bugGNUstep - Bugs: bug #25658, dragging a table in diagram view...


bug #25658: dragging a table in diagram view problem

Submitter:  Sebastian Reitenbach <buzzdee>
Submitted:  Sat 21 Feb 2009 05:52:16 PM UTC
Category:  gdl2 Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  Bug Status:  Confirmed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Sat 21 Feb 2009 06:53:15 PM UTC, comment #2: 

hmm, I can confirm this but not able to reliably reproduce it every time it appears intermittently,

the way the diagram view works, is each entity has a subview, and upon receiving a mouse event they 'order the view front' by using NSView -sortSubviewsUsingFunction: in this case it appears that either the mouse event is being received by the view which is not on top, or the view which was last displayed was not on top, e.g. maybe -setNeedsDisplayInRect: was called on it with some point which doesn't overlap the actual top view

also, note that the tables can actually overlap regardless of the amount of tables or size of the DiagramView, it currently just gets 2 completely random points, (and when you move them it doesn't even save them (wanted to warn you about this before you actually go and layout by hand all 60 tables only to find out next time you open the file it looks like crud).

I have been considering using an external library for doing all of the layout, and most layout algorithms do not remember by-hand placement, so i may just fix this bug by removing the ability to have overlapping entities altogether.

matt rice <ratmice>
Group Member
Sat 21 Feb 2009 05:54:45 PM UTC, comment #1: 

forgot openbsd 4.4, i386:
gnustep-back-0.16.0 (using xlib)
gnustep-dl2-0.12.0 (and from svn)

Sebastian Reitenbach <buzzdee>
Group Member
Sat 21 Feb 2009 05:52:16 PM UTC, original submission:  


not really sure, whether this is a problem in the app, or maybe a levelling problem in -gui or my backend. However, I saw this problem in DBModeler here first:

  • start dbmodeler
  • open a postgres DB model from a database

  * the database should contain many tables, so that the diagram view is not large enough to show the tables without the need of overlapping.

  • switch to the diagram view
  • try to grab a table on the headline

   * below the mouse arrow, when clicking on the headline of a table to be dragged, there should be at least one another table a level below

  • after try dragging the window, and then releasing the mouse button, the window stays in its original location, and the field from the table below becomes marked and visible on top of the overlaying other table. See screenshot.

In the screenshot I clicked on the appointment_resource table and tried to drag it around. The "department" showed up, as soon as I released the mouse button.

Also dragging becomes very slow, and the diagram view nearly unusable, when there are more than a handful of tables in the model, e.g. I loaded the opengroupware database model, with about 60 tables, the diagram view is nearly unusable.

Sebastian Reitenbach <buzzdee>
Group Member


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file #17494:  dbmodeler_diagram_view.png added by buzzdee (11KiB - image/png - mentioned screenshot)



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