bugGNU roff - Bugs: bug #63590, [pdfmark] some spelling mistakes...


bug #63590: [pdfmark] some spelling mistakes found with "codespell"

Submitter:  Bjarni Ingi Gislason <bjarniig>
Submitted:  Thu 29 Dec 2022 09:46:56 PM UTC
Category:  Macro package - others/general Severity:  2 - Minor
Item Group:  Lint Status:  Invalid
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  gbranden
Open/Closed:  Closed Planned Release:  None
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Fri 15 Nov 2024 10:30:16 PM UTC, comment #4: 

pdfmark is no longer distributed with groff.

Closing as invalid.

G. Branden Robinson <gbranden>
Group administrator
Wed 22 Feb 2023 08:00:53 AM UTC, comment #3: 

Per bug #63827, pdfmark will be departing the groff tree; comment #2 here points to its new home.

Dave <barx>
Group Member
Sun 01 Jan 2023 11:24:54 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Thanks for flagging these typos; I committed https://osdn.net/users/keith/pf/groff-pdfmark/scm/commits/c0904b57e9b63b369e627d45a067ce97b289d777 to my master repo, (and this is as far as I will pursue the matter).

I am rejecting any suggestion that "co-ordinate" is misspelled; it is completely correct, according to my 1960's UK grammar school education, and confirmed by my 1979 printing of the 6th edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary of English.

Furthermore, I would point out that the "connot" reference, although misspelled, is actually correct in the ChangeLog context in which it appears, and the misspelled "enviroment" reference is not my typo.  In any case, since I no longer maintain a free-standing ChangeLog file, (having deprecated it in favour of the mercurial commit log), I will be taking no associated corrective action.

Keith Marshall <keithmarshall>
Group Member
Thu 29 Dec 2022 10:05:38 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I'm rescoping this ticket to just its pdfmark components and reassigning to Keith Marshall for him to deal with at his discretion.

Bjarni, please file another ticket just for the mom items.

The chem, glilypond, hdtbl, and mm items I have already redrawn within the scope of bug #63589.

Finally, I'm rejecting one part of this report.

rfc1345/rfc1345.tmac:310: LAMDA ==> LAMBDA
rfc1345/rfc1345.tmac:341: LAMDA ==> LAMBDA

"LAMDA" is actually how Unicode spells these character names.

See https://superuser.com/questions/1388771/why-is-%CE%BB-called-lamda-instead-of-lambda-in-unicode for background.

G. Branden Robinson <gbranden>
Group administrator
Thu 29 Dec 2022 09:46:56 PM UTC, original submission:  

Subject: "contrib": Some spelling mistakes found with "codespell"

Directory contrib:

chem/chem.am:63: strangly ==> strangely, strange, strangle
chem/chem.pl:387: pass-thru ==> pass-through, pass through, passthrough

glilypond/glilypond.pl:325: createdd ==> created
glilypond/glilypond.pl:600: noral ==> normal, moral
glilypond/glilypond.pl:829: wether ==> weather, whether
glilypond/glilypond.pl:1244: splitted ==> split
glilypond/glilypond.pl:1870: directrory ==> directory
glilypond/README.txt:31: informations ==> information

hdtbl/groff_hdtbl.7.man:264: ouput ==> output
hdtbl/groff_hdtbl.7.man:1019: familiy ==> family

mm/m.tmac:3005: strored ==> stored
mm/ChangeLog:906: noone ==> no one
mm/ChangeLog:972: spurrious ==> spurious
mm/ChangeLog:997: errror ==> error
mm/ChangeLog:1122: wich ==> which
mm/ChangeLog:1159: adn ==> and
mm/ChangeLog:1227: wich ==> which

mom/BUGS:288: defered ==> deferred
mom/BUGS:404: accomodate ==> accommodate
mom/BUGS:802: occured ==> occurred
mom/ChangeLog:106: buliding ==> building
mom/ChangeLog:311: enviroment ==> environment
mom/ChangeLog:329: analagous ==> analogous
mom/ChangeLog:933: leaded ==> led, lead
mom/ChangeLog:1044: Addtion ==> Addition
mom/ChangeLog:1058: unusal ==> unusual
mom/ChangeLog:1335: defered ==> deferred
mom/ChangeLog:1659: poperly ==> properly, property
mom/NEWS:17: defered ==> deferred
mom/NEWS:187: prefered ==> preferred
mom/NEWS:263: formattting ==> formatting
mom/NEWS:289: leaded ==> led, lead
mom/examples/typesetting.mom:442: foward ==> forward
mom/momdoc/appendices.html:305: Exteneded ==> Extended
mom/momdoc/color.html:224: CYMK ==> CMYK
mom/momdoc/docelement.html:2721: pre-pended ==> prepended
mom/momdoc/docelement.html:3319: postion ==> position
mom/momdoc/images.html:1412: AJUST ==> ADJUST
mom/momdoc/intro.html:318: conjuction ==> conjunction
mom/momdoc/reserved.html:229: cirlce ==> circle
mom/momdoc/reserved.html:1083: definining ==> defining
mom/momdoc/reserved.html:1085: definining ==> defining
mom/momdoc/version-2.html:365: bacground ==> background

pdfmark/ChangeLog:215: connot ==> cannot
pdfmark/ChangeLog:317: enviroment ==> environment
pdfmark/pdfmark.ms:234: assocated ==> associated
pdfmark/pdfmark.ms:522: ouput ==> output
pdfmark/pdfmark.ms:824: analagous ==> analogous
pdfmark/pdfmark.ms:1172: preceed ==> precede, proceed
pdfmark/pdfmark.ms:2773: accomodate ==> accommodate
pdfmark/pdfmark.tmac:838: co-ordinates ==> coordinates
pdfmark/pdfmark.tmac:839: co-ordinates ==> coordinates
pdfmark/pdfmark.tmac:843: co-ordinate ==> coordinate
pdfmark/pdfmark.tmac:852: co-ordinate ==> coordinate
pdfmark/pdfmark.tmac:1514: co-ordinate ==> coordinate
pdfmark/pdfmark.tmac:1516: co-ordinate ==> coordinate
pdfmark/pdfmark.tmac:1542: co-ordinate ==> coordinate
pdfmark/pdfmark.tmac:1565: co-ordinate ==> coordinate
pdfmark/pdfmark.tmac:1619: co-ordinates ==> coordinates

rfc1345/rfc1345.tmac:310: LAMDA ==> LAMBDA
rfc1345/rfc1345.tmac:341: LAMDA ==> LAMBDA

Bjarni Ingi Gislason <bjarniig>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

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    Follow 8 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2024-11-15 gbranden Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2024-11-15 gbranden Assigned toNone gbranden
    2024-11-15 gbranden StatusNone Invalid
    2023-01-01 keithmarshall Assigned tokeithmarshall None
    2022-12-29 gbranden CategoryGeneral Macro package - others/general
        Severity3 - Normal 2 - Minor
        Assigned toNone keithmarshall
        Summary&quot;contrib&quot;: Some spelling mistakes found with &quot;codespell&quot; [pdfmark] some spelling mistakes found with "codespell"

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