mainPsychosynth - Support: sr #108052, Reactable Fiducials Info (TUIO)


sr #108052: Reactable Fiducials Info (TUIO)

Submitter:  David <duhowpi>
Submitted:  Wed 09 May 2012 06:47:56 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None
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Wed 09 May 2012 06:47:56 PM UTC, original submission:  

I could play a public Reactable (it seems old or different to Reactable Live) and I tested the sample fiducials that are from reacTIVision and they worked, here you have the IDs and more or less its functions:

0-20? (not tested all, aprox) -> Sound Samples
21 -> Square Wave Generator
22 -> Sawtooth Wave Generator
23 -> White Noise Generator
26 -> Sinusoidal Wave Generator
27 -> (kind of harmonic?) Generator
28,29 -> Sound Filter/Cutoff?
30,31 -> (echo/delay?)
32 -> Flanger
33 -> Raise Bass Volume
34,35 -> Filters/Effects (don't know how to explain)
36 -> Reverse / Backflip or something like that?
37 -> Repeat with delay
38-40 -> Controllers (send notes but can't change the notes, just mute or no)
41 -> Square controllers (sends volume/mute on time?)
42,43 -> Controllers (send random notes?)
44,45 -> Same as 38-40, send square volume (mute or no)
46,47 -> Send volume (100% -> 0%), can change speed by rotating
48,49 -> General echo
50,51 -> Radar, see "reactable: basic demo #1" on YouTube (1:12)
52 -> Global, kind of actual controller but is used to change samples on the first fiducials (0-20), connect and rotate to load samples (might be used in other controllers?)
53 -> Tonalizer
54 -> Tempo
55 -> Panning?, see "reactable: basic demo #2" on YouTube (0:26)
56 -> Global volume

And I think that's all, sorry if the information is incomplete but that's what I could do... ;)

(Sorry if this is not the place where it should go.)

David <duhowpi>


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