mainCompact Disc Input and Control Library - Support: sr #104390, CD+G (sub-channel) Karaoke-CD...


sr #104390: CD+G (sub-channel) Karaoke-CD support

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Tue 05 Jul 2005 02:09:57 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  Microsoft Windows
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Fri 09 Dec 2005 04:02:14 PM UTC, comment #6: 

I too would like libcdio to parse CD+G text :)

Fri 25 Nov 2005 08:28:55 AM UTC, comment #5: 

@Rocky, could you maybe code this into libcdio for use in XINE?

Tue 13 Sep 2005 12:54:10 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Another project that might be usefull in implementing cdg feature

Eric Moret <emoret>
Wed 24 Aug 2005 11:10:43 AM UTC, comment #3: 

me wants this now!

Tue 19 Jul 2005 02:07:56 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Any volenteers to code/program this?, please, I want this too

Mon 11 Jul 2005 11:03:06 AM UTC, comment #1: 

to have real CD+G discs playable in XBMC would be sooooo cool!

Please make it happen  / Japanese Karaoke Forever

Tue 05 Jul 2005 02:09:57 PM UTC, original submission:  

CD+G (sub-channel) Karaoke-CD support request

I would love it if you added support for CD+G (a.k.a. CDG Karaoke) to libcdio, ie reading the text/subtitles from the subchannels. CD+G discs are much like CDDA discs with CD-TEXT support, the data is normal CDDA Audio-CD but hidden in a sub-channel/sub-code is the song-lyrics graphics data and the timing to display them.

Some (if not all) technical/developers information on CD+G can be found here:

List of CD+G releases that are other than karaoke discs:

BTW; Nero, CloneCD, Alcohol and CDRWIN can all both read and write CD+g discs,
you can also download MP3+CDG files and convert them to CD+G discs:

Projects where you could potentialy get source code:           (ucon64 looks interested to libcdio in many aspects)

FYI, there is also something called CD+EG (CD + Extended Graphics, a.k.a. CD+XG) but that is not as important;jsessionid=4rh51re175q4q?tname=cd-plus-eg&curtab=2222_1&hl=cd&hl=g&sbid=lc01a

PS! The reason I personaly want CD+G support in libcdio is for XBMC (Xbox Media Center) which uses libcdio, it's been asked for there before but no one has had the skill to implement it (plus on the Xbox sub-channels are only supported by Samsung DVD-ROM drives).



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