bugGNU arch -- a revision control system - Bugs: bug #8005, Webdav authentication doesn't work


bug #8005: Webdav authentication doesn't work

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Thu 04 Mar 2004 12:01:45 PM UTC
Category:  tla Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  bug Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  1.2
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Thu 04 Mar 2004 01:16:16 PM UTC, comment #1: 

OK, I've found it !!

The str_cpy_n function in str.c is buggy :-(

Please, apply the following patch :

--- str.c~ Wed Feb 11 00:17:10 2004
+++ str.c Thu Mar  4 14:14:29 2004
@@ -540,6 +540,7 @@
    *to++ = *from++;
+      *to = 0;
   while (n--)
     *to++ = 0;



Thu 04 Mar 2004 12:01:45 PM UTC, original submission:  

I have a working installation of tla 1.2.

Local access to an archive works fine.

Remote access through webdav works when password authentication is disabled.

My webdav server works with password authentication, I'm able to access it from windows explorer for exemple.

Now, I'm trying to use tla with authentificated webdav, but I get the following error :

$ tla archives
$ tla get hello--mainline--1
webdav error: 401 Unauthorized

I've played a little with gdb : The error appears in the file pfs-dav.c:698:

  if (pfs->sess_opts.dav_class1) /* if the server supports DAV */
      if ((ne_err = ne_simple_propfind (pfs->sess, dir, NE_DEPTH_ONE, ls_props, NULL, NULL)))
==>       safe_printfmt (2, "webdav error: %s\n", ne_get_error (pfs->sess));
          exit (2);

But a bit earlier, in pfs-dav.c:269

  if (root_path)
==> dav_client_cwd (answer, root_path);

The variable auth has the correct value (user and password are set).

Do you have an idea of what's happening ?

What can I do more to give more information ?

Thanks in advance.



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