bugFree UCS Outline Fonts - Bugs: bug #53946, Find Problems -> ATT warnings...


bug #53946: Find Problems -> ATT warnings -- when to take them seriously

Submitter:  Steve White <Stevan_White>
Submitted:  Sun 20 May 2018 01:17:26 PM UTC
Category:  compilation Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  installation Status:  Need info
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  Stevan_White
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  * development
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Sun 20 May 2018 01:17:26 PM UTC, original submission:  

For posterity:

The FontForge menu "Find Problems" -> ATT -> "Check for missing scripts in features" has been very useful, but for some constructs in the current fonts, I have my doubts that it giving helpful results.

Furthermore, I have there versions installed: a build based on Feb-11-2011, the distro based on 31-Jul-2012, and a fairly recent pull dated 11-Mar-2018 --- they seem to produce different lists of problems.  Notably the newest version shows identical text for many different problems -- this is just a bug.

The worst have to do with Indic scripts.  One is with the shared 'danda' characters -- I mentioned this in a separate bug report.

The other kind has to do with supporting two different script versions for a language within the font, e.g. 'deva' and 'dev2'.  Different lookups have to be activated to in the different scripts.  Some lookups (e.g. the 'cjct' feature) are available only in one script for the language, and not the other.

But it seems (something) like, if either script is left off the description for the feature, the Find Problems dialog complains.  Sometimes a hundred times, with no way to break out except to click "Skip" or "Ignore".  (That's a separate UI problem.)

Unfortunately, this renders the Find Problems command for ATT very difficult to use.  (I have tried to reach this functionality via the scripting interface, but I can't find it.  I haven't tried with the newer versions.)

So I'm left in the position of having to make a judgment for each warning, of which there are on the order of a hundred in some faces.

Currently, warnings I will ignore include
  -- complaint about the danda
warnings that require individual judgment include
  -- complaint about only one of the new/old script pair is listed for a feature.

There may be others.

Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator


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