bugGNU arch -- a revision control system - Bugs: bug #7223, add-id's detects of automatic...


bug #7223: add-id's detects of automatic changelog ids fails if the revision is not of the form 0.1

Submitter:  Elmar Hoffmann <elho>
Submitted:  Tue 13 Jan 2004 01:18:30 PM UTC
Votes: 75
Category:  tla Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  bug Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  tla--devo--1.2--patch-57
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Tue 25 Jul 2006 03:30:26 PM UTC, comment #3: 

The workaround I have been using ever since reporting this bug is to do the following instead of 'tla add-id ChangeLog':

ID=$(grep '^# arch-tag: ' ChangeLog | sed 's/^# arch-tag: //') && echo $ID
tla add-id --id $ID ChangeLog

Which forces tla to use the original id from the tagline that does match arch_changelog_id_re. No need to change the tagging method. (The echo $ID is only there to see what's going on :))

Elmar Hoffmann <elho>
Tue 25 Jul 2006 01:34:14 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I've had a bit of trouble getting this to work as well, but finally figured out a way to get this to work.  I'm using tla-1.3.3-2 on Debian GNU/Linux (testing/unstable), in case that matters.

Here's the gist of what I did:

 $ mkdir changelog--auto--0.0
 $ cd changelog--auto--0.0
 $ tla archive-setup `basename $PWD`
 $ tla init-tree `basename $PWD`
 $ sed -i 's,^explicit,tagline,' \{arch\}/\=tagging-method
 $ tla changelog > ChangeLog
 $ tla make-log
 $ $EDITOR \+\+log*
 $ tla import

After that the content of ++log* gets added to the ChangeLog file.  I also added a number of other source files with `tla add-id` befor the import.  The crux is that you should NOT `tla add-id ChangeLog` because that changes the ID to use something that'll never match the arch_changelog_id_re #define quoted in the original bug report.

I'd also like to point out that the first example in the original bug report nicely illustrates this.  The ID starts with "x_Elmar_Hoffmann_<elho@elho.net>".  This will of course NEVER match that regexp in changelog.c, no matter what version number you use.

With regards to the followup by <tchernobog>, I'd hazard a guess that `tla inventory --ids` shows an ID that fails the regexp on the first part as well.

Invalid User ID <#50670>
Thu 16 Jun 2005 07:02:25 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I can confirm this: I usually use two version numbers after the dot (e.g. "0.01", "0.10", "1.40", etc.), and my ChangeLog isn't updated with a commit.
Any news of a fix?

Matteo Settenvini <tchernobog>
Tue 13 Jan 2004 01:18:30 PM UTC, original submission:  

Using a single digit revision the problem shows as follows, resulting in a ChangeLog that does not automatically update:
$ tla changelog >ChangeLog
$ grep arch-tag ChangeLog
# arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--elho@elho.net--foo/foo--main--0
$ tla add ChangeLog
$ tla inventory --ids
S  ChangeLog    x_Elmar_Hoffmann_<elho@elho.net>_Tue_Jan_13_11:53:12_2004_24707.0

Using a digit-dot-digit style revision it works fine:
$ tla changelog >ChangeLog
$ grep arch-tag ChangeLog
# arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--elho@elho.net--bar/bar--main--0.1
$ tla add ChangeLog
$ tla inventory --ids
S  ChangeLog    x_automatic-ChangeLog--elho@elho.net--bar/bar--main--0.1

tla obviously allows more general revisions to be created than it later checks for.
The described problem with add-id lies in the following regexp which is used in the latter one:
libarch/namespace.h:#define arch_vsn_re "[[:([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+):]]"
libarch/changelogs.c:#define arch_changelog_id_re "^([ix]_automatic-ChangeLog--)(" arch_archive_re ")/(" arch_base_re ")(--" arch_base_re ")?(--" arch_vsn_re ")$"

Elmar Hoffmann <elho>


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Follow 3 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2006-07-25 elho Carbon-Copy- Added elho
2006-02-28 dwm Carbon-Copy- Added dwm
2005-06-16 tchernobog Carbon-Copy- Added tchernobog

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