bugGNU arch -- a revision control system - Bugs: bug #17455, "make test" gives SEGV...


bug #17455: "make test" gives SEGV on tla (solaris8-sparc/gcc)

Submitter:  Simon A Watts <sawatts>
Submitted:  Thu 17 Aug 2006 04:29:36 PM UTC
Category:  tla Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  bug Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  tla 1.3.5
Fixed Release: 
Merge Request?:  None
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Assigned to:  atai
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Wed 30 Aug 2006 06:20:52 AM UTC, comment #2: 

The sha1 routines have seen problems on IA64, Sparc and Arm as reported by Debian.  They have come out with a fix and that is currently in the Arch repository for tla.  I think that may fix this problem as well; need to verify.

If possible, can you apply the patch on your machine to see the problem is fixed?


Andy Tai <atai>
Group administrator
Mon 28 Aug 2006 01:41:37 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Fixed in debian, please see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=382465

-- -email is unavailable-

Thu 17 Aug 2006 04:29:36 PM UTC, original submission:  

TLA 'make test' results in a SEGV in 'tla' at the start of 'test-mirror.sh'.

Configure command used:

../src/configure --prefix=/opt/gnu \
    --with-cc=gcc \
    --config-shell /opt/gnu/bin/bash \
    --with-posix-shell /opt/gnu/bin/bash

tla 1.3.5 built on Solaris 8/SPARC with GNU toolchain (gcc 4.1.1), using 'bash' as the config and posix shell (also used: ksh).

"make test" terminates with a SEGV starting 'test-mirror.sh', on line 16:


Stepping through the test by hand, the point at which the SEGV occurs is in 'test-framework.sh' line 153 (in 'setup_with_trivial_archives'):

  tla import -S -L 'initial import' 1>/dev/null

Redoing the test, running the above command in GDB:

  • creating version jane@example.com--2003/hello-world--mainline--1.0

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x000b1dcc in sha1_process_blocks (buffer=0xffbee342, len=320, ctx=0x189378)
    at <SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/src/hackerlab/hash/sha1.c:370
370               x[t] = NOTSWAP (*words);

NOTSWAP is a no-op on SPARC (BIGENDIAN).  Other values:
  words = (const t_uint32 *) 0xffbee342
  *words = 1382381161
  t = 0
  x[t] = 0

Can't see why the reported line would cause a SEGV.  Possibly a buffer overflow earlier?



#0  0x000b1dcc in sha1_process_blocks (buffer=0xffbee342, len=320, ctx=0x189378)
    at <SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/src/hackerlab/hash/sha1.c:370
#1  0x000b1744 in sha1_scan (ctx=0x189378,
    buffer=0xffbee342 "Revision: hello-world--mainline--1.0--base-0\nArchive: jane@example.com--2003\nCreator: Jane Doe <jane@example.com>\nDate: Thu Aug 17 16:27:09 BST 2006\nStandard-date: 2006-08-17 15:27:09 GMT\nSummary: ini"..., len=343)
    at <SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/src/hackerlab/hash/sha1.c:152
#2  0x00099c68 in insert_sums (arch=0x18f2f0, description=0x135538 "log",
    data_file=0x1f8fd8 "/tmp/,,pfs-dav-put-log.1155828429.13074.4")
    at <SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/src/tla/libarch/archive-pfs.c:2162
#3  0x00099270 in sign_and_upload (a=0x18f2f0,
    tmp_file=0x1f8fd8 "/tmp/,,pfs-dav-put-log.1155828429.13074.4",
    path=0x1d20b8 "hello-world--mainline--1.0/++revision-lock-held--absolute-0--jane@example.com--1f5de7a2a23f6/+contents/log", in_fd=7, description=0x135538 "log", batteries_to_power=0)
    at <SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/src/tla/libarch/archive-pfs.c:1921
#4  0x00098484 in pfs_put_log (errstr=0xffbef5bc, a=0x18f2f0,
    version=0x187a28 "hello-world--mainline--1.0", prev_level=0x0, uid=0x197088 "jane@example.com",
    txn_id=0x1e2dc0 "1f5de7a2a23f6",
    log_text=0x18e218 "Revision: hello-world--mainline--1.0--base-0\nArchive: jane@example.com--2003\nCreator: Jane Doe <jane@example.com>\nDate: Thu Aug 17 16:27:09 BST 2006\nStandard-date: 2006-08-17 15:27:09 GMT\nSummary: ini"...)
    at <SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/src/tla/libarch/archive-pfs.c:1611
#5  0x0007d460 in arch_archive_put_log (errstr=0xffbef5bc, a=0x18f2f0,
    version=0x187a28 "hello-world--mainline--1.0", prev_level=0x0, uid=0x197088 "jane@example.com",
    txn_id=0x1e2dc0 "1f5de7a2a23f6",
    log_text=0x18e218 "Revision: hello-world--mainline--1.0--base-0\nArchive: jane@example.com--2003\nCreator: Jane Doe <jane@example.com>\nDate: Thu Aug 17 16:27:09 BST 2006\nStandard-date: 2006-08-17 15:27:09 GMT\nSummary: ini"...) at <SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/src/tla/libarch/archive.c:704
#6  0x00041f90 in arch_import (arch=0x18f2f0, version=0x187a28 "hello-world--mainline--1.0",
    tree_root=0x1892b8 "<SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/build/tla/tests/workdir/tmp-tree",
    raw_log=0x18e1d8 "Summary: initial import\nKeywords: \n\ninitial import\n\n")
    at <SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/src/tla/libarch/import.c:91
#7  0x00026ef0 in arch_cmd_import (program_name=0x185730 "tla import", argc=1, argv=0xffbef7b8)
    at <SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/src/tla/libarch/cmd-import.c:318
#8  0x000120f0 in main (argc=5, argv=0xffbef7b4)
    at <SNIP>/SYS/tla-1.3.5/src/tla/tla/tla.c:103

;; standard config variables (computed by "configure-top").
string std--system=sparc-sun-solaris2.8
string std--package=The GNU Arch Revision Control System (tla) 1.3.5
string std--pkgfile=<SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/src/../=RELEASE-ID
string std--prefix=/opt/gnu
string std--destdir=
string std--srcroot=<SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/src
string std--objroot=<SNIP>/tla-1.3.5/build

;; variables determined by command line arguments
string cc=gcc
string posix-shell=/opt/gnu/bin/bash
binary install-hackerlab=0
binary install-link-tools=0
binary enable-pathcompress=0
string gnu-diff=diff
string gnu-diff3=diff3
string gnu-patch=patch
string gnu-tar=tar
string links-bug-mail=lord@emf.net
string package-framework-bug-mail=lord@emf.net
string ssh-binary=ssh
string ssh-type=openssh
string tla-bug-mail=gnu-arch-users@gnu.org
string tla-web-url=http://www.gnu.org/software/gnu-arch

;; variables determined by system name (sparc-sun-solaris2.8)

;; automatically determined values:
string exec-suffix=
string gcc-version=4
binary have-alloca-h-header=1
string socket-library=-lsocket

Simon A Watts <sawatts>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #10637:  tla-alignment-error-hppa-sparc.patch added by atai (2KiB - text/x-patch - Patch from Debian to fix sha1 crashes)


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Follow 2 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2006-08-30 atai Assigned toNone atai
    Attached File- Added tla-alignment-error-hppa-sparc.patch, #10637

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