taskSavannah Administration - Tasks: task #4037, Submission of Gnosis


task #4037: Submission of Gnosis

Submitter:  danny <danny280279>
Submitted:  Thu 21 Apr 2005 03:31:44 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Thu 21 Apr 2005 12:00:00 AM UTC Should be Finished on:  Sun 01 May 2005 12:00:00 AM UTC
Category:  Project Approval Priority:  * 5 - Normal
Status:  Done Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  Beuc Open/Closed:  Closed
* Mandatory Fields

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Sun 24 Apr 2005 12:41:43 AM UTC, comment #6: 


danny <danny280279>
Sat 23 Apr 2005 02:32:26 PM UTC, comment #5: 

> Take a look at parts 2.2 and 5 of the apsl.

I did. What did you want to tell me? :)

I approved your project as "non-GNU". You'll receive a confirmation mail shortly.

I also forwarded your request to be part of the GNU project.

Sylvain Beucler <Beuc>
Sat 23 Apr 2005 12:58:41 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Take a look at parts 2.2 and 5 of the apsl.

The source code isn't available yet, i.e Gnomes source code is available but I havn't built it into a usable OS by adding the parts that are needed.  I still need to work on combining the drivers, to the gnome desktop and develop the bindings, then I've got to provide gnome with a hardware abstraction layer, a bootloader, an actual Kernel (I chose Linux because it is free software), the internals of the gnome shell, i.e the graphics subsystem, multimedia subsystem, pnp subsystem, application drivers/servers, a filesystem, package management and installation subsystem (Other applications can do the actual installation, but gnome doesn't have the system to do this itself because it relies on the package management system of the distro for this to be done), additional modules for the gnome controlcenter need to be created in order for the user to be able to manipulate the hardware at their disposal, an antivirus scanner for the software installation module, as well as a system restore module for when things go pear-shaped, and all of this is going to take time.

I need someplace where I can dump news and release information about developments, call for assistance on developments, and pretty much provide links to where the source code can be obtained.  I am hoping that as I am doing this parts will be taken and used by the gnome community to make the desktop (better).  I amn't going to release what I don't have at this moment, If I am using hfs++ (www.opendarwin.org)as my base filesystem I still need to write code for nautilus to handle it, If I decide to go with jfs  http://jfs.sourceforge.net, i'll still need to write code for Nautilus to be able to manage it, Because all of that is done through the Linux Kernel on a usual distro, through reiserfs.

And yes I completely agree to any and all requirements that you have regarding my project. 

I'll shall place attachments of my code as and when I develop it if that suits you?  As of just now I am just trying to get my architechture right before I start coding, so that I don't have to go back and start from scratch due to bugs or other issues.

danny <danny280279>
Sat 23 Apr 2005 11:49:52 AM UTC, comment #3: 


Your projects meets the Savannah requirements, except that we cannot review your source code yet.

We can approve it, and review the code in the near future (or better, at your request). We will among other check if the source files contain appropriate copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning of every file of source code. Our review would help catch potential legal issues early.

If then the source code does not meet our requirements (for example, non-free dependencies), we will then discuss the issue and possibly remove the project from Savannah.

Also, http://www.opendarwin.org/en/faq/ch01.html#license mentions binary-only modules, as well as modules under various licenses. You have to use only free software modules.

Last, we only host code that is compatible with the GNU GPL, which excludes code released under the APSL2 (which is a free software license yet still incompatible with the GNU GPL). This mean you will have to host such code somewhere else than Savannah, and be aware of license incompatibilities (you wrote your project code is released under the GNU GPL).

Do you agree with this commitment?

Sylvain Beucler <Beuc>
Sat 23 Apr 2005 11:23:42 AM UTC, comment #2: 

In answer to your email the site of apples drivers is www.opendarwin.org.

Secondly I plan to use savannah services to
 a) tell about the project
 b) links to ongoing projects that relate to Gnosis
 c) I do not intend to host the whole project here, I will be providing links to the pages where the software that I use will be available to download.

This isn't really a distro of Linux it is more an OS based upon a desktop i.e think athene by rocklyte systems rather than Redhat or yellowdog.  I am trying to create a full fledged OS out of Gnome rather than create a Linux distro.

I hope that this will answer any concerns that you may have.

Sat 23 Apr 2005 11:05:48 AM UTC, comment #1: 


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.

As far as I understand, you want to create a GNU/Linux variant with a focus on Apple hardware. We have several concerns about this.

Firstly, as mentioned in the registration pages, we do not host complete distros, distros isos, packages repositories, etc, for space and bandwidth reasons. We may just offer support for organisational purpose and in-house developed software (such as iso creation scripts).

How do you plan to use the Savannah services?

Secondly, you mention using Apple's drivers. I doubt those are free software; can you confirm me this fact?

Lastly, to sum up, can you explain me what will be different from, for example, the "Yellow Dog" GNU/Linux distro?

Sylvain Beucler <Beuc>
Thu 21 Apr 2005 03:31:44 PM UTC, original submission:  

Site Admin. Approval/Edition URL:


System Group Name:

Full Name:

  Official GNU software

  GNU General Public License V2 or later

Other License:

  This project is to build an OS using Gnome.  It will be built from the desktop downwards.  I want to see if I can simply modify the software to be an Operating system, or if I need to create or add other software to fill the requirements of an OS.

All software being used will be free software.  There is none at this moment as I am only looking for a place to tell people about it.  There isn't even a seperate site to this one (if I get accepted) so I can't add a url.

The project will be built on components, that is the desktop, the core OS, the core services, application services, graphics and multimedia, application enviroments.

The Desktop will be a single component (w/out apps) within which all dependancies will be filled or will be linked to in another component.

The apps themselves will have their dependancies filled within their components. and if they rely upon anything that the desktop provides then they will be linked to the desktop component.

The core OS component includes the kernel (linux), the filesystem  (will be hfs++ and (gnomefs - to be written) linked together) and the hardware drivers (apples).  All components will be linked to this.

The Core services will be things like Hal, networking, system configuration, bash etc. Each component being a seperate service
The core services includes a number of components such as hal, etc

Application services will be provided by the required parts of x11. Metacity and Nautilus providing most of the required application enviroments and services.

Again the required parts of x11 are used to provide graphics and multimedia, Gstreamer with apples open source quicktime streamer added to it to provide quicktime functionality, for gnomemeeting, totem, etc, Cairo, to provide a quartz like rendering for Gnosis.

As of this moment there is no website except for this one.

Other Software Required:
  There are no dependancies for Gnosis because it will be a self-contained OS.

Other Comments:
  Gnosis is a project that I have been in the process of designing for the last 2 years.  I haven't started coding because I have been trying to tweak the architechture and design of Gnosis to fit in with the available technologies.


danny <danny280279>


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Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2005-04-23 Beuc StatusNone Done
    Open/ClosedOpen Closed
2005-04-23 Beuc Assigned toNone Beuc

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