bugGNU nano - Bugs: bug #57851, when softwrapping, nano can...


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bug #57851: when softwrapping, nano can sometimes scroll half a screen

Submitter:  Benno Schulenberg <bens>
Submitted:  Tue 18 Feb 2020 02:25:14 PM UTC
Severity:  2 - Minor Status:  Fixed
Assigned to:  bens Open/Closed:  Closed

Tue 18 Feb 2020 03:28:40 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Fixed in git, commit 60ae71bf.

Benno Schulenberg <bens>
Group administrator
Tue 18 Feb 2020 02:25:14 PM UTC, original submission:  

To reproduce, run on an 80-column terminal:

src/nano --ignore --soft --at --line  +90,440  doc/faq.html

Then type <Alt+Up> until the cursor is on the bottom row of the edit window.  Then type: x.  See that the screen scrolls half a screen to get the cursor back on screen, even though smooth scrolling is in effect (the default) and scrolling just one row would been enough.

Expected behavior: also when typing text in softwrap mode, the screen should scroll the minimum amount possible to keep the cursor onscreen.

Benno Schulenberg <bens>
Group administrator


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    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2020-03-25 bens Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2020-02-18 bens StatusIn progress Fixed

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