bugGNU arch -- a revision control system - Bugs: bug #5554, file-find doesn't find implicitly...


bug #5554: file-find doesn't find implicitly named files

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Wed 24 Sep 2003 09:56:07 PM UTC
Category:  tla Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  bug Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  lord@emf.net--2003b/tla--devo--1.1--patch-177
Fixed Release:  lord@emf.net--2003b/tla--devo--1.1--patch-237
Merge Request?:  None
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Assigned to:  None
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Mon 01 Dec 2003 09:21:00 PM UTC, comment #8: 

Yep, that seems fixed.  However, the reported path is always
./{arch}/..., even when cwd isn't at the root of a tree.
That's not related to this bug, however (it occurs with the
tla source, for example).

This bug seems fixed.

Bruce Stephens <cenderis>
Mon 01 Dec 2003 08:50:47 PM UTC, comment #7: 

Tom has fixed the root cause of this. Please confirm that is indeed fixed (as no test case was supplied)

Robert Collins <robertc>
Tue 25 Nov 2003 01:09:53 PM UTC, comment #6: 

Merged into rbtcollins@hotmail.com--barch/tla--integration--1.1--patch-28.

Robert Collins <robertc>
Wed 12 Nov 2003 04:36:30 AM UTC, comment #5: 

Archive Location:

    merge with lord
    fix library-file and file-{find,diffs} for untagged files

Mr. Nobody <gnubert>
Sat 08 Nov 2003 11:48:13 AM UTC, comment #4: 

gnubert, got this as an attachment, or better yet a changeset I can pull from somewhere?

Robert Collins <robertc>
Thu 06 Nov 2003 09:12:45 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Excellent!  That seems to do the trick.

This also seems to fix #5635.

Bruce Stephens <cenderis>
Sat 01 Nov 2003 10:45:58 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Hm, since attaching the patch didn't work, now sending it inline ...

--- orig/libarch/file-diffs.c
+++ mod/libarch/file-diffs.c
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "tla/libarch/cached-inventory.h"
 #include "tla/libarch/local-cache.h"
 #include "tla/libarch/inv-ids.h"
+#include "tla/libarch/invent.h"
 #include "tla/libarch/file-diffs.h"

@@ -30,10 +31,15 @@
   t_uchar * orig_loc = 0;
   t_uchar * orig_path = 0;
   int status = 2;
+  struct arch_inventory_options inv_options;
   mod_path = file_name_in_vicinity (0, tree_root, mod_loc);
   safe_chdir (tree_root);
-  id = arch_inventory_id (arch_unspecified_id_tagging, 0, mod_loc, 0, 0, 0);
+  mem_set0 ((t_uchar *)&inv_options, sizeof (inv_options));
+  arch_get_inventory_naming_conventions (&inv_options, tree_root);
+  id = arch_inventory_id (arch_unspecified_id_tagging, inv_options.untagged_source_category, mod_loc, 0, 0, 0);
   cached_tree = arch_find_or_make_local_copy (out_fd, ".", 0, 0, archive, revision);
   if (!cached_tree)

Mr. Nobody <gnubert>
Sat 01 Nov 2003 10:39:23 PM UTC, comment #1: 

arch_file_get_or_diff specifies 0 as 'untagged_is_source' argument to
arch_inventory_id, which then returns a null pointer in case of
untagged files.

The appended patch inserts a call to
arch_get_inventory_naming_conventions before, to get a proper value
for untagged_is_source.

BTW, arch_inventory_id internally sets

      untagged_is_source = (untagged_is_source == arch_inventory_source);

the function argument `untagged_is_source' sometimes is provided as
result of the above expression, sometimes untagged_source_category
(member of struct arch_inventory_options) is inserted. This will work
for both cases as long as arch_inventory_source is 1 (perhaps no

Mr. Nobody <gnubert>
Wed 24 Sep 2003 09:56:07 PM UTC, original submission:  

With tagging method tagline, files which are source (because
they have a suitable name) but which don't have taglines and
haven't been explicitly added, aren't found by file-find.

This is a recent change (in the last few days).



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Follows 1 latest change.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2003-12-01 robertc Fixed Release lord@emf.net--2003b/tla--devo--1.1--patch-237

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