comment #1: 
Andrew Engelbrecht <sudoman>
Mon 25 Jul 2022 06:25:09 PM UTC, original submission:  

When I visit the https://forum.members.fsf.org site (as a member, but if you as a LibreJS dev are not a member, we can help you with that), then LibreJS says that there is no JS found, but allows it all to run anyway. This doesn't happen in private mode though. (It works there).

I tried a brand new browser profile, and that did cause the extension to work again, so I refreshed my profile, copying over important data like browsing history, etc, and installed LibreJS. JS was properly detected on the forum, for a while, but then the issue quickly came back, possibly related to my whitelisting all remaining JS, then removing the whitelist?

In the case of the forum, we have a hard coded reference to a weblabels page for the site, then I'm pretty sure that one gets loaded as part of the theme via some JS. I wonder if LibreJS gets confused about that?

In any case, I'm currently on Abrowser 102 on Trisquel 11, but was using Firefox 91-esr on Debian. The issue persists on this browser.

If you need access to the forum for testing, let me know, and we can try to arrange access for you.

Thanks, : )

Andrew Engelbrecht <sudoman>


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