bugFree UCS Outline Fonts - Bugs: bug #44675, Min Chinese romanizations: several...


bug #44675: Min Chinese romanizations: several diacritical marks posotions incorrect

Submitter:  Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>
Submitted:  Tue 31 Mar 2015 11:20:38 AM UTC
Category:  individual character(s) Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  letter positioning poor Status:  Duplicate
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  Stevan_White
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  * development
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Sun 02 Aug 2015 05:36:46 AM UTC, comment #14: 

There is a small problem for some letters with two macrons. For example, when you compare Ū̄ and Ṳ̄̄ in FreeSerif Bold Italic, you will see different alignment, I feel the next one is set an good example to other letters with two macrons.

Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>
Thu 21 May 2015 07:07:09 AM UTC, comment #13: 

I don't know what MediaWiki people would know about it.
The kerning happens on the local system (your computer) not elsewhere.

Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Thu 21 May 2015 04:39:04 AM UTC, comment #12: 

Well, I don't know why they are being pre-composed as bug #44480 mentioned, it's batter asking MediaWiki developers for help.

Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>
Wed 20 May 2015 03:11:09 PM UTC, comment #11: 

Yes, I put anchors on more pre-composed characters.

I wish I knew why they are being pre-composed.

Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Wed 20 May 2015 03:00:32 AM UTC, comment #10: 

Oh well, I got newer revision to test for comment #9, both of them were fixed.

Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>
Fri 15 May 2015 01:54:51 AM UTC, comment #9: 

Hi Steve,

I found a problem again when I open this page, the diaeresis below looks positioned incorrect with Ǎ and Ǒ.

Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>
Tue 14 Apr 2015 06:20:50 AM UTC, comment #8: 

Thanks. I have accessed Minbei and Puxian Min Wikipedia test wiki from here, they are all used ṳ for romanized texts, then I found Minbei Wikipedia have a link to provide an input method for Jian'ou Romanization, which can input U+1E73 directly.

Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>
Mon 13 Apr 2015 06:41:18 PM UTC, comment #7: 

I see. I had somehow missed the point that positioning accents over the u with dieresis below was the problem.

Note that you are using the letter U+1E73 (u with dieresis below) dierectly.  I would expect that usually people would use the combination:


But anyway.  It's fixed now.

Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Mon 13 Apr 2015 03:28:30 PM UTC, comment #6: 

Hi Steve,

I have tested again as attachments mentioned, found i̍ (only in italic types), ṳ̀, ṳ́, ṳ̂, ṳ̄, ṳ̆, ṳ̌, ṳ̍ still incorrect.

Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>
Sun 12 Apr 2015 10:14:49 PM UTC, comment #5: 

Hi Hsing-yen,

Most of these positioning issues should be resolved now.

Regarding the double-macron, I still recommend that you consider a proposal to Unicode.  The case looks pretty clear to me.


Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Sat 04 Apr 2015 10:55:05 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Hi Steve,

I understand it, thanks.

Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>
Sat 04 Apr 2015 08:20:03 AM UTC, comment #3: 

Hello Hsing-yen,

As I said, I have worked on all this.  I have not recently committed my changes.  You will not yet see the work I have done on my local system.  I'll let you know when I commit the changes and build a snapshot.

Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Sat 04 Apr 2015 06:36:56 AM UTC, comment #2: 


I have tested with BabelPad again, when I switch into italic and bold italic typeface, they looks still exist. In order to prove my mention, I have copied several special characters from Minbei and https://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wp/cpx/ Pu-hsien Min] Wikipedia test wiki in the Wikimedia Incubator to test, all of them can be found in their talk page for Main Page.

(file #33528)

Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>
Wed 01 Apr 2015 06:54:10 PM UTC, comment #1: 


Most of this was already addresssed in
    bug #44480: Bàng-uâ-cê letter issue
which I have worked on already.

On my local copy of the font, everything looks good, except the use of the "double overline" for a double-macron.

As I said before, this looks like incorrect use of the character.  We need another solution.  I would be willing to help with a proposal to the Unicode consortium.

The only other alternative I can think of, is to use two macrons.  I could make that work, but it's ugly and also wrong.


Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Tue 31 Mar 2015 11:20:38 AM UTC, original submission:  

Hi Steve,

I copied several texts written in Min Chinese romanizations from Wikisource multilingual, found several diacritical marks posotions incorrect in (bold) italic type:

For Gṳ̿ing-nǎing Lô̤-mǎ-cī
I copied several texts from Cho̤̿ng Si̿ Gi̿ (Book of Genesis) and Mǎ-tuo̿i Hŭ-éng (Gospel of Matthew) for test, found combining caron, combining breve, combining acute accent, combining diaeresis below positioned incorrect.

For Hing-hua̍ báⁿ-uā-ci̍
This also have similar sequences above, then combining vertical line above, combining acute accent (especially for ṳ, Cho̤̍ng-sa̤-gi̍ (Book of Genesis), 1:21) also have this problem.

Additionally, when I switched them into all caps style, these sequences also appeared, and ṳ̌ (found in Wikimedia Incubator) in regular type looks the same. Maybe they are also appeared in small capical type.

Hsing-yen He <hammerandsickle>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #33529:  Screenshots 2.zip added by hammerandsickle (214KiB - application/zip)
file #33528:  Screenshots.zip added by hammerandsickle (222KiB - application/zip)


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  • -email is unavailable- added by Stevan_White (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by hammerandsickle (Submitted the item)

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    Follow 5 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2015-04-04 hammerandsickle Attached File- Added Screenshots 2.zip, #33529
    2015-04-04 hammerandsickle Attached File- Added Screenshots.zip, #33528
    2015-04-01 Stevan_White Categoryoverall font problem individual character(s)
        StatusNone Duplicate
        Assigned toNone Stevan_White

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