bugmake - Bugs: bug #20502, Allow attaching target-specific...


bug #20502: Allow attaching target-specific variables to implicit rules

Submitter:  Matt McCutchen <hashproduct>
Submitted:  Tue 17 Jul 2007 05:03:31 AM UTC
Votes: 1
Severity:  3 - Normal Item Group:  Enhancement
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Component Version:  3.81 Operating System:  POSIX-Based
Fixed Release:  None Triage Status:  None
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Tue 17 Jul 2007 05:03:31 AM UTC, original submission:  

I'm using GNU make 3.81 on Fedora Core 7 Linux.

Suppose I have some documentation files, some of which use a hash symbol to mark comments and some of which use a double slash; a file's extension (.hc or .ssc) tells what format it's in.  I want to generate comment-free versions of all the files.  Here's the makefile:

UNCOMMENT = grep -v '^$(commentsymbol)'

all: foo.txt bar.txt
# foo.hc and bar.ssc exist

%.txt: %.hc
$(UNCOMMENT) $< -o $@

%.txt: %.ssc
$(UNCOMMENT) $< -o $@

I want to associate a target-specific variable definition for $(commentsymbol) with each implicit rule so that a target's $(commentsymbol) will be correct based on which rule was chosen to build it.  Make will let me attach definitions to the target pattern %.txt, but that's no good because I can't get make to use one definition for the first rule and a different definition for the second.  Make should provide a way for me attach a definition to an implicit rule.  Since only one implicit rule can exist with a given target pattern and a given set of prerequisite patterns, attaching the definition to those patterns comes to the same.  The syntax could be something like this:

%.txt: %.hc: commentsymbol = \#
%.txt: %.ssc: commentsymbol = //

Matt McCutchen <hashproduct>


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