bugGNU nano - Bugs: bug #56119, option --nowrap no longer disables...


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bug #56119: option --nowrap no longer disables hard-wrapping of long lines

Submitter:  Seb <seb5903>
Submitted:  Thu 11 Apr 2019 03:12:18 PM UTC
Severity:  4 - Important Status:  Fixed
Assigned to:  bens Open/Closed:  Closed

Fri 12 Apr 2019 08:50:08 AM UTC, comment #5: 

Fixed in git, commit 167a8e5c.

Thanks for confirming, and for permission.  Name has been included in the commit.

Benno Schulenberg <bens>
Group administrator
Thu 11 Apr 2019 07:13:35 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Hi Benno,

Thanks for fixing this quickly!
I confirm that the patch works.
Regarding the Reported-by tag, I do not mind either way so I suggest you do as usual or what's most convenient for the project.


Seb <seb5903>
Thu 11 Apr 2019 06:55:36 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Proposed patch is attached.  It makes --nowrap override (of course) both "set breaklonglines" and "unset nowrap".

(file #46751)

Benno Schulenberg <bens>
Group administrator
Thu 11 Apr 2019 06:24:37 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I have it fixed locally.  Can I use your full name plus email address in a Reported-by tag?  Or should I leave out the tag?

Benno Schulenberg <bens>
Group administrator
Thu 11 Apr 2019 04:56:32 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Ouch.  Confirmed.  When having "unset nowrap" in one's nanorc, the --nowrap option will not override this.  Thanks for reporting.

Benno Schulenberg <bens>
Group administrator
Thu 11 Apr 2019 03:12:18 PM UTC, original submission:  

If I download the current nano-4.0.tar.xz and call
    ./configure && make && src/nano -w
long lines are wrapped in spite of the switch.
The switch appears to do nothing.

Seb <seb5903>


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  • -email is unavailable- added by bens (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by seb5903 (Submitted the item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by seb5903

    There are 0 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.


    Follow 8 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2019-04-16 bens Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2019-04-12 bens StatusIn progress Fixed
        SummaryOption -w no longer disables hard-wrapping of long lines option --nowrap no longer disables hard-wrapping of long lines
    2019-04-11 bens Attached File- Added 0001-options-make-nowrap-override-again-a-contrary-nanorc.patch, #46751
    2019-04-11 bens StatusNone In progress
    2019-04-11 bens Severity3 - Normal 4 - Important
        Assigned toNone bens
    2019-04-11 seb5903 Carbon-Copy- Added -email is unavailable-

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