bugDotGNU Portable.NET - Bugs: bug #12763, Xml (De)Serialisation does not...


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bug #12763: Xml (De)Serialisation does not work.

Submitter:  Heiko Weiss <brubbel>
Submitted:  Thu 21 Apr 2005 05:23:45 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

Mon 09 May 2005 06:17:34 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Anyone using XmlSerialization needs to understand that it WILL not work with just ilrun - according the XmlSerialization currently in CVS , it needs something to compile the serializers. Which means you have to ship the entire SDK for XmlSer to work properly

Gopal.V <t3rmin4t0r>
Group administrator
Tue 26 Apr 2005 07:11:44 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Should XmlNode.ReadNode() do an AppendChild automatically ?.

The AppendChild for ReadNode() seems to be against the docs.
The AppendChild is better moved into the BuildStructure.

After doing that, I was able to deserialize 1 value (strange).

Text =
Text = Hilfe
TextID =
DisplayConditionVisible =
DisplayConditionEnabled =

More debugging needed .

Gopal.V <t3rmin4t0r>
Group administrator
Thu 21 Apr 2005 05:23:45 AM UTC, original submission:  

See sample.

Did not try serialisation, but deserialisation.
Does not work.

Heiko Weiss <brubbel>
Group Member


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attached Files
file #2872:  XmlSerialize.zip added by brubbel (8KiB - application/x-zip-compressed - sample)


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


CC list is empty


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Follows 1 latest change.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2005-04-21 brubbel Attached File- Added XmlSerialize.zip, #2424

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