taskSoftware Patents examples - Tasks: task #217, Leonardo Chiariglione on patents


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task #217: Leonardo Chiariglione on patents

Submitter:  Hugo Gayosso <hgayosso>
Submitted:  -
Category:  Patent Database Should Start On:  Wed 06 Jun 2001 04:00:00 AM UTC
Should be Finished on:  Sun 10 Jun 2001 04:00:00 AM UTC Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  pm Percent Complete:  Any
Open/Closed:  Open Effort:  0.00

-, original submission:  

From: Don Marti <dmarti@zgp.org>
Subject: Leonardo Chiariglione on patents
To: -email is unavailable-
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 16:11:13 -0800

Dr. Leonardo Chiariglione is founder of MPEG and executive director of
the Secure Digital Music Initiative. Both projects are involved with
software patents.


"In the words of one industry representative, the patenting folly now
mainly costs money and does not do any good for the end products."

"Far from promoting progress, as stated in the U. S. Constitution of
1787, this practice is actually hampering it, because companies are
alarmed by the liabilities they take on board when launching products
where gray zones exist concerning patents."

Don Marti              "I've never sent or received a GIF in my life."
dmarti@zgp.org            -- Bruce Schneier, Secrets and Lies, p. 246.
http://zgp.org/~dmarti/        (Free the Web: http://burnallgifs.org/)

Hugo Gayosso <hgayosso>
Group administrator


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