mainGNU VCDImager - Support: sr #106456, input mpeg stream has been deemed...


sr #106456: input mpeg stream has been deemed invalid -- aborting

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Mon 28 Jul 2008 09:58:48 PM UTC
Category:  Bug Report Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  GNU/Linux
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Mon 28 Jul 2008 09:58:48 PM UTC, original submission:  

I did not checked to see if this item has already been submitted!

As requested in K3b to send this report. My Linux is a Kubuntu 8.04 running in a Toshiba Satellite A105-S4384.

K3b Version: 1.0.4

KDE Version: 3.5.9
QT Version:  3.3.8b
Kernel:      2.6.24-19-generic
MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-841S 1.50 (/dev/scd0, ) [CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL] [DVD-ROM, DVD-R Sequential, DVD-R Dual Layer Sequential, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite, DVD-RW Sequential, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD+R Dual Layer, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW] [SAO, TAO, Restricted Overwrite]

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE videocd PUBLIC "-//GNU//DTD VideoCD//EN" "">
<videocd class="vcd" xmlns="" version="2.0" >
  <system-id>CD-RTOS CD-BRIDGE</system-id>
  <preparer-id>K3B - VERSION 1.0.4</preparer-id>
  <publisher-id>K3B - VERSION 1.0.4</publisher-id>
  <sequence-item id="sequence-000" src="/home/vitor/tmp/Radar Jornal Hoje Globo 03junho2008.MPG" >
   <default-entry id="entry-000" />

<log level="warning">initializing libvcd 0.7.23 [linux-gnu/i486]</log>
<log level="warning"> </log>
<log level="warning"> this is the Beta development branch!</log>
<log level="warning"> use only if you know what you are doing</log>
<log level="warning"> see for more information</log>
<log level="warning"> </log>
<progress operation="scan" id="sequence-000" position="0" size="58170499" />
<log level="warning">packet length beyond buffer (pos = 36 + size = 2600 > buflen = 2324) -- stream may be truncated or packet length > 2324 bytes!</log>
<log level="error">input mpeg stream has been deemed invalid -- aborting</log>

vcdxbuild command:
/usr/bin/vcdxbuild --progress --gui --cue-file=/tmp/kde-vitor/VIDEOCD.cue --bin-file=/tmp/kde-vitor/VIDEOCD.bin /tmp/kde-vitor/k3bpvSkcb.tmp



(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

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