bugGNU TeXmacs - Bugs: bug #60864, aligned environments with...


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bug #60864: aligned environments with alignment specifier does not get imported from latex correctly

Submitter:  Gennady Uraltsev <guraltsev>
Submitted:  Wed 30 Jun 2021 10:12:30 PM UTC
Category:  Conversion Priority:  5 - Normal
Item Group:  Error Status:  Confirmed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  vdhoeven
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  None Release:  2.1
Fixed Release:  None Fixed Release: 

Thu 01 Jul 2021 10:58:06 AM UTC, comment #1: 

There are two issues here: the first is the fact that the \align tag in TeXmacs insert a block content and not an inline one, so we go to the line without reason. I'm not sure why is the case, it seems to me that the \equations-base tag go into block mode. A priori this should be correctable.

Provided we fix this we will have to enhance the conversions to take the vertical alignment option [t] into account.

Joris, suggestions/remarks?

Massimiliano Gubinelli <mgubi>
Group administrator
Wed 30 Jun 2021 10:12:30 PM UTC, original submission:  

When trying to import valid latex math:

& 1
\\ & + 2
\\ & + 3
\\ & + 4
\\ & + 5

the importer gets confused by the alignment indicator [t] and produces complete gibberish in TeXmacs.

Removing [t] fixes everything but this is not quite what one wants.



Gennady Uraltsev <guraltsev>


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    2021-07-01 mgubi StatusNone Confirmed
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    2021-06-30 guraltsev Carbon-Copy- Added -email is unavailable-

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