bugGNU Octave - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Item IDup.

Begin     451–500      Previous      –950 / 1850     Next      1401–1450     End

Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#56828 urlread/urlwrite/webread functions are not interruptible with Ctrl+C Confirmed 2019-08-30
#56816 calling classdef methods with the dot-syntax from an old-style method fails Confirmed 2019-08-27
#56809 Dots in script file names should be allowed Confirmed 2019-08-26
#56800 uigetfile ('MultiSelect', 'on') is not compatible with "Recent" file dialog feature Confirmed 2019-08-24
#56788 parse error on command syntax with argument that starts with a non-ASCII character Confirmed 2019-08-21
#56780 uimenu keyboard shortcuts 'e','f','t' don't work properly Confirmed 2019-08-20
#56777 Press "h" in plot window doesn't show help but freeze the plot window 2019-08-19
#56776 Pause function doesn't respond to key press 2019-08-18
#56752 Performance slowdown from version 3.2.4 through to current dev branch Confirmed 2019-08-12
#56698 [octave forge] (tisean) pca and princomp inconsistent 2019-07-30
#56697 waitfor and the "Interruptible" and "BusyAction" properties 2019-07-30
#56665 Incorrect results with ppval and interp1 when using complex query points Confirmed 2019-07-24
#56658 SelectionType callback is executed with variable delay depending on where click occurs Confirmed 2019-07-22
#56656 [octave forge] (windows) error: com_get: property/method invocation on the COM object failed with error `0x800a16e6' 2019-07-22
#56646 SelectionType in a listbox's callback Confirmed 2019-07-19
#56645 animatedline() 2019-07-18
#56636 Octave's interp1 does not have the same rules for when to extrapolate as Matlab. Confirmed 2019-07-15
#56624 webwrite only supports form-encoded parameters, not user-defined data Confirmed siko1056 2019-07-12
#56600 system blocks when user calls a background command ending in ampersand Confirmed 2019-07-09
#56571 Images bigger than around 50M pixels in size do not display with imshow Need Info 2019-07-01
#56556 xlabels incorrectly placed for subplot with non-standard figure position 2019-06-26
#56548 Inconsistent behavior between horzcat/vertcat/cat and bracket syntax 2019-06-25
#56544 [octave forge] (dataframe) error: The output format qualifier "as" must be followed by a type Confirmed 2019-06-24
#56542 pkg: new subcommands to open package related pages in a web browser Need Info 2019-06-24
#56541 [octave forge] (tisean) BIST failures in windows 2019-06-24
#56537 [octave forge] (signal) marcumq can return impossible values or hang completely Confirmed 2019-06-21
#56494 audioplayer sample rate property change does not affect the audio produced Need Info 2019-06-14
#56489 System freeze due to Excel import Need Info 2019-06-13
#56393 missing deval function for ode Confirmed 2019-05-26
#56357 pkg: allow more package metadata file names and file extensions 2019-05-20
#56351 pkg: missing dependencies error message could be clearer 2019-05-19
#56350 docs: pkg doc string should mention that root installs globally by default 2019-05-19
#56338 [wish] Automatically escape Latex special character when using -pdflatex for printing Confirmed 2019-05-17
#56323 Default (c)transpose for classdef classes Confirmed siko1056 2019-05-15
#56320 [octave forge] (generate_html) literal '%' in 1st line produces failure Confirmed 2019-05-14
#56318 deal: invalid assignment to cs-list outside multiple assignment Confirmed 2019-05-13
#56289 print to eps - clip option Confirmed 2019-05-08
#56271 Improve documentation of plot function style argument when it specifies only one of linestyle or marker Need Info 2019-05-06
#56263 [octave forge] (dataframe) dataframe ignores second line when reading csv file with all strings Confirmed 2019-05-03
#56220 debugger gui does not follow frame 2019-04-25
#56208 GUI Editor autocomplete list could show variables from current workspace Need Info 2019-04-24
#56194 classdef: missing support for events and listeners 2019-04-22
#56187 Support local functions at end of scripts like Matlab 2019-04-21
#56184 mkoctfile: add a run-mkoctfile wrapper to compile and link oct files in build tree 2019-04-20
#56183 tests: add tests that build basic oct files, link with blas, fftw, fortran Postponed 2019-04-20
#56176 Implementation of loadlibrary function (revisited) 2019-04-20
#56174 Axes "position" property not updated 2019-04-20
#56172 concatenation of empty, 2-D, but not 0x0 arrays differs from Matlab Confirmed 2019-04-19
#56170 [octave forge] (signal) results from fir1 differ from Matlab (inaccurate?) Need Info 2019-04-19
#56162 [octave forge] (econometrics) optional dependence on MPI 2019-04-18

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