buggnubg - Bugs: bug #37729, GNUBG appears to get stuck...


bug #37729: GNUBG appears to get stuck thinking, closing can produce an error or freeze

Submitter:  Michael Petch <mdpetch>
Submitted:  Tue 13 Nov 2012 03:59:01 AM UTC
Originator Name:  Jive Dadson Item Group:  * Crash error
Category:  * Graphical User Interface Release:  * 0.90-devel
Privacy:  Public Operating System:  * Windows 7
Severity:  * 3 - Normal Open/Closed:  Open
Assigned to:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  Confirmed
* Mandatory Fields

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Fri 16 Nov 2012 11:32:13 PM UTC, comment #4: 

When the green bar starts going back and forth all the time, it is always when in tutor-mode. I can wait a very, very long time and it will not stop. I can continue to play with the green bar doing that. But if I try to close the program, it freezes. It will not refresh the display or respond in any way. Must close it from task manager.

Fri 16 Nov 2012 01:09:30 AM UTC, comment #3: 

I've now been able to get it stuck while closin requiring task manager to kill.

However, I still have not seen a case where the computer over thinks a move out of the blue. On Grandmaster (3ply) it can take a bit of time while thinking.

Michael Petch <mdpetch>
Group administrator
Fri 16 Nov 2012 12:35:53 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Part of this issue I can reproduce. At any time the computer is thinking, exiting the application causes unusual behavior (Easier to notice on settings above World Class where plies >= 3). Sometimes it exits with an error right away; sometimes if you are closing the application when the computer was normally thinking the application won't close but the progress (thinking) bar will continue to move then exit with an error; or the progress bar stop when you close the app, and then exits with an error.

What I haven't been able to see (yet) is a case where the computer was thinking for an excessive amount of time on a regular move that would require using the task manager (or close button) to get out of.

When the computer was thinking too long, how long did you wait before trying to exit (with close button and/or task manager)?

Michael Petch <mdpetch>
Group administrator
Thu 15 Nov 2012 11:15:01 PM UTC, comment #1: 

The "stops thinking" part in the title is not correct. When it gets into the mode where it cannot be terminated normally, it is thinking all the time. Or at least the green bar keeps going back and forth continuously. Otherwise the program appears to work.

I have been playing for some time now with tutor-mode off, and it has yet to get into that un-killable state. Assume for now that it only happens in tutor-mode.

Version Version GNU Backgammon 0.90-mingw 20121023. At least one previous version did the same thing.

rc file attached.

(file #26920)

Tue 13 Nov 2012 03:59:01 AM UTC, original submission:  

Posted on rec.games.backgammon:

There's a bug in gnu backgammon that has been around for at least the last two major releases, and it is very annoying. The program gets into a state where it will not exit. (MS Windows.) Click on the X button at the top right, and it just goes catatonic. Have to kill it from the task-manager. It happens if and only if the green bar at the bottom-right that goes back and forth when gnubg is "thinking" gets stuck on "think." I have not been able to discover any pattern. Sometimes it happens right away; Sometimes I play for 20 or 30 minutes before it happens.

I am pretty sure it happened on my previous machine, which was a 32 bit with 2 processors. It is doing this now under Windows 7 x64, service pack 1. Four processors, using all four. I installed a pre-built binary from the official download page. I am using a 2D board. Tutor mode ON. Strength set to Grandmaster 3-ply.

Michael Petch <mdpetch>
Group administrator


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Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #26920:  gnubgautorc added by None (60KiB - application/octet-stream)


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    Follow 4 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2013-06-07 mdpetch StatusNone Confirmed
    2012-11-16 mdpetch SummaryGNUBG appears to get stuck thinking, closing app will produce an error GNUBG appears to get stuck thinking, closing can produce an error or freeze
    2012-11-16 mdpetch SummaryGNUBG freezes (Stops thinking) and will close with an error GNUBG appears to get stuck thinking, closing app will produce an error
    2012-11-15 None Attached File- Added gnubgautorc, #26920

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