bugGNU Wget - Bugs: bug #44966, wget -nv is too verbose, -q too...


bug #44966: wget -nv is too verbose, -q too quiet

Submitter:  jidanni
Submitted:  Thu 30 Apr 2015 04:06:07 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  trunk Operating System:  None
Reproducibility:  None Fixed Release:  None
Planned Release:  None Regression:  None
Work Required:  None Patch Included:  None
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Thu 30 Apr 2015 10:45:31 AM UTC, comment #3: 

1. For heavens sakes give wget a way to print nothing except error
messages, like most other commands can do.

2. You need a new switch to do this as to not break old scripts.

Thu 30 Apr 2015 06:59:16 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Not really. Sometimes I expect Wget to fail and do not want it's output messing my script up. In other cases, I know how to handle Wget's failures using exit codes and do not want the output to make things ugly.

I usually run wget with -q --show-progress and would hate for errors to clutter up the otherwise perfect screen.

Also, the -q switch should really be "quiet". We do not want to print anything at all if it can be avoided to the screen.

The -nv switch is think is already that sweet spot between verbose and quiet. It will print only error messages and a success message for each file it downloads.

In my opinion, we should not change / add any more verbosity options.

Darshit Shah <darnir>
Group administrator
Thu 30 Apr 2015 06:51:03 AM UTC, comment #1: 

For me, it makes perfect sense to make -q to be quiet unless an error happens, rather than adding an extra command line switch. When things screw up (and specially if you're running wget in a script) you want wget to fail noisily, instead of shutting up. What do you think?

In the meanwhile, if your only purpose is to tell whether Wget has succeeded, you can probe the return value (remember to shift 8 bits left on POSIX).

Ander Juaristi <ajuaristi>
Thu 30 Apr 2015 04:06:07 AM UTC, original submission:  

Could you please add an output mode where only errors are printed?

See http://marc.info/?l=wget&m=107407115608086
GNU Wget 1.16.3



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