bugGNU Screen - Bugs: bug #59878, Screen always locks on detach, not...


bug #59878: Screen always locks on detach, not just when explicitly locked with C-a x

Submitter:  Chris Diamand <chrisd>
Submitted:  Fri 15 Jan 2021 11:28:27 AM UTC
Category:  Program Logic Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  * 5 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  4.99.0
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
Work Required:  None
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Wed 02 Aug 2023 07:08:35 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Hi Chris,
thanks for reporting.

As I can see, it's reproducible in 'master' only.

original submission:

> Is this a deliberate change or an accidental regression? Are there any plans to make this configurable? Or would there be any objections to making it configurable if I got around to writing a patch?

Yes, for sure I will review your patch.

Alexander Naumov <anaumov>
Group administrator
Mon 04 Jul 2022 06:49:16 PM UTC, comment #1: 

null comment. (I want to add myself to the CC list, and this is the only way I can, because this site violates its own CSP)

Jonathan Beverley <jmbeverl>
Fri 15 Jan 2021 11:28:27 AM UTC, original submission:  

Since commit `787eaed wire up new auth code`, Screen will always request a password on reattaching, even when the session was detached using C-a d or even due to a network issue.

Looking through the code, I can't see a way to configure this.

I often use Screen to work over unreliable connections, sometimes even through something like `autossh`. Older versions of Screen would reconnect seamlessly, but now I'm having to enter my password every 15 minutes, which gets pretty frustrating :(

Steps to reproduce:

 $ screen
 [C-a D]
 $ screen -R
 screen used by Name <username> on hostname.

Is this a deliberate change or an accidental regression? Are there any plans to make this configurable? Or would there be any objections to making it configurable if I got around to writing a patch?


Chris Diamand <chrisd>


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