bugGNU arch -- a revision control system - Bugs: bug #5948, using regex for validating input


bug #5948: using regex for validating input

Submitter:  Christian Thaeter <cehteh>
Submitted:  Tue 14 Oct 2003 02:08:25 PM UTC
Category:  tla Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  large feature idea Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Open/Closed:  Open
Fixed Release:  tla--devo--1.1--patch-5
Merge Request?:  yes -- merge from my archive
Your Archive Name:  chth@gmx.net--cehteh
Your Archive Location:  http://cehteh.homeunix.org/arch/cehteh000
Assigned to:  None
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Mon 17 Nov 2003 06:06:36 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I think that heading towards space support for filenames is a good thing. I'm not sure that using regexs for parsing is the best solution for that.

Robert Collins <robertc>
Tue 14 Oct 2003 02:08:25 PM UTC, original submission:  

Regex for parsing the multitree config file

pros and cons:
 + better validation of input
 + more precise error reports
 + filenames can be quoted now and might contain spaces then 
 - much slower (probably one can optimize the regex to gain speed)

further ideas:

  • envvar expansion
  • escaping rules for spaces and special chars in strings

Please review the idea and think about applying it on serveral areas in tla (i plan to add support for filenames with spaces throughout tla with this)

the structured_regex.h file should live somewhere else, maybe in hackerlab, but its still quite immature.

In all this works so far but its only a proof of concept and need to be judged if we want to use it.

2003-10-14 12:18:45 GMT Christian Thaeter <chth@gmx.net>        patch-5

      new regex parser for configs

    new regex parser for configs

    new files:
     libarch/arch_regex.h libarch/structured_regex.h

    modified files:


Christian Thaeter <cehteh>


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