taskGNU Health - Tasks: task #15733, Update ICD10 datafile


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task #15733: Update ICD10 datafile

Submitter:  Luis Falcon <meanmicio>
Submitted:  Tue 21 Jul 2020 10:02:48 PM UTC
Release:  3.6.0 Should Start On:  Tue 21 Jul 2020 12:00:00 AM UTC
Should be Finished on:  Sun 26 Jul 2020 12:00:00 AM UTC Category:  Data model
Priority:  5 - Normal Status:  Done
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  meanmicio
Percent Complete:  100% Open/Closed:  Closed
Module:  health_icd10 Component:  None

Fri 21 Aug 2020 01:50:37 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Released version 3.6.5 with the updated ICD10 package

Luis Falcon <meanmicio>
Group administrator
Fri 31 Jul 2020 10:28:15 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Dear all

I have committed the changes from Edgar's datafile with the latest modifications and updates.

Also created a new template and merge with the existing translation languages.

Please check the status on Weblate and report :)

All the best

Luis Falcon <meanmicio>
Group administrator
Tue 21 Jul 2020 10:02:48 PM UTC, original submission:  

Our friend Dr. Hagenbichler has sent us an updated datafile of the ICD10.

We'll do the following steps:
1) Update the XML datafile
2) Export the new language template
3) Merge the template with the exisiting translations

This will be tested in the development branch.

Thank you Edgar!

Luis Falcon <meanmicio>
Group administrator


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    Follow 6 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2020-08-21 meanmicio StatusReady For Test Done
        Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2020-07-31 meanmicio StatusNone Ready For Test
        Percent Complete0% 100%
        Assigned toNone meanmicio
        ReleaseNone 3.6.0

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