bugGNU TeXmacs - Bugs: bug #38386, detecting maxima does not timeout...


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bug #38386: detecting maxima does not timeout and may freeze Texmacs at startup

Submitter:  toutatis <toutatis>
Submitted:  Sat 23 Feb 2013 01:18:03 PM UTC
Category:  Plugins Priority:  5 - Normal
Item Group:  Error Status:  Postponed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  vdhoeven
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  None Release: 
Fixed Release:  None Fixed Release: 

Jump to the original submission

Fri 23 Jun 2017 06:06:24 PM UTC, comment #10: 

I do not think that I did anything to fix this issue yet.

Joris van der Hoeven <vdhoeven>
Group administrator
Mon 25 Feb 2013 10:11:56 AM UTC, comment #9: 

Yes, I think we should prevent this situation by putting some timeout in maxima_detect (and maybe elsewhere) and just assume that the program is not installed if the timeout is reached. Let us keep the bug open to remember us the issue.

Thanks for the feedback.

Massimiliano Gubinelli <mgubi>
Group administrator
Mon 25 Feb 2013 10:09:42 AM UTC, comment #8: 

Yes I think that the problem came from maxima.
I tried to run it and it failed with the error message:
"fatal error can't load .core for different runtime, sorry"

I found that the problem is known (see http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.mathematics.maxima.general/30783) and comes from the fact that maxima must be recompiled when a new version of sbcl is installed: "It seems to need the exact same sbcl at runtime than what was used to build, even if it is the same version".
So I recompiled maxima. And now maxima and texmacs work together.
Anyway, I did not want to use texmacs with maxima.

toutatis <toutatis>
Mon 25 Feb 2013 08:26:29 AM UTC, comment #7: 

Yes, I remarked in one of your previous comments that you wrote

And the following new processes are
32662 pts/0 00:00:02 texmacs.bin
32722 pts/0 00:00:00 sh
32723 pts/0 00:00:00 maxima_detect
32726 pts/0 00:00:00 sbcl
32727 pts/0 00:00:00 grep
32728 pts/0 00:00:00 sed

so it seems that the program blocks while trying to detect maxima installation. sbcl is running, so apparently it found maxima and try to run some script in it (maybe to check the versions?)

Do you confirm that is the maxima installation that is broken on your system, or can you run maxima standalone without problems?


Massimiliano Gubinelli <mgubi>
Group administrator
Mon 25 Feb 2013 08:17:00 AM UTC, comment #6: 


For the filesystem layout, I use "spill" (http://www.rpcurnow.force9.co.uk/spill/) whch creates symbolic links between files in "/app/Texmacs/" to "/usr/local".
Anyway I tried to install directly in "/usr/local", without using the option "--prefix", and it freezes similarly.

But I found that it works if I suppress maxima (also with "spill").
So without maxima installed, Texmacs works.

toutatis <toutatis>
Sun 24 Feb 2013 06:52:03 PM UTC, comment #5: 

OK, Thanks.

So it seems you have a non-standard file system layout. Is this the usual slackware layout or is it a custom setup of your own? In principle this should not be a problem if the PATH is set correctly. However it could be that some part in Texmacs, in the plugins, or the install script is assuming a more standard linux file system layout...

You say it used to work with version Was it in exactly the same setup? Could you revert to that version to check if it still working (that would significantly narrow down on the problem)?

Next: What about this searching for maxima? Have you installed maxima? Have you set maxima as scripting language (in the preferences)? AFAIK this maxima_detect process should never be running with the default settings (say, if you start texmacs with no ~/.TeXmacs folder). Can you check that?


Philippe Joyez <pjoyez>
Group Member
Sun 24 Feb 2013 02:39:34 PM UTC, comment #4: 

I dit not use svn, but version, from TeXmacs-, that I did compile without a problem.

"texmacs -debug-all" gives this:

TeXmacs] Installing internal plug-ins...
TeXmacs] Opening display...
TeXmacs] Loading corktounicode
TeXmacs] Loading cork-unicode-oneway
TeXmacs] Loading tmuniversaltounicode
TeXmacs] Loading symbol-unicode-oneway
TeXmacs] Loading symbol-unicode-math
TeXmacs] Starting server...
TeXmacs] Evaluating /app/Texmacs/
TeXmacs] Creating 'no name' buffer...
Create QTMWindow
qt_widget_rep: created a window_widget   id: 0
qt_widget_rep: created a glue_widget     id: 1
qt_widget_rep: created a window_widget   id: 2
as_qwidget: glue_widget  id: 1
qt_tm_widget_rep: sent SLOT_POSITION            to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_tm_widget_rep: sent SLOT_SIZE                to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_tm_widget_rep: sent SLOT_SIZE                to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_tm_widget_rep: sent SLOT_POSITION            to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_window_widget_rep::send SLOT_VISIBILITY
Move QTMWindow TeXmacs: 16, 184
Resize QTMWindow TeXmacs: 800, 600
qt_widget_rep: created a simple_widget   id: 3
TeXmacs] Loading corktounicode
TeXmacs] Loading unicode-cork-oneway
TeXmacs] Loading tmuniversaltounicode
TeXmacs] Loading unicode-symbol-oneway
TeXmacs] Try tfm ecrm10.tfm
TeXmacs] With linked TrueType support
TeXmacs] Loading larm.enc
TeXmacs] Evaluating /app/Texmacs/
qt_tm_widget_rep::write SLOT_SCROLLABLE

>>>>>>>> reapply_sent_slots() for widget: simple_widget  id: 3

<<<<<<<< reapply_sent_slots() for widget: simple_widget  id: 3
~qt_widget_rep: deleted a glue_widget    id: 1
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_IDENTIFIER               to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_window_widget_rep::query SLOT_IDENTIFIER
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 4
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 5
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 6
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 7
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 8
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 9
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 10
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 11
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 12
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 13
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 14
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 15
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 16
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 17
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 18
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 19
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 20
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 21
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 22
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 23
qt_widget_rep: created a horizontal_menu         id: 24
qt_tm_widget_rep::write SLOT_MAIN_MENU
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 25
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 26
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 27
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 28
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 29
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 30
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 31
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 32
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 33
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 34
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 35
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 36
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 37
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 38
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 39
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 40
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 41
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 42
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 43
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 44
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 45
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 46
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 47
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 48
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_separator  id: 49
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 50
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 51
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 52
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 53
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 54
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 55
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 56
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 57
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 58
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 59
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 60
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 61
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 62
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 63
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 64
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 65
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 66
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 67
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 68
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 69
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 70
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 71
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 72
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 73
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 74
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 75
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 76
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 77
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 78
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 79
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 80
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 81
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_separator  id: 82
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 83
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 84
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 85
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 86
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 87
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 88
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 89
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 90
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 91
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 92
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 93
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 94
qt_widget_rep: created a horizontal_menu         id: 95
qt_tm_widget_rep::write SLOT_MAIN_ICONS
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 96
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 97
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 98
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 99
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 100
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 101
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 102
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 103
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 104
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 105
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 106
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 107
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 108
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 109
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 110
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 111
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 112
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 113
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 114
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 115
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 116
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 117
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 118
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 119
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 120
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 121
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 122
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 123
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_separator  id: 124
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 125
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 126
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 127
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 128
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 129
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 130
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 131
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 132
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 133
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 134
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 135
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 136
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 137
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 138
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 139
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 140
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 141
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 142
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 143
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 144
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 145
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 146
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 147
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 148
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_separator  id: 149
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 150
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 151
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 152
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 153
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 154
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 155
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 156
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 157
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 158
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 159
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 160
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 161
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 162
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 163
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 164
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 165
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 166
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 167
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 168
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 169
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 170
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 171
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 172
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 173
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 174
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 175
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 176
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 177
qt_widget_rep: created a horizontal_menu         id: 178
qt_tm_widget_rep::write SLOT_MODE_ICONS
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 179
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 180
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 181
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 182
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 183
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 184
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 185
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 186
qt_widget_rep: created a xpm_widget      id: 187
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 188
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 189
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 190
qt_widget_rep: created a minibar_menu    id: 191
qt_widget_rep: created a glue_widget     id: 192
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 193
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 194
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 195
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 196
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 197
qt_widget_rep: created a pulldown_button         id: 198
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 199
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 200
qt_widget_rep: created a minibar_menu    id: 201
qt_widget_rep: created a glue_widget     id: 202
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 203
qt_widget_rep: created a menu_button     id: 204
qt_widget_rep: created a text_widget     id: 205
qt_widget_rep: created a balloon_widget  id: 206
qt_widget_rep: created a minibar_menu    id: 207
qt_widget_rep: created a horizontal_menu         id: 208
qt_tm_widget_rep::write SLOT_FOCUS_ICONS
qt_widget_rep: created a horizontal_menu         id: 209
qt_tm_widget_rep::write SLOT_USER_ICONS
qt_window_widget_rep::send SLOT_NAME
File: /d1/.TeXmacs/texts/scratch/no_name_1.tm
qt_tm_widget_rep: sent SLOT_FILE                to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
Timing ] Task 'decode tfm' took 0 ms
Timing ] Task 'find font' took 15 ms
Timing ] Task 'initialize plugins' took 447 ms
Timing ] Task 'initialize scheme' took 1031 ms
Timing ] Task 'initialize texmacs' took 204 ms
Timing ] Task 'load file' took 275 ms (15 invocations)
Timing ] Task 'load tex font' took 15 ms
Timing ] Task 'load tt face' took 15 ms
Timing ] Task 'read directory' took 34 ms (22 invocations)
Timing ] Task 'stat' took 553 ms (362 invocations)
TeXmacs] Starting event loop...
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_VISIBLE_PART             to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_view_widget_rep: queried SLOT_VISIBLE_PART           to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_IDENTIFIER               to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_window_widget_rep::query SLOT_IDENTIFIER
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_IDENTIFIER               to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_window_widget_rep::query SLOT_IDENTIFIER
qt_tm_widget_rep: sent SLOT_SCROLLBARS_VISIBILITY               to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_IDENTIFIER               to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_window_widget_rep::query SLOT_IDENTIFIER
Timing ] Task 'typeset' took 37 ms
qt_view_widget_rep: sent SLOT_EXTENTS           to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_VISIBLE_PART             to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_view_widget_rep: queried SLOT_VISIBLE_PART           to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
qt_view_widget_rep: sent SLOT_CURSOR            to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
qt_view_widget_rep: sent SLOT_INVALIDATE_ALL            to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
qt_view_widget_rep: sent SLOT_MOUSE_POINTER             to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_VISIBLE_PART             to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_view_widget_rep: queried SLOT_VISIBLE_PART           to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_IDENTIFIER               to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_window_widget_rep::query SLOT_IDENTIFIER
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_IDENTIFIER               to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_window_widget_rep::query SLOT_IDENTIFIER
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_IDENTIFIER               to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_window_widget_rep::query SLOT_IDENTIFIER
Timing ] Task 'typeset' took 0 ms
qt_view_widget_rep: sent SLOT_EXTENTS           to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_VISIBLE_PART             to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_view_widget_rep: queried SLOT_VISIBLE_PART           to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
qt_view_widget_rep: sent SLOT_CURSOR            to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
Move QTMWindow TeXmacs: 18, 207
FOCUSIN: simple_widget   id: 3
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_VISIBLE_PART             to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_view_widget_rep: queried SLOT_VISIBLE_PART           to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_IDENTIFIER               to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_window_widget_rep::query SLOT_IDENTIFIER
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_IDENTIFIER               to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_window_widget_rep::query SLOT_IDENTIFIER
qt_tm_widget_rep: queried SLOT_IDENTIFIER               to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_window_widget_rep::query SLOT_IDENTIFIER
qt_view_widget_rep: sent SLOT_CURSOR            to widget       simple_widget    id: 3
qt_tm_widget_rep: sent SLOT_LEFT_FOOTER         to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0
qt_tm_widget_rep: sent SLOT_RIGHT_FOOTER                to widget       texmacs_widget   id: 0

toutatis <toutatis>
Sun 24 Feb 2013 01:00:23 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Sorry to insist but it is very important to answer the question: Did you compile texmacs from the svn source? If not (if you are using some package assembled by someone else), you are most likely facing a problem with an unfulfilled dependency, and compiling from the genuine texmacs source should solve the issue. On the other hand if you did compile from the svn source with all default options, then that is a real bug that needs to be investigated.

Also it looks like texmacs is searching for maxima (which is not the default setup). Although it should not, it may be stuck on this.

Can you run "texmacs -debug-all" from the terminal?

Philippe Joyez <pjoyez>
Group Member
Sat 23 Feb 2013 06:17:23 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Thank you for your answer.

Yes I have tried to delete ~/.TeXmacs.
TeXmacs used to run up to version

When I run texmacs from the console the following lines appear

TeXmacs] Loading corktounicode
TeXmacs] Loading cork-unicode-oneway
TeXmacs] Loading tmuniversaltounicode
TeXmacs] Loading symbol-unicode-oneway
TeXmacs] Loading symbol-unicode-math
TeXmacs] Loading corktounicode
TeXmacs] Loading unicode-cork-oneway
TeXmacs] Loading tmuniversaltounicode
TeXmacs] Loading unicode-symbol-oneway
TeXmacs] With linked TrueType support

then the window opens, with all the menus of texmacs, but nothing works. The window has no title.

And the following new processes are
32662 pts/0    00:00:02 texmacs.bin
32722 pts/0    00:00:00 sh
32723 pts/0    00:00:00 maxima_detect
32726 pts/0    00:00:00 sbcl
32727 pts/0    00:00:00 grep
32728 pts/0    00:00:00 sed

toutatis <toutatis>
Sat 23 Feb 2013 03:32:53 PM UTC, comment #1: 


Thank you for taking time to report your problem with TeXmacs. However, you surely realize that likely none of the developpers will be able to investigate that issue in a setup similar to yours. Thus, in order to to be able to help you, we need you to provide contextual information on the problem you are facing:

-Did you compile yourself from the latest svn? Are you using the default options?

-Did it work previously for you in a similar setup?

-If you launch texmacs from the console are there some diagnostic messages shown?

-Have you tryied to clear your ~/.TeXmacs folder? (back it up if you have made some changes to the defaults)


Philippe Joyez <pjoyez>
Group Member
Sat 23 Feb 2013 01:18:03 PM UTC, original submission:  

on slackware64-current

The main windows opens, but it is impossible to do anything, even closing the window does not work.

toutatis <toutatis>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

No files currently attached


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


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  • -email is unavailable- added by vdhoeven (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by mgubi (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by pjoyez (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by toutatis (Submitted the item)

    There are 0 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.


    Follow 5 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2023-10-27 vdhoeven CategoryNone Plugins
    2017-06-23 vdhoeven Item GroupNone Error
        StatusNone Postponed
        Assigned toNone vdhoeven
    2013-02-26 pjoyez SummaryTexmacs freezes at startup detecting maxima does not timeout and may freeze Texmacs at startup

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