bugGNU Screen - Bugs: bug #45749, sparc-sun-solaris2.9:...


bug #45749: sparc-sun-solaris2.9: /usr/include/signal.h:77: error: parse error before '*' token

Submitter:  Marcin Cieślak <saper>
Submitted:  Thu 13 Aug 2015 09:11:44 PM UTC
Category:  Build/Install Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  * 5 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  None
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  4.3.1
Work Required:  None
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Thu 13 Aug 2015 09:11:44 PM UTC, original submission:  

gcc -c -I. -I.  -DETCSCREENRC='"/home/admini/saper/etc/screenrc"' -DSCREENENCODINGS='"/home/admini/saper/share/screen/utf8encodings"' -D_XPG4_2 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DGIT_REV=\""`git describe --always 2>/dev/null`"\" \
     -g -O2 tty.c
In file included from tty.c:35:
/usr/include/signal.h:77: error: parse error before '*' token
make: * [tty.o] Error 1

One needs -D_XOPEN_SOURCE to fix this.

Marcin Cieślak <saper>


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