bugGNU Screen - Bugs: bug #47493, [PATCH] Make delay after child...


bug #47493: [PATCH] Make delay after child program terminates configurable

Submitter:  Mark Schreiber <mark7b>
Submitted:  Tue 22 Mar 2016 07:06:07 AM UTC
Category:  Program Logic Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  * 5 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  amade
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  None
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
Work Required:  None
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Tue 22 Mar 2016 07:06:07 AM UTC, original submission:  

The patch for Bug #27061 introduced a ten second delay after a child program running in a window terminated -- this was to address a race between SIGCHLD and any output written by that program being delivered.

That behavior makes sense if the process group is expected to be empty after the child terminates.  However, some users, like myself, do things like run a bash process in a screen window and have that bash process run processes nohup in the background.  With the ten second delay, this causes each screen window to linger for ten seconds when one tries closing it -- annoying, to say the least.

I don't think that there is a fantastic way to resolve this; Linux's documentation states that a delay may legitimately exist:


Data flow between master and slave is handled asynchronously, much like data flow with a physical terminal.  Data written to the slave will be available at the master promptly, but may not be available immediately. Similarly, there may be a small processing delay between a write to the master, and the effect being visible at the slave.


I'm perfectly fine with some output potentially not showing up at the end (the window is dying anyway); however, a ten second delay is a problem for me.

A patch is attached to make the delay configurable.

Mark Schreiber <mark7b>


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Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #36719:  childdelay.diff added by mark7b (3KiB - text/x-patch)


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  • -email is unavailable- added by amade (Updated the item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by mark7b (Submitted the item)

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    Follow 3 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2016-03-26 gedge Carbon-Copy- Added gedge
    2016-03-24 amade Assigned toNone amade
    2016-03-22 mark7b Attached File- Added childdelay.diff, #36719

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