bugDotGNU Portable.NET - Bugs: bug #15053, HP-UX has .sl extensions for...


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bug #15053: HP-UX has .sl extensions for shared libraries not .so

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Thu 24 Nov 2005 04:25:49 PM UTC
Votes: 1
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

Fri 14 Mar 2008 07:19:28 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Thank's for fix

Online UK

Fri 25 Nov 2005 12:03:53 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Also need to modify configure script in
when this script searches for full name of libXXX.so
instead it should search for libXXX.sl on HP-UX

Francois Genolini <fgenolini>
Thu 24 Nov 2005 04:53:06 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I have replaced .so by .sl in link.c
However now ilrun core dumps when loading a shared library

Francois Genolini <fgenolini>
Thu 24 Nov 2005 04:34:59 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I have submitted this report

Francois Genolini <fgenolini>
Thu 24 Nov 2005 04:25:49 PM UTC, original submission:  

The source code assumes that all UNIX shared libraries have the extensions .so
In HP-UX 11.11 the shared libraries have the extension .sl
For example the file
is hard coded to look for files with a .so extension

this should be modified to use settings from configure (which in turn has to be modified to find out from the system what the file extension is for shared libraries)



(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #13759:  1.swf.SL added by None (280B - application/octet-stream)


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


CC list is empty


There is 1 vote so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.


Follow 3 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2007-08-21 None Attached File- Added 1.swf.SL, #13759
2005-11-25 fgenolini Carbon-Copy- Added fgenolini
2005-11-24 fgenolini Carbon-Copy- Added -email is unavailable-

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