bugFree UCS Outline Fonts - Bugs: bug #46508, Alternate shapes for Pinyin


bug #46508: Alternate shapes for Pinyin

Submitter:  Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>
Submitted:  Tue 24 Nov 2015 12:40:57 AM UTC
Category:  individual character(s) Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  bulk text appearance poor Status:  Need info
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  Stevan_White
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  * development
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Sun 06 Dec 2015 04:44:17 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Hello Steve,

The download link I provided was uploaded by myself, because I was failed to uploaded it into Savannah, so I uploaded into an online storage to share. Sorry for the inconvenience caused by myself.

I have also got the official scheme (汉语拼音方案 Hanyu Pinyin Fang’an) from several official sources, you can see there is special printing style for Pinyin, many textbooks and dictionary published from PR China are identical to this scheme in their Pinyin transcription, and I can promise my proposal is also identical to this scheme.

http://www.moe.gov.cn/s78/A19/yxs_left/moe_810/s230/195802/t19580201_186000.html (a PDF document available)


Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>
Sat 05 Dec 2015 09:52:25 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Hello Hsing-yen,

The download link you provided results in a bunch of offensive advertizements.  I don't think it ever downloaded what you meant to share.

What you describe sounds like a "different font face".  There are different traditions for the letters a and g.

In any case, please provide images of printed text, so we can all know what is being discussed, before we consider what to do about it.


Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Tue 24 Nov 2015 12:40:57 AM UTC, original submission:  

Hi Steve,

Despite many exsisted characters can be used for Pinyin transcription, some of them looks different in many textbooks and dictionary published from PR China. These differences performanced as follows:

1) a looks like Latin Alpha, g also printed as script styls.
2) tone 2 mark looks like Acute but is reversed, the handwriting is the same.

So I made a proposal that can be ganareting these alternates.


Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

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