Gnash - The GNU Flash player - Bugs: bug #31836, If we leave the mouse pointer over...
bug #31836: If we leave the mouse pointer over a flash, Gnash doesn't leave us to scroll the website even with keyboard.
Follow 6 latest changes.
Date | Changed by | Updated Field | Previous Value | => | Replaced by |
2011-03-14 | bjacques | Category | None | plugin | |
Status | None | Wont Fix | |||
Assigned to | None | bjacques | |||
Open/Closed | Open | Closed | |||
2010-12-18 | maximi89 | Summary | If we leave the mouse pointer over a flash, Gnash doesn\'t leave us to scroll the website. | If we leave the mouse pointer over a flash, Gnash doesn't leave us to scroll the website even with keyboard. | |
2010-12-09 | maximi89 | Release | None | master |
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