bugSonganizer - Bugs: bug #4943, Doesn't work on Mandrake 9.1?


bug #4943: Doesn't work on Mandrake 9.1?

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Sun 24 Aug 2003 08:11:23 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Tue 05 Apr 2005 04:37:20 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Getting the same on mdk 10.1.

Software versions:
songorganizer 0.5 (tar.gz download)

The following is the verbose output from a test directory, not very telling I'm afraid...
[root@media mp3]# songanizer -A -v  ./
Detected data directory: /root/mp3/.//_data
rm -rf /root/mp3/.//_artist/*
Creating /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN ...
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/01 Bandera.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/01 Bandera.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/02 Hands On The Wheel.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/02 Hands On The Wheel.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/03 Remember Me.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/03 Remember Me.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/04 Can I Sleep In Your Arms.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/04 Can I Sleep In Your Arms.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/05 Down Yonder.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/05 Down Yonder.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/06 O'er The Waves.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/06 O'er The Waves.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/07 Denver.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/07 Denver.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/08 Just As I Am.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/08 Just As I Am.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/09 Red Headed Stranger.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/09 Red Headed Stranger.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/10 Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/10 Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/11 Medley_ Blue Rock Montana & Red H.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/11 Medley_ Blue Rock Montana & Red H.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/12 Time Of The Preacher Theme.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/12 Time Of The Preacher Theme.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/13 I Couldn't Believe It Was True.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/13 I Couldn't Believe It Was True.mp3
Linking /root/mp3/.//_data/14 Time Of The Preacher.mp3 to /root/mp3/.//_artist/UNKNOWN/14 Time Of The Preacher.mp3

Sample mp3info output from one of the files to show what it's detecting....
[root@media _data]# mp3info 01\ Bandera.mp3
File: 01 Bandera.mp3
Title:   Bandera                        Track: 1
Artist:  Willie Nelson
Album:   Red Headed Stranger            Year:  1975
Comment:                                Genre: Country [2]

Creates "UNKNOWN" when attempting to sort by genre, artist, year,  and album. Using -I (initial letters) works as expected.

I don't know if this thing is still being developed, but I hope so, I've been searching high and low for something like this! Nice job...

Sun 24 Aug 2003 11:28:52 AM UTC, comment #1: 

The error describtion isn't very detailed. Would need a log or some verbose output of what the script does to locate the problem.

The tester should pass the -v option for verbose output and send us the output.

Patrick Ohnewein <pazzo>
Group Member
Sun 24 Aug 2003 08:11:23 AM UTC, original submission:  

Default install doesn't seem to work correctly on Mandrake 9.1, everything is classified as UNKNOWN. mp3info seems to work fine.



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