The GNU Hurd - News
posted by arnebab, Fri 15 May 2009 07:25:32 AM UTC
The GNU Hurd wiki was completely merged into its main homepage:
However, editing pages is still encouraged and open for everyone, and the former wiki engine now serves as staging area for changing the official pages:
Have fun with the Hurd!
posted by arnebab, Fri 29 Aug 2008 08:34:16 AM UTC
Current news about the GNU/Hurd can be obtained from the Hurd website and the Hurd Wiki:
- Hurd Website:
- Hurd Wiki:
posted by marcus, Thu 31 Jul 2003 09:56:43 PM UTC
The first steps for the Hurd to run on L4 have been done. A new CVS module "hurd-l4" has been created that holds the source code that is in somewhat releasable form. So far this is the libl4 user space library for the L4 kernel and laden, the bootloader.
The next steps will be to write down the design for the user space capability system and implement some initial servers to get started.
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