mainXnee - Support: sr #109218, cnee/gnee doesn't seem to work on...


sr #109218: cnee/gnee doesn't seem to work on Ubuntu 16.04

Submitter:  Mate Hegyhati <hegyhati>
Submitted:  Wed 11 Jan 2017 11:08:15 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  GNU/Linux
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Wed 11 Jan 2017 11:08:15 PM UTC, original submission:  

I tried using cnee for recording and replaying, but I can't produce any basic functionality.

I ran cnee in the terminal (xterm), and tried typing in a gedit window.

First I tried the example from the documentation:

cnee --record -o example2.xnr --device-event-range 2-3 --time 5 --events-to-record 20

nothing happens even after 20 keypresses, like the application gets into an infinite loop after countdown. I only get this output in the terminal:

'NOTIFICATION: If you have problem with Xnee and recording device events: File a bug report including this text.'

Then I tried running this command:

'cnee --record -o example.xnr  --time 5 --events-to-record 10 -hp --seconds-to-record 5 --all-events'

Same thing happens, and cnee does not stop after 5 seconds, and no output. (not even the above notification)

The other difference is, that when I stop cnee with ctrl+z, the xnr file in the first case has the "headers" until the error-range record setting. In the latter case, it also has this right after that:

'Event=PropertyNotify Number=28 { {  window=85983239 atom=389 time=17041432 state=0 } }

I tried around a bit with gnee, but same results.

Platform parameters:

Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
xnee 3.18

And if it helps, I can provide output  with -v

Thank You very much in advance!


Mate Hegyhati <hegyhati>


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