GNU GRUB - Bugs: bug #35193, Grub2 doesn't use info in boot...
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bug #35193: Grub2 doesn't use info in boot server packets
Follow 6 latest changes.
Date | Changed by | Updated Field | Previous Value | => | Replaced by |
2019-08-09 | mdhowle | Carbon-Copy | - | Added mdhowle | |
2017-03-05 | phcoder | Planned Release | 2.02 | 2.03+ | |
2017-02-20 | jarell | Carbon-Copy | - | Added jarell | |
2016-03-02 | phcoder | Planned Release | None | 2.02 | |
2013-11-04 | phcoder | Attached File | - | Added pxe.diff, #29537 | |
2011-12-29 | twhitehead | Attached File | - | Added 0001-Include-PXE-info-from-boot-server-too-instead-of-jus.patch, #24711 |
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