bugDDD - Bugs: bug #28940, Multible breakpoints on the same...


bug #28940: Multible breakpoints on the same address

Submitter:  Dancie Reeves <dancie>
Submitted:  Sat 20 Feb 2010 12:19:10 PM UTC
Votes: 100
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Closed Release:  None
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Wed 28 Dec 2022 06:30:05 PM UTC, comment #3: 

fix was already applied

Stefan Eickeler <eickeler>
Group administrator
Thu 10 Mar 2011 05:21:00 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Active in 3.3.11 on Ubuntu 10.04.

John Boncek <johnboncek>
Fri 26 Feb 2010 10:25:00 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Don't use this. I did a better fix. See my comm-manag-250210.patch.
It was a better kludge and fixed many more problems.

Dancie Reeves <dancie>
Group Member
Sat 20 Feb 2010 12:19:10 PM UTC, original submission:  

Ever since I have worked with ddd if you saved a session with one breakpoint the next time you open the session there would appear many breakpoints on the same address, sometimes ddd would run out of glymps (red dots). This is an annoying bug. I have written a kludge to remove the extras on startup but as yet cannot find in the code where the breakpoints are loaded or saved to the init file. Here is the kludge. about line 4200 in SourceView.C. Can anyone give me a hint where the breakpoints are installed on the startup of a session.

    // New breakpoint
changed = true;
BreakPoint *new_bp =
new BreakPoint(info_output, break_arg, bp_nr, file);
bool isDouble = false;
if(bp_nr > 1)
for(int bno = 1; bno <= max_breakpoint_number_seen;bno++)
BreakPoint *bp = bp_map.get(bno);
if(bp != NULL)
if((new_bp->line_nr() == bp->line_nr()) &&
(new_bp->type() == bp->type()))
isDouble = true;
bp_map.insert(bp_nr, new_bp);
if (gdb->has_delete_command())
const string num = "@" + itostring(bp_nr) + "@";
undo_commands << gdb->delete_command(num) << '\n';
undo_commands << delete_command(bp_nr) << '\n';
if (!added)
added = true;
// Select this breakpoint only
MapRef ref;
for(BreakPoint* bp = bp_map.first(ref);
bp != 0;
bp = bp_map.next(ref))
bp->selected() = false;
new_bp->selected() = true;
bp_nr = 0;
max_breakpoint_number_seen = max(max_breakpoint_number_seen, bp_nr);

Dancie Reeves <dancie>
Group Member


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