bugGNU roff - Bugs: bug #63635, [troff] support `hydefault`...


bug #63635: [troff] support `hydefault` register or similar

Submitter:  G. Branden Robinson <gbranden>
Submitted:  Mon 09 Jan 2023 04:20:38 PM UTC
Category:  Core Severity:  1 - Wish
Item Group:  Feature change Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  gbranden
Open/Closed:  Closed Planned Release:  1.24.0
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Mon 13 Jan 2025 08:40:55 PM UTC, comment #9: 

comment #7:

> A patch I've recently submitted to neatroff might be relevant here.

Neatroff's maintainer can of course make his own call about this, but I would prefer to see patches to other roffs that mimic enhancements to groff use the same syntax as groff's version of the enhancement if at all feasible.  This increases cross compatibility, benefiting users by letting them move more easily from one roff implementation to another.

Dave <barx>
Group Member
Mon 13 Jan 2025 01:46:11 PM UTC, comment #8: 

Noticed the "Fixed" too late.

Mon 13 Jan 2025 01:45:22 PM UTC, comment #7: 

A patch I've recently submitted to neatroff might be relevant here. In essence, my proposal was this:
- add env-local register `.hy1`, default value is 1
- `hy` request with non-zero argument sets `.hy1`
- `hy` without argument sets hyphentation mode to:
  a) 1 if compatibility mode is enabled
  b) to the value of register `.hy1`

This means that outside compatibility mode, one will be able to disable and re-enable hyphenation like this:

.hy 2

The `.hy1` register isn't strictly necessary on groff's side, I've added it because neatroff tends to store lots of its settings in registers.

~ onf

Wed 20 Mar 2024 05:46:59 PM UTC, comment #6: 

comment #4:

> comment #0 here mentions that hydefault defaults to 1, but the
> Texinfo manual does not.

Remedied in commit 98f174586.

Dave <barx>
Group Member
Sun 03 Mar 2024 02:58:03 AM UTC, comment #5: 

comment #4:

> comment #3:
> > A) The hyphenation mode itself is already a property of the
> > environment.
> True, but this to me doesn't argue either for or against having the default also be per-environment.  (The .hy default before this change was global despite the hyphenation mode being per-environment.)

I think an idiom commonly seen in man pages, but which never* worked does the arguing.

When processing input like this,
and we temporarily shut off automatic hyphenation,
the foregoing request does not do exactly what we expect.

(In fact this is the example I put in the NEWS entry.)

  • "Never".  You might get lucky and words wouldn't be wrongly hyphenated afterward, depending on the breaks (literally)--a roll of the dice.

> > C) Having the hyphenation mode default also be per-environment
> > means that you can invoke `hy` without arguments in any given
> > environment and it will "do the right thing".
> This seems situational.  Since new environments can be created on the fly, if one creates an environment to, say, handle a footnote region, and calls argumentless ".hy" in that environment, it seems like the "right thing" is to use the hydefault set for the rest of the document, and the less right thing (which this request was specifically designed to avoid) is to set it to 1.

Yes, but that's a weirdness of the default environment having all of the formatter's stock parameters no matter how early and how extensively they're customized for environment 0.  There are many other such weirdnesses, which is why `evc 0` is commonly seen in groff macro packages.

> (Side note: comment #0 here mentions that hydefault defaults to 1, but the Texinfo manual does not.)

I'm not sure how prominently it's worth documenting, given that the stock troffrc loads "en.tmac" which sets the hyphenation mode default to 4 (or 6), and other localization macro packages work similarly.

> The multiple-language use case is compelling.  However, since the new knob exists at all as a safety net for those who don't read the documentation closely enough to know that .hy doesn't work like other requests, I wonder if there's a case to be made for making it work best for those doing simple things, and assuming advanced users have done their homework.

That's what my approach attempts to do, without complicating the formatter with respect to its default hyphenation mode...default.

G. Branden Robinson <gbranden>
Group administrator
Sun 03 Mar 2024 02:16:47 AM UTC, comment #4: 

comment #3:

> A) The hyphenation mode itself is already a property of the
> environment.

True, but this to me doesn't argue either for or against having the default also be per-environment.  (The .hy default before this change was global despite the hyphenation mode being per-environment.)

> B) Different environments might be used for setting text in
> different languages.

That's a valid point.

> C) Having the hyphenation mode default also be per-environment
> means that you can invoke `hy` without arguments in any given
> environment and it will "do the right thing".

This seems situational.  Since new environments can be created on the fly, if one creates an environment to, say, handle a footnote region, and calls argumentless ".hy" in that environment, it seems like the "right thing" is to use the hydefault set for the rest of the document, and the less right thing (which this request was specifically designed to avoid) is to set it to 1.

(Side note: comment #0 here mentions that hydefault defaults to 1, but the Texinfo manual does not.)

The multiple-language use case is compelling.  However, since the new knob exists at all as a safety net for those who don't read the documentation closely enough to know that .hy doesn't work like other requests, I wonder if there's a case to be made for making it work best for those doing simple things, and assuming advanced users have done their homework.

Dave <barx>
Group Member
Sun 03 Mar 2024 12:11:33 AM UTC, comment #3: 

comment #2:

> Its intended use would seem to call for making the hydefault value global.  Can you speak to the rationale for making it environment-specific?


A) The hyphenation mode itself is already a property of the environment.  That is, you can have different hyphenation modes in different environments.

B) Different environments might be used for setting text in different languages.

C) Having the hyphenation mode default also be per-environment means that you can invoke `hy` without arguments in any given environment and it will "do the right thing".

Does this shed light on the matter?

G. Branden Robinson <gbranden>
Group administrator
Sat 02 Mar 2024 09:47:48 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Its intended use would seem to call for making the hydefault value global.  Can you speak to the rationale for making it environment-specific?

Dave <barx>
Group Member
Sat 02 Mar 2024 06:26:23 AM UTC, comment #1: 

commit 62718e09cd435632b6d05b751205fa24fc88e79f
Author: G. Branden Robinson <g.branden.robinson@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 1 23:42:20 2024 -0600

    [troff]: Document new `hydefault` feature.

    * NEWS:
    * doc/groff.texi.in:
    * man/groff.7.man:
    * man/groff_diff.7.man: Do it.

    Fixes <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?63635>.

commit ac229b0e9a6bf99b7c45a497b73bc6e7a06d2d69
Author: G. Branden Robinson <g.branden.robinson@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 1 22:36:36 2024 -0600

    [tmac]: Migrate localization pkgs to `hydefault`.

    [tmac]: Migrate localization packages to `hydefault` request.

    * tmac/cs.tmac:
    * tmac/de.tmac:
    * tmac/en.tmac:
    * tmac/es.tmac:
    * tmac/fr.tmac:
    * tmac/it.tmac:
    * tmac/ru.tmac:
    * tmac/sv.tmac: Set the hyphenation mode default appropriately per the
      hyphenation patterns and the value of the trap-awareness bit.

    * tmac/ja.tmac:
    * tmac/zh.tmac: Set the hyphenation mode default to zero.

commit 965de3c1a3d4417b05a15b1d0bdedb75d362123d
Author: G. Branden Robinson <g.branden.robinson@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 1 22:23:31 2024 -0600

    [troff]: `.hy` selects default hyphenation mode.

    * src/roff/troff/env.cpp (hyphenate_request): If given no argument, set
      hyphenation mode to the configured default.

commit dc39883e9fb9a3972a7f2d11bac297ad30bb0b6a
Author: G. Branden Robinson <g.branden.robinson@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 1 22:13:59 2024 -0600

    [troff]: Add new `hydefault` request.

    * src/roff/troff/env.cpp (set_hyphenation_mode_default): New function
      sets the environment's default hyphenation mode.

      (init_env_requests): Wire up `hydefault` to foregoing function.

    * src/roff/troff/env.h (class environment): Declare foregoing function
      as a friend, permitting mutator access.

commit 04c737951b9b232f06598ca8586c35bc898fe42d
Author: G. Branden Robinson <g.branden.robinson@gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 1 21:26:54 2024 -0600

    [troff]: Add `.hydefault` read-only register.

    ...storing the environment's default hyphenation mode.

    * src/roff/troff/env.h (class environment): Add private member variable
      `hyphenation_mode_default` and declare public member function
      (accessor) `get_hyphenation_mode_default`.

    * src/roff/troff/env.cpp (environment::get_hyphenation_mode): Implement.

      (environment::environment): Initialize new member variable in ordinary
      and copy constructors.

      (environment::copy): Copy new member variable.

      (environment::print_env): Report environment's hyphenation mode

      (init_env_requests): Wire up hyphenation mode default value to
      `.hydefault` troff register.

      (class hyphenation_default_mode_reg): Add class.

      (hyphenation_default_mode_reg::get_string): Implement.

G. Branden Robinson <gbranden>
Group administrator
Mon 09 Jan 2023 04:20:38 PM UTC, original submission:  

A comment in tmac/an-ext.tmac says it all.

.\" In AT&T troff, there was no register exposing the hyphenation mode,
.\" and no way to save and restore it.

In man pages, we see people fiddle with `hy` requests, often seemingly under the assumption that it works like `ft`; that calling it without arguments will restore the previous setting.

But it doesn't, and never has.  `.hy` without an argument means `.hy 1`, which is just about useless for all our hyphenation patterns.

I propose to add a (writable) internal register, `hydefault`, to house that value that an argumentless `hy` request will set.

Its default value (in the formatter) would be `1`, retaining 50 years of AT&T troff compatibility.

However, in groff's localization files, this register would be updated to something sensible for the locale.

G. Branden Robinson <gbranden>
Group administrator


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    2024-03-02 gbranden Dependencies- Depends on bugs #65099
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    2023-01-09 gbranden Severity3 - Normal 1 - Wish

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