bugGNU Wget - Bugs: bug #66468, wget --no-clobber sometimes...


bug #66468: wget --no-clobber sometimes overwrites existing files

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Wed 20 Nov 2024 12:04:38 PM UTC
Category:  Program Logic Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Raven Originator Email:  -email is unavailable-
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  1.20
Operating System:  GNU/Linux Reproducibility:  Intermittent
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
Regression:  None Work Required:  None
Patch Included:  None
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Thu 28 Nov 2024 10:09:54 AM UTC, comment #1: 

No matter what I tried, I was unable to prevent wget from erasing at least some of my existing 20,000 files while --no-clobber was being used.  Wget overwrites about 5% of them.

I ended up working around the bug by writing my own URL looping routine in Bash that loads the URLs from file into an array, then loops over the URLs, grabs the last part of the URL to use as the output filename, skips output files which already exist with data in them.

The downside to doing it this way is wget is reopened 20,000 times, and connects to the remote server 20,000 times because a Keep-Alive connection cannot be used.  It's slower and puts more strain on the remote server, but it never erases local files.

I think silently erasing possibly irreplaceable local data files when being explicitly told not to touch them is a really major bug that should be addressed!

A simple example of where this can cause mass destruction is someone archiving pages on a web site as soon as new pages appear, but never wanting any future updates to those pages to show up (including the page being removed).  As it is, wget can randomly and silently erase these locally archived files despite using --no-clobber.

Very dangerous.

Wed 20 Nov 2024 12:04:38 PM UTC, original submission:  

I have a Bash script that runs wget v1.21.3 on Debian 12.  The script passes wget a file containing URLs to download, using --directory-prefix=, and --no-clobber to skip already downloaded files.  This script worked beautifully.  I downloaded approximately 20,000 files without issue, and upon rerunning the script after it would skip all 20,000 existing files.  Great.

But now a month later I rewrote parts of the script, and slightly changed the wget command to use a different output folder with --directory-prefix.  Suddenly the script started ignoring the --no-clobber for around 5% of the 20,000 files, redownloading them every time I ran my script, fully reproduceable.  I ran it dozens of times, it would redownload a group of URLs one after the other (a sequential list of URLs in the middle were failing, while the other thousands of URLs were fine).

I then picked one URL from this group of URLs that were always failing, and tried to isolate the cause of the issue.  I tried changing --directory-prefix to /tmp, and it worked fine, skipping the existing file.  Then I changed it back to "2.Download_Pages_Data" and it failed again, overwriting the existing file every time (tried dozens of times).

I enabled debug output with -d for the working and failing output directories, but it provided no new information.  When downloading to /tmp it says the file exists.  While downloading to "2.Download_Pages_Data" it acts as if the output file does not exist, and overwrites it every time.

I thought it might be a bug with the --directory-prefix parameter, so I opted to try "cd 2.Download_Pages_Data && wget ..." instead, but that also failed in exactly the same manner.  It worked fine doing "cd /tmp && wget ...".

I then wondered if wget might be having issues with there being a period "." in the output directory name "2.Download_Pages_Data", so I started trying other output directory names like "2_Download_Pages_Data" (failed), then "2_Download_Data" (failed), then "2_Data" (WORKED!), then I went back to "2.Download_Pages_Data" (ALSO WORKED!).  Now each time I run the wget command it works, skipping the existing output file.

I'm not sure how it's even possible to have wget break intermittently like this.  Literally only changing the output directory, wget --no-clobber overwrites files or doesn't.

It's clearly a bug, because if --no-clobber was not used, it should produce output_file.html.1, then output_file.html.2, etc., but it is overwriting existing files.

In case it's relevant, the URLs I was downloading were all ending in .html similar to "Some_Random_Page_Name.html".

How does one even go about trying to debug this?  Debug output with -d showed nothing relevant whether it was working or failing.  It goes from working to not working when changing nothing but the output directory.



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