bugDotGNU Portable.NET - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Item ID Summary Status down Assigned to Submitted
#10180 pnetc/cscc: compile error with GNU hello Postponed 2004-08-27
#10181 pnetc/cscc: compile error with gzip Postponed 2004-08-27
#10854 Form.DesktopLocation not consistent Postponed 2004-11-01
#12505 LostFocus for ComboBox not invoked correctly Postponed drobosson 2005-03-30
#9274 cscc: using aliases still not resolving correctly Need Info 2004-06-09
#9592 cscc error: Syscall.cs:58: constant value required when building Mono.Posix from ml-pnet Need Info 2004-07-08
#11150 using "cscc -e" (multiple entry points) can't find any entry point Need Info 2004-11-27
#13388 pnet-devel: ./configure should check yacc is yet installed. Need Info 2005-06-13
#9393 Calling managed method from unmanaged code fails Confirmed 2004-06-20
#12755 Problem configuring pnetcurses 0.0.2 Confirmed 2005-04-20
#12756 mahjongg tarball Confirmed 2005-04-20
#13443 static FileStream not written to disk on exit without Close() Confirmed 2005-06-18
#5802 Listbox issues 2003-10-08
#5986 UTF-8 identifiers not-yet supported 2003-10-16
#6993 Non unique names for static variables 2003-12-27
#6994 Pointers to functions works strange 2003-12-27
#7016 output order for positive, negative and NULL values is not correct 2003-12-29
#7456 compiler allows invalid struct ctors 2004-01-26
#7485 Non-initialized variable in for-loop shall not be compiled by cscc 2004-01-28
#8262 C Compiler array size declaration problem 2004-03-23
#8271 Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero) returns disposed object on X 2004-03-23
#8588 Problems with MarshalAs or/and InteropServices Function Table (Delegates) 2004-04-16
#8968 Xsharp not passing on x,y changes during resize events. 2004-05-15
#9083 scrollable container and scrollbars 2004-05-24
#9086 Marshaled memory management differs from .NET 2004-05-25
#9141 ThreadPool.Complete() crashes with a null exception 2004-05-28
#9155 scoping of local variables not as required in C# 2004-05-29
#9175 MinGW: Incorrect file ext. for GNU AR in configuration script 2004-06-01
#9263 cscc compiles functions with calls to abstract basefunctions. 2004-06-09
#9300 cscc uses base call on any expression starting with base. t3rmin4t0r 2004-06-11
#9409 Exceptions do not occur in sub threads 2004-06-21
#9415 Exception when serializing ArrayList with BinaryFormatter 2004-06-22
#9499 MessageBox.Show() doesn't display modal dialog but modeless one. 2004-06-29
#9551 Console application stops on break signal (strg+c) 2004-07-05
#9613 cscc allows assignment to foreach-iterator 2004-07-11
#9681 local variable declared by a fixed statement is considered read-only 2004-07-18
#9879 cscc allows using aliases for members 2004-08-04
#9941 ControlPaint.DrawXXX() throws NullReferenceException when drawing on bitmap 2004-08-09
#10586 Bug in declaration initializers 2004-10-05
#10702 MDI does not work on Win32 2004-10-16
#10717 Form->ShowDialog does not show the form as a modal form 2004-10-18
#10830 TreeView node text: workaround needed to display last char Rich333 2004-10-29
#10853 XmlTextReader does not translate entities in values 2004-11-01
#10917 libjit convert to int bug patch 2004-11-05
#11070 w32 process spawning corrupts argument list 2004-11-20
#11078 ObjectManager does not honour IObjectReference classes when applying fixups 2004-11-21
#11109 PnetC: Array data that is declared first, then initialized is errored as duplicate declared 2004-11-22
#11121 false error : "incompatible types in assignment" for assigning function pointers 2004-11-24
#11123 pnetc: Not able to convert function pointer types properly 2004-11-25
#11212 Marshalling bug - code pointer in struct marshalled to unmanaged becomes invalid 2004-12-04

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