buggnubg - Bugs: bug #31703, See current equity and gammon...


bug #31703: See current equity and gammon chances while playing (like pip count)

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 19 Nov 2010 12:12:56 AM UTC
Originator Name:  Lodin Originator Email:  * -email is unavailable-
Item Group:  Feature Request Category:  Graphical User Interface
Release:  * 0.90-devel Privacy:  Public
Operating System:  All Severity:  1 - Wish
Open/Closed:  Open Assigned to:  None
Priority:  5 - Normal Status:  Wish
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Fri 19 Nov 2010 12:12:56 AM UTC, original submission:  

First off: thank you all for a great piece of software.

When I choose GNUBG as my opponent I do it mostly to get instant analyses and to benchmark my understanding of different parts of the game. While the tutor mode can be good is does not always tell me when I misjudge a position. It also does not tell me how the game swings when the opponent gets lucky or unlucky. Instead of hitting the hint button before each roll to benchmark my ability to assess a position it would be great to have the equity and gammon chances displayed while playing, much like the pip count is displayed. (Preferably it would also be easy to turn it off, and preferably it would be evaluated in a separate thread so one does not need to wait for it to complete before making ones move.)

For advanced players this may not be so useful, but for those of us that still get into situations where we have no idea what-so-ever of how strong or weak a position is, then this would make it easier to get an idea and also to find good reference positions.



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    Follow 5 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2019-01-01 plm PrivacyPrivate Public
        OS TypeNone Any
        Processor TypeNone Any
        StatusNone Wish
    2010-11-20 plm Severity3 - Normal 1 - Wish

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