mainCompact Disc Input and Control Library - Support: sr #103813, RFE: Extended-CD ( CDXA / XCD )...


sr #103813: RFE: Extended-CD ( CDXA / XCD ) support

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Mon 24 Jan 2005 11:24:42 AM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  2 - Minor Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  None
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Fri 07 Jul 2006 08:00:00 PM UTC, comment #7: 

is this hard to add?

Tue 05 Jul 2005 11:14:37 AM UTC, comment #6: 

There is a duplicate for this under BUGS which should be deleted

Wed 01 Jun 2005 06:42:49 AM UTC, comment #5: 
Wed 01 Jun 2005 06:41:33 AM UTC, comment #4: 

FYI; latest revision of Haali Media Splitter supports AVI, MP4 and MKV on mode2 / mode2form2 CDs:
So those of you with Windows and Microsoft's Media Player 10 or Media Center Edition can use XCD

Mon 23 May 2005 07:52:23 AM UTC, comment #3: 

FYI (for those who cant wait); both BSPlayer and ZoomPlayer supports XCD nativly.

PS! Personaly I rather see developers spend their time on UDF-support instead =P

Thu 28 Apr 2005 10:38:58 AM UTC, comment #2: 

As a XBMC fan and XCD user I like to second this request =D

Wed 02 Feb 2005 05:32:03 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Any volunteers?

Rocky Bernstein <rocky>
Group administrator
Mon 24 Jan 2005 11:24:42 AM UTC, original submission:  

RFE: Extended-CD ( CDXA / XCD ) support

This request is for libCDIO to properly detect and read CDXA / XCD. In short CDXA (aka CD-XA, aka XCD, aka Mode2) or Extended-CD is a new open standard/format on how to write/read large video files like DivX to a CD's. As you may know you can burn a 800MB VCD/SVCD video file to a 700MB CD, (in laymans terms this is done by not writing error correction on the CD, this can be done because the MPEG-files themself contain error correction parity). CDXA uses reduced Error Correction facilities to achive a similar function for all files. So this is good for fitting steaming video or audio onto less space on the CD (example OGM and OGG). The only downside to storing files on CDXA is if the files do not contain good enough error correction themselves; example AVI do not have any build-in error protection/resilience, if a CD burnt in CDXA format should get damaged/scratched in the beginning or the end of a file so the data there could not be read by the CD-ROM then the movie could not be viewed by all players (unless you have a good player like example MPlayer which compensates, though not even MPlayer can play all files with corrupt/damaged data).

Ex. (using CDXA):
- A 80Minutes CD can a fit 800MB DivX movie
- A 90Minutes CD can a fit 900MB DivX movie
- A 99Minutes CD can a fit 1GB DivX movie

Developoment links:

XCD homepage

XCD Specifications: initial draft (29-Apr-2002)

Possible source code to base it on:

On the way to XCD (How to turn 700MB CDs into 800MB ones)

Attached downloads (

Riff CDXA Source filter for XCD v.6 DirectShow Source filter for parsing RIFF/CDXA file and playing it on-the-fly (from a Mode2 CD), (includes the C++ source for this filter).

Mode2CDMaker 1.5a
Supports nested subdirectories, unlimited number of files per directory and has a single track mode to make better use of small Form2 files.)

This is a quote from the guys over at who were planning to implement XCD support into their DivX player "The Core Media Player"/"PowerDivX Player":

"...The mode2 format should not be used for good old AVI, as this one is highly sensitive to data loss, but both new A/V formats aiming to replace AVI, Ogg and MCF, do have very good tolerance against missing data and will only give you problems if the main header is missing. This is pretty unlikely to happen, but to avoid this a new project was founded, called XCD ( Extended CD ). XCD will still burn data in mode 2 form 2, but will aim to protect the important parts of every file format ( like the main header ) with special ECC, so even if data gets lost or corrupted it is made sure the movie will at least stay playable.

There was a sourceforge project now started for XCD ( ) and the guys are about to decide which license to choose ( L-GPL or BSD ). According to the existing development team MCF will be amongst the first formats with full and intelligent XCD support, giving the user the possibility to burn 800 MB MCF files on normal 80 minutes CDs without overburning and very high safety, but only very small file size overhead.

Of course, you may expect full XCD support from your favourite player soon ;)"



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