GNU Help Wanted - News
posted by toby, Tue 16 Jul 2024 02:35:07 PM UTC
When I opened this Savannah project I imported items from the old GNU tasklist document. 20 years later all of the context has been lost (if there ever was any) so now if anyone asks about these tasks it just leads to frustration on everyone's part. [...]
posted by toby, Mon 14 Jan 2013 05:18:01 PM UTC
Sebastian Diaz is the GNU Motti maintainer, so I have closed the "Help Wanted" task asking for someone to maintain Motti.
posted by karl, Sun 23 May 2010 05:42:30 PM UTC - 1 reply
I thought I'd post the current list of GNU
packages looking for maintainers in this channel
too, hopefully reaching some different people than
its other incarnations:
alive - auto login and keep-alive daemon
dr-geo - interactive work with geometric figures
posted by toby, Fri 08 Jan 2010 02:10:04 PM UTC
There were only two tasks in it (along with a bunch of spam) - one was a test and the other was misplaced, so it's better to concentrate on servicing the mailing list and push as much activity as we can to it.
posted by toby, Sat 26 Dec 2009 07:06:37 PM UTC
It's been 6 years since I added that task on Savannah, and years before that since there was any activity on that task so people who want to provide doc help to GCC should look at for tasks.
posted by toby, Mon 29 Jun 2009 01:03:12 AM UTC - 1 reply
For many years we've had an entry on the games tasklist item for "A realistic train-driving simulator." I've found two projects that might satisfy this requirement: (which is GPL licensed) and which is public domain. Both take different approaches to the idea of simulating train traffic, and both look pretty interesting in their own ways.
posted by toby, Wed 27 May 2009 11:36:33 AM UTC
We used to have a job posting for volunteers to make a Free Software replacement for Google Earth. This is now an FSF High Priority project (see so there's no longer a need to duplicate it on this task list. [...]
posted by toby, Tue 02 Sep 2008 12:43:15 AM UTC
For a very long time, the task list has had an item "If you're up for a "grand challenge" you can tackle a problem that's frustrated computer scientists and linguists for almost 40 years: translating one natural language into another." We recently learned about Apertium ( which appears to be making good progress on this task. If you're interested in natural language translation then we'd recommend that you take a look at Apertium.
posted by toby, Wed 25 Oct 2006 03:40:13 PM UTC
I added a new task to the tasklist to improve the Free documentation for MySQL. The MySQL relational database is Free Software, but the documentation provided by MySQL AB is non-Free. There's a project to document MySQL at WikiBooks ( and we encourage anyone that's interested in MySQL (or SQL in general) to contribute.
posted by toby, Mon 03 Jul 2006 02:27:27 PM UTC - 3 replies
At rms' request I added a tasklist item asking for volunteers to work on a Free alternative to the proprietary "Google Earth" client. If you're interested in this project please let know.
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