bugGNU CSSC - Bugs: bug #57240, new error handling causes non-zero...


bug #57240: new error handling causes non-zero exit statuses even for warnings

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 15 Nov 2019 07:44:51 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Sat 16 Nov 2019 07:44:43 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I suspect the difference might be in when or how the 'i' flag is enforced.

Heirloom SCCS gives a solid error when trying to extract a version which does not have ID keywords, as does CSSC.

However CSSC seems to do so for any version.

The older version 1.4.0 was giving spurious (about 1-5% of runs) errors, but for failing to unlink the file "-" (which "get -p" probably shouldn't have created in the first place.

I really don't understand, and never did, why "get" enforces the 'i' flag.  The flag can be added to a file after many non-conforming revisions are already present, and from that point forward those old revisions are irretrievable.  I can find no rational whatsoever anywhere for this behaviour, and never could.

Greg A. Woods <robohack>
Fri 15 Nov 2019 07:44:51 AM UTC, original submission:  

It seems as if new error handling code now caused CSSC commands to exit with a non-zero status even for warnings.

E.g. `get` will exit with an exit status of 1 whenever it extracts a file without keywords and gives a "No id keywords" warning:

$ /work/woods/g-cssc/build-x64-netbsd/src/get -p -s -a1 usr.sbin/sendmail/src/SCCS/s.main.c > /dev/null
/work/woods/g-cssc/build-x64-netbsd/src/get: warning: usr.sbin/sendmail/src/SCCS/s.main.c: No id keywords
$ echo $?

This is new, and very undesirable, behaviour from how 1.4.0 behaved.

Interestingly neither Heirloom SCCS nor Schily SCCS even bother with the warning for this particular file:

$ /usr/local/heirloom-ccs/bin/get  -p -s -a1 usr.sbin/sendmail/src/SCCS/s.main.c > /dev/null
$ echo $?
$ /usr/local/ccs/bin/get  -p -s -a1 usr.sbin/sendmail/src/SCCS/s.main.c > /dev/null
$ echo $?



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