bugSather - Bugs: bug #31911, Browser crashes frequently


bug #31911: Browser crashes frequently

Submitter:  Fadi OSMAN <fadi>
Submitted:  Sat 18 Dec 2010 08:00:18 AM UTC
Category:  Extras Severity:  4 - Important
Item Group:  None Status:  Confirmed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  fadi
Open/Closed:  Open
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Sat 18 Dec 2010 08:00:18 AM UTC, original submission:  

Debian 5 (GNU/Linux i686 / kernel 2.6.18)
Sather 1.2.3
gcc 4.3.2
binutils 2.18.1
libdevel 6.8
libgc-dev 6.8
tk 8.4.16
tk-dev 8.4.16

sabrowse sather-1.2.3/Browser/browser.module

Browser ignored  option:-not_a_real_platform
Browser ignored  option:-C_flag
Browser ignored  option:-l$(TCL_LIB_NAME)
Browser ignored  option:-C_flag
Browser ignored  option:-l$(TK_LIB_NAME)
Browser ignored  option:-not_a_real_platform
Browser ignored  option:-C_flag
Browser ignored  option:-I/usr/X11R6/include/X11/
Browser ignored  option:-C_flag
Browser ignored  option:-I/usr/include/tk
Browser ignored  option:-C_flag
Browser ignored  option:-I/usr/include/tcl
Browser ignored  option:-C_flag
Browser ignored  option:-L/usr/X11R6/lib/
Browser ignored  option:-C_flag
Browser ignored  option:-lX11
Browser ignored  option:-I/home/tux/gnu_sather/sather/System/Common
There is no class named MAIN.
There is no type MAIN for main.
Browser error: Void class. Trying to continue.
May crash later:MAIN
signal 11 caught ...


sabrowse sacomp.module works.


Original submission (Jean-Pierre Dussault, 15 Aug 2008):


in order to compile the browser, I had to manually add $SATHER_HOME/System/Platforms/linux/header.h to sather.h in the generated code in sabrowser.code.

Once compiled, the browser crashes most of the times. For instance, it crashes on sabrowser.module, it crashes on all-classes.sa and the error message is always the same, except for the class name that made it crash. The browser works fine on test.sa(in the Browser directory), and on sacomp.module. Unfortunately, it does not work for the project I am developing.

I   work under (K)Ubuntu 8.04.

The error message is always

   May crash later:CLASS_NAME
   ./Sather/browser.sa:837:Attr access of void as.source1

For instance, for all-classes.sa , :

address@hidden:~/import/sather-1.2.3/Browser$ ./sabrowser
Browser ignored option:-I/home/dussault/import/sather-1.2.3/System/Common
all-classes.sa:125:15: There is no class named DEMO_TEXT.
all-classes.sa:126:18: There is no class named DEMO_LISTBOX.
all-classes.sa:127:15: There is no class named DEMO_MENU.
all-classes.sa:128:11: There is no class named DEMO1.
all-classes.sa:129:16: There is no class named PIZZA_MAIN.
all-classes.sa:130:19: There is no class named TK_LISTBOX.
all-classes.sa:131:16: There is no class named TK_MENU.
all-classes.sa:132:22: There is no class named TK_MENUBUTTON.
all-classes.sa:133:17: There is no class named TK_LABEL.
all-classes.sa:134:17: There is no class named TK_ENTRY.
all-classes.sa:135:16: There is no class named TK_TEXT.
all-classes.sa:136:20: There is no class named TK_TOPLEVEL.
all-classes.sa:137:18: There is no class named TK_CANVAS.
all-classes.sa:138:17: There is no class named TK_EVENT.
all-classes.sa:139:21: There is no class named DEMO_RASTER.
all-classes.sa:140:19: There is no class named TK_RASTER.
all-classes.sa:141:20: There is no class named GUI_APP_END.
all-classes.sa:142:17: There is no class named GUI_UTIL.
all-classes.sa:144:14: There is no class named STORE.
all-classes.sa:145:16: There is no class named RESTORE.
Browser error: Void class. Trying to continue.
May crash later:TK_MENUBUTTON
./Sather/browser.sa:837:Attr access of void as.source1
current function frame:
UNIFIED_INFO::get_class_source(STR):SFILE_ID <browser.sa:833>
arg self:UNIFIED_INFO : [ID 18130852] <browser.sa:833>
arg class_name:STR : [13] "TK_MENUBUTTON" <browser.sa:833>
local as:AS_CLASS_DEF : (void) <browser.sa:836>
next frame: p PF(0xbf8aa820)
UNIFIED_INFO::get_class_source(STR):SFILE_ID <browser.sa:833>
UNIFIED_INFO::init_module_graph <browser.sa:783>
UNIFIED_INFO::init <browser.sa:677>
UNIFIED_INFO::create(PROG,STR):SAME <browser.sa:669>
BROWSER::main(ARRAY{STR}) <browser.sa:59>

Fadi OSMAN <fadi>
Group Member


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