mainGNU VCDImager - Support: sr #104541, Unable to extract mpeg from a VCD...


sr #104541: Unable to extract mpeg from a VCD image

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Tue 09 Aug 2005 07:53:51 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  GNU/Linux
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Tue 09 Aug 2005 07:53:51 PM UTC, original submission:  

I tried to rip a VCD first onto a harddrive using cdrdao, and then extract *mpeg file from the image by using vcdxrip. The idea is to rip things quickly, otherwise vcdxrip takes a long time when working directly with the VCD. I should note that using vcdxrip with the VCD directly does work, however, is quite slow.

 These are the versions I am using:

 The system is CentOS4 (similar to fedora core 3), and I recompiled the
packages myself.

Here is my first try:
$cdrdao read-cd --device /dev/hdd hdd_file.toc
$vcdxrip --toc-file=hdd_file.toc -v
++ WARN: number of minutes (141) truncated to 99.
++ WARN: error reading PVD sector (16) error -1
++ WARN: error reading PVD sector (16) error -1
++ WARN: Could not read ISO-9660 Superblock.
++ WARN: INFO.SVD: signature not found
**ERROR: unknown ID encountered -- maybe not a proper (S)VCD?
$ vcdxrip --toc-file=hdd_file.toc --sector-2336
++ WARN: number of minutes (141) truncated to 99.
++ WARN: error reading PVD sector (16) error -1
++ WARN: error reading PVD sector (16) error -1
++ WARN: Could not read ISO-9660 Superblock.
++ WARN: INFO.SVD: signature not found
**ERROR: unknown ID encountered -- maybe not a proper (S)VCD?

 Now, I also tried the "raw" option for cdrdao:
$cdrdao read-cd --read-raw --device /dev/hdd hdd_file.toc
$ vcdxrip --toc-file=hdd_file.toc
++ WARN: number of minutes (142) truncated to 99.
++ WARN: error reading PVD sector (16) error -1
++ WARN: error reading PVD sector (16) error -1
++ WARN: Could not read ISO-9660 Superblock.
++ WARN: error reading PVD sector (16) error -1
++ WARN: Could not read ISO-9660 Superblock.
++ WARN: encountered non-form2 sector -- leaving loop
Now I get a bit further and there are a couple of new files being
-rw-r--r--  1 root   root           0 Aug  2 19:59 avseq01.mpg
-rw-r--r--  1 root   root         931 Aug  2 19:59 videocd.xml

 It seems that iterm #101671 has some similarity to what I am describing, although, the circumstances are somewhat different.



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