bugGNU arch -- a revision control system - Bugs: bug #13261, double tag on FC3


bug #13261: double tag on FC3

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Wed 01 Jun 2005 05:19:22 PM UTC
Category:  tla Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  bug Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  tla-1.3.2
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Merge Request?:  None
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Sun 04 May 2008 09:20:03 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Here You Will Find The Web's Best Ever Sex Blog With Loads Of Free Porn Videos Updated Daily.
They actually look at different directories using the same path.
2007-12-03 12:14 am UTC (link) Track This
So user a looking at /tmp see's a different directory then user b looking at /tmp.

Wed 01 Jun 2005 08:07:24 PM UTC, comment #2: 

With more testing, I found that the bug is seen on FC2, it just seemed to happen after more tags are created.


Geoff Levand <geoff_levand>
Wed 01 Jun 2005 05:36:17 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I did a bit more testing.  If you do commits on the FC2 machine and use 'tla abrowse' on FC3 things are OK.  The other way around, and the double tag is seem on the FC2 machine, so it seems the problem is in the creation of archive entries.


Geoff Levand <geoff_levand>
Wed 01 Jun 2005 05:19:22 PM UTC, original submission:  

I found a problem after updating to tla-1.3.2.  The commands below show the continuation branch c twice.  It seems this only happens on Fedora Core3 (two machines tested) but not on Fedora Core 2 (one machine tested).


        base-0 .. patch-1


        base-0 .. patch-1


I also found tla making both a base-0 and patch-1 for the continuation branch on occasion.  I can't show the actual output, but something like this:


        base-0   (tag revision of test@1/c--d--1.0--patch-1)
          2005-05-31 20:53:35 GMT      geoff <geoff@x.com>
          tag of test@1/c--d--1.0--patch-1

        patch-1   (tag revision of test@1/c--d--1.0--patch-1)
          2005-05-31 20:53:35 GMT      geoff <geoff@x.com>
          tag of test@1/c--d--1.0--patch-1



rm -rf [ac]--*
rm -rf tmp
rm -rf ~/archives/test@1
tla register-archive -d test@1

tla make-archive test@1 ~/archives/test@1
tla archive-setup -A test@1 a--b--1.0
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
tla init-tree -A test@1 a--b--1.0
touch abc
tla import -A test@1 -s "a--b--1.0."
tla abrowse test@1
cd ..

tla archive-setup -A test@1 c--d--1.0
tla abrowse test@1
tla tag -A test@1 a--b--1.0 c--d--1.0
tla abrowse test@1
tla get -A test@1 c--d--1.0 c--d--1.0
cd c--d--1.0
touch efg
tla commit --strict -A test@1 -s "Import c--d--1.0."
tla abrowse test@1
cd ..

tla archive-setup -A test@1 c--d--2.0
tla abrowse test@1
tla tag -A test@1 c--d--1.0 c--d--2.0
tla abrowse test@1




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