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SeekIT non-GNU software and documentation
SELF Platform The SELF Platform is an international project with support from European Commission in which currently seven partners from seven countries are involved. It aims to be produce a collaborative platform for authoring training and learning material. SELF non-GNU software and documentation
Sendooway Sendooway is a multi-user and multi-target SMTP proxy that acts as smarthost. non-GNU software and documentation
Senken Senken is a city simulation game. Players buy the land, build the infrastructure, balance the books, and convince people to move in. The game has both goal-oriented and just play modes. non-GNU software and documentation
SeNTX Free software user group of México/Nl/Monterrey. GNU user groups
Separation Logic in Coq Our goal is to build a library in Coq based on separation logic to enable verification of memory properties of low-level software. This online CVS provides the current implementation of our library together with examples, including a substantial use-case. non-GNU software and documentation
Serbian GNOME Translation Project Translation of GNOME desktop & development environment to Serbian language, and solving all the l10n and i18n issues as they arise. GNU user groups
Serbian Translation Project *INACTIVE* The main purpose of the Serbian Translation Project is the translation of the web site to Serbian. translation teams
Serial Tee non-GNU software and documentation
serlogger a flexible serial logging tool, runs on GNU/Linux, which can be useful for embedded system development. non-GNU software and documentation
Serpents A multi-snake game non-GNU software and documentation
Set/1 The purpose of this project is to provide an entirely object-oriented, template-paramaterized platform- and machine-independant L4 and/or Mach clone microkernel and set of servers which is written completely in C++ (and some absolutely minimal assembly). non-GNU software and documentation
Sextan Sextan, is a Opensource application based on the principle of the Copernic software. it is a metamotor of research being based on the data bases of the engines in line (Ex: Yahoo, Google etc.) non-GNU software and documentation
SFI Herkeois Backup SFI Herkeois Backup is based on webmin, perl and xfs(dump) and provides an easy-to-use interface for backing-up xfs partitions. non-GNU software and documentation
sfm sfm is a simple file manager for unix-like systems non-GNU software and documentation
SFML spaceshooter An small space game where you have to shoot enemy ships to fullfill an mission non-GNU software and documentation
SGA Inactive project non-GNU software and documentation
SGannon Framework for decentralized peer-to-peer anonymous secure networking, based on GNUnet's GAP (Practical anonymous networking) ideas and Off-The-Record messaging protocol. non-GNU software and documentation
SGE (Strategic Game Engine) SGE is an engine for building strategic games. It is in very, very, very alpha state and it can't be played, we expect to have a playlable engine in few months. non-GNU software and documentation
SGE Game Engine A 2-D game engine for Python non-GNU software and documentation
ShaKe Rewrite fragmented or misplaced files, maybe improving performance. This project migrated to non-GNU software and documentation
ShaktiKendra ShaktiKendra is an easy-to-use accounting software. It is capable of handling basic book-keeping with inventory management. non-GNU software and documentation
shallot a highly flexible file manager with plugin interface non-GNU software and documentation
Shaman-X: Safety and High Availability MANagement Shaman-X is a free software development project. Shaman-X developments target methods and applications for multiple and complex failures combinations management, to improve infrastructure availability, disaster tolerance and crisis control. non-GNU software and documentation
ShareGuard non-GNU software and documentation
Sharper Sharper is a library for storing multidimensional multiresolution raster data in hierarchical filesystems. non-GNU software and documentation
SHELECT A shell command acting as a simple SQL like agregator for the join, cut and sort unix commands operating on text files. non-GNU software and documentation
Shell Archive Utilities shar/unshar and uuencode/uudecode utilities Official GNU software
Shell Runner - A Testing Tool Simple test driver program for running shell commands with known arguments and inputs and checking their outputs. non-GNU software and documentation
Shimool non-GNU software and documentation
ShockStudio Team non-GNU software and documentation
Shop Suite non-GNU software and documentation
Show for X11 Show is a fast, flexible and versatile image viewer for X11. Featuring a very small executable footprint,(18KB!) "Show" can take any image, fade it in from black, hold it, and fade it back out to black according to user-specified values of fade speed and non-GNU software and documentation
Show Me The Stats SMTS is a collection of perl and bash script to collect data for mrtg. These script are used on and non-GNU software and documentation
Shroud.el password manager Password manager for Emacs based on and compatible with It can serve as a Emacs UI for a Shroud install or be used directly, as a standalone password/secrets manager. non-GNU software and documentation
shuffle Randomize file(s) / stdin...randomly shuffling x inputs to provide n lines of output. non-GNU software and documentation
SIA-Control This is a collection of Ruby objects which provide access to different SIA/FIA devices like syringes, valves and detectors. non-GNU software and documentation
Siepura non-GNU software and documentation
SILLY non-GNU software and documentation
Silpa Indian Language Processing Project Silpa, Swathanthra Indian Language Processing Applications is a web platform to host the free(dom) software language processing applications easily. non-GNU software and documentation
Sim GSim is a multi-threaded C++ discrete event simulation library/framework. It supports both event-oriented and process-oriented simulations. non-GNU software and documentation
SimaSky Server The SimaSky Server (Pronounce "Sim a Sky") is a multi player platform to inter connects any flight Simulator software. But wait; there is more, an ATC Client GUI for online ATC service. non-GNU software and documentation
Simple and Secure Message Transfer non-GNU software and documentation
Simple And Tiny Object Model SATOM is intend to be an object architecture to provide communication between software components from different origin. non-GNU software and documentation
Simple C Expat Wrapper The aim of SCEW is to provide an easy interface around the XML Expat parser. non-GNU software and documentation
simple cleaner scleaner will be able to clean your GNU/Linux desktop (developped on Ubuntu 8.04) non-GNU software and documentation
Simple Cluster Administration Toolkit A toolkit for administering moderate to larger cluster installations non-GNU software and documentation
Simple Disk Partition Layer SDPL is a simple disk partition layer which is highly configurable and tunable. It can be adapted to a wide range of uses, from embedded devices to 64-bit servers. Its goal is too make it easy to resize partition with a low memory footprint. non-GNU software and documentation
Simple Forth Cortex non-GNU software and documentation
Simple Java Executor Executor is a small but perfectly functional Java (1.5 or higher) JAR executable that is used to run programs in shared computer resources like a pool of computers that you and your friends own. Moreover, it can be used as a simple file sharing program. non-GNU software and documentation
Simple List Archiver (SiLiAr) non-GNU software and documentation
Simple Message Queuing SMQ provides a way for your programs (including shell scripts!) to talk to each other asynchronously by means of message queues. non-GNU software and documentation
Simple Modular Application Kit Smak is a framework. Technically speaking is a collection of php classes working together to provide a development environment (framework). The framework aim is to let you to quickly build your own php applications. non-GNU software and documentation
simple rowLog The free open source rowing logbook. non-GNU software and documentation
Simple Template Algebra Framework staf aims to provide a C++ set of classes to cover the most important algebraic structures ( vectors, matrices) providing as much flexibility as possible by using the template feature. non-GNU software and documentation
SimpleCacheCleaner This programs is made to help in an easily way to clean user's applications caches, such thumbnails, mozilla firefox, etc... non-GNU software and documentation
SimpleEstimators non-GNU software and documentation
simplified c++ A grammar filter works as an additional preprocessor of the c++ compiler.It allows only safe use of c++. Now, it is designed to be used in server side pages. non-GNU software and documentation
SimRoof Simulate radiative cooling versus solar heat gain through a typical meteorological year. non-GNU software and documentation
SIMSYNCH digital design suite SIMSYNCH is a simulator for digital electronics at scales from chip to board. SIMSYNCH is an application of the SCM Scheme implementation. non-GNU software and documentation
SimTex SimTex is a program that takes a plain formatted file as input and that outputs an XML version of this text document. non-GNU software and documentation
Simulation of chaordic processes This project is mainly to develop simulations of chaordic organizations, processes, and systems under the GPL license, with "chaordic" used as defined by Dee Hock at and in his book "Birth of the Chaordic Age". non-GNU software and documentation
Simulator for ArchiTectural EmuLation and Leet Instruction reTargEting A retargetable architecture-oriented processor simulator mainly for VLIW -type processor. non-GNU software and documentation
Simulavr: an AVR simulator Simulavr is a simulator for the Atmel AVR family of 8-bit risc microcontrollers. non-GNU software and documentation
Sins Is Not Snake SINS (Sins Is Not Snake) is a simple nibble-like game non-GNU software and documentation
SintheA The project is a peer-to-peer software. The goal is to provide a distributed pseudo-filesystem, accessible through a dedicated user interface. non-GNU software and documentation
Sinx Sinx, gestionale web dedicato alle associazioni no-profit e senza scopo di lucro non-GNU software and documentation
siplot siplot is a simple graph plotter and math tool. It's written in C++ and it uses Qt and Qwt. So siplot is based in part on the work of the Qwt <> project. non-GNU software and documentation
Sirius non-GNU software and documentation
Siriusd non-GNU software and documentation
sitetool Sitetool non-GNU software and documentation
Skencil Skencil is an advanced vector drawing program for X-Windows. It's intended to be a flexible and powerful tool for illustrations, diagrams and other purposes. It is written in Python with some modules written in C. (Renamed to Skencil October 2003.) non-GNU software and documentation
Skribilo Skribilo is a friendly Scheme-based document programming framework. non-GNU software and documentation
Sky Orthographic Projector SkOP is an interactive 3D viewer for HEALPix sky maps. non-GNU software and documentation Italian Slackware Linux User Group non-GNU software and documentation
SlackTools SlackTools is a set of software tools useful for GNU/Linux Slackware users. non-GNU software and documentation
Slackware Modules Manager Gtk2/Perl kernel modules manager for Slackware Linux non-GNU software and documentation
slag A simple drum box for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. non-GNU software and documentation
SlagPanic SlagPanic is an arcade-like game written in Python programming language, using Pygame library. This program has been written on Gnu/Linux, but it should work on all the platforms supported by Python and Pygame. non-GNU software and documentation
Slax-TLC non-GNU software and documentation
Sleek Photo Gallery non-GNU software and documentation
SLIB Scheme Library SLIB is a portable scheme library providing compatibility and utility functions for standard Scheme implementations. Official GNU software
slideshow Slideshow is a portable SDL based presentation framework. non-GNU software and documentation
SLIGES Système linux de gestion des établissements scolaires (french project) non-GNU software and documentation
SlimCMS SlimCMS is for people, who want create a news- and contentmanagementsystem for associations, parties and other organisations. It is based on PHP and mySQL. non-GNU software and documentation
Slipstream Slipstream is a free physically accurate vehicle simulator. non-GNU software and documentation
Slovak Translation Team *INACTIVE* Hlavným cieľom tohoto projektu je vytvorenie a následná údržba slovenských prekladov webových stránok a translation teams
Small File Renamer Small File Renamer is a program for renaming files and directories. non-GNU software and documentation
Small Office Tools Small GUI tools for common office processes. Currently Directoryassistant is part of the Small office tools, soon a program to manage out-of-office messages will be published. non-GNU software and documentation
SmallPotato Debian GNU/Linux SmallPotato is a set of scripts for reducing the size of a Debian GNU/Linux installation. The footprint is reduced by by removing documentation, temp files and other unused files. It is intended for machines with limited resources (RAM/hard drive). non-GNU software and documentation
SmArc - Emulator of Simplified SPARCv8 This project is emulator of some abstract architecture, called SmArc (from Small SPARC). It's based on SPARC Architecture V8 (you can get its specification on SmArc in relation to SPARCv8 is little simplified. non-GNU software and documentation
Smart Common Input Method platform Smart Common Input Method platform is a development platform that significantly reduces the difficulty of input method development. SCIM splits input method into three parts: FrontEnd, which handles user interface and communication with client application non-GNU software and documentation
Smart Wizard Automated UML Generator The aim of this project is to build a tool, in the form of a web wizard, which will work in a helpdesk way, asking requeriments questions about any other project aimed to be developed and filling a knowledge database non-GNU software and documentation
smilcut A graphical timeline generator used to synchronise audio or video streams with other objects (slides, transcriptions, etc...). Generates timeline files which can be reused either manually or in other software. non-GNU software and documentation
Smoking Clover non-GNU software and documentation
Smood Simple Management of Eiffel objects in Databases non-GNU software and documentation
SMSDaemon SMSDaemon its a sms sender written in python and python-tk, modular and portable. Its simple to extend and to use. Can send thru web gateways or hardware sms modems. non-GNU software and documentation
smtpmail a simple console based mailer non-GNU software and documentation
Smurgaborf Smurgaborf is a MUD. non-GNU software and documentation
SMX: Server Macro Expansion SMX is a server parsed macro-language capable of generating dynamic content with built-in support for database access. non-GNU software and documentation
Smyrno, a Jabber client for Emacs This project is closed. non-GNU software and documentation
SnailBBS non-GNU software and documentation
snavtclient - AV TECH CCTV DVR Client snavtclient is free open source network client program for CCTV security surveillance digital video recorders (DVR) manufactured by the AV TECH Corporation. non-GNU software and documentation
Snippets non-GNU software and documentation
SNIProxy SNIProxy implement SSL-enabled name-based reverse proxy. Server Name Indication (SNI) is a TLS extension which make possible SNIProxy forward each request to appropriate host. non-GNU software and documentation
snogray A "physically-based" ray-tracing rendering system non-GNU software and documentation
Social Versioning System Social Versioning System (SVS) is a framework for developing collaborative multi-user coding environments specifically geared towards use in gaming and simulation systems. non-GNU software and documentation
SociasMercao SociasMercao is a Dolibarr's plugin based in official adherent module. It manages members of an association, their payments and their credit for buying shop products. non-GNU software and documentation
Socks Server 5 non-GNU software and documentation
Socks-checking IRC-bot The goal is to build a working and fast scanner for SOCKS 4/5-servers and other Proxies without authentication. First versions will act as Client. non-GNU software and documentation
Software for Public Libraries SOPULI e' un'abbreviazione per SOftware for PUblic LIbraries, Software per Biblioteche Pubbliche SOPULI stands for SOftware for PUblic LIbraries non-GNU software and documentation
Software Freedom: An Introduction This book introduces software freedom: freedom to copy, study, modify, redistribute, and use. Unfortunately, many contemporary laws and habits weaken these freedoms. The consequences are startling. Visit the home page for volunteering details. non-GNU software and documentation
Software Patents examples We would like to collect information about cases where free software has been harmed by software patents. Please send any information in that regard to: portions
solang non-GNU software and documentation
Some Technical & Useful Functions for Emacs The aim of this project is to simplify the life of a user using Emacs non-GNU software and documentation
Sonata non-GNU software and documentation
Songanizer Songanizer is a script to organize a directory containing MP3 files. It has been decommissioned. Official GNU software
SorceryNet IRC Services Sorcerynet IRC Services is a program that provides an Internet Relay Chat network with nickname and channel registration and protection. non-GNU software and documentation
SoundCoach non-GNU software and documentation
Source INSTALLer sinstall is a source packages installer. It's able to download, compile, install and uninstall any kind of source package. non-GNU software and documentation
Source Package Tool A package tool for source based packages. non-GNU software and documentation
Sourceforge for Debian This project aimed at providing Debian packages of Sourceforge. It has been deprecated in favour of Gforge, which is based on it and includes many new features. Please check for more info. non-GNU software and documentation
sovix Sovix is the PHP-based, extensible, customizable, semantic website revision system. Official GNU software
SOWAS general-purpose bookkeeping system SOWAS is a general-purpose multi-user financial bookkeeping system. (Sorry, no website at this very moment.) non-GNU software and documentation
Soya 3D A high-level 3D engine for Python, designed with games in mind. non-GNU software and documentation
Space Hulk Space Hulk is a science-fiction board game in the world of Warhammer 40000. The project is aiming at providing a way to play SpaceHulk on your computer with the exact same rules as in the board version. non-GNU software and documentation
SpamAssassin Milter Plugin A little plugin for the Sendmail Milter (Mail Filter) library that pipes all incoming mail (including things received by rmail/UUCP) through the SpamAssassin, a highly customizable SpamFilter. non-GNU software and documentation
Spanish-German vocabulary list for ding ding-es-de is a Spanish-German translation dictionary for the free (GPL) dictionary lookup program ding by Frank Richter. non-GNU software and documentation
SPARK Ada mode for Emacs A major mode to edit SPARK Ada source code in Emacs. non-GNU software and documentation
Spatter A set of tools for performing fully-automated image analysis on DNA microarrays. non-GNU software and documentation
Spawnrun Spawnrun aims to be an application for Cellular Automation. non-GNU software and documentation
spe glibc add-on non-GNU software and documentation
Speakcid Utility that announces the caller id party using the festival TTS engine. Caller id information is also logged to a backend database. A cgi script is provided for web retrival of names/numbers. non-GNU software and documentation
SpécialK An anaesthetizing algorithmic language non-GNU software and documentation
SpecMate A graphical tool to analyse spectroscopic data non-GNU software and documentation
Speech Dispatcher Common high-level interface to speech synthesis non-GNU software and documentation
Speex A patent-free audio codec designed especially for voice (unlike Vorbis which targets general audio) signals and providing good narrowband and wideband quality. This project aims to be complementary to the Ogg Vorbis codec. Official GNU software
Spherical In-Core Volume Rendering Srend renders Cartesian grid data in scaled byte form to imagery. It is designed to be used within scalable HPC application codes. non-GNU software and documentation
SpiderXML A manipulate XML library. non-GNU software and documentation
spinneret Spinneret is a Linux based graphical tool for managing the data and style of pages in a website, easily and quickly. The tool spinneret can be used to manage various links in a web page, creation of frame pages, managing the data in the web page etc. non-GNU software and documentation
Splash - Soundfont2 Software Synthesizer This software tries to implement an efficient, modular and easy to understand software synthesizer using SoundFont2 audio fonts. It will be flexible enough to provide a custom tuned balance between real-time performance and accuracy of sound output. non-GNU software and documentation
Spleen Spleen includes data into pictures: it only modifies pixels' color. Indeed, it's very discreet and secret... non-GNU software and documentation
spm databank Databank is a GTK2 interface which allows users to save simple datas. spm database provides a library to easily manage Berkeley databases. non-GNU software and documentation
spmalloc - Stephan Peijnik's malloc Allocator with per-module (dynamically linked object) memory usage information non-GNU software and documentation
Spread Sheet Widget Spread Sheet Widget for Gtk+ Official GNU software
Sprint Sprint is a free-as-in-freedom UNIX-like operating system written in C. non-GNU software and documentation
sprintf.js A JavaScript implementation of the familiar sprintf() function from the C standard library. non-GNU software and documentation
SpriteCore sprite-based animation library for Unix-like and other systems non-GNU software and documentation
SPS A packaging system that keeps all of the packages separated and makes selection of packages easy on a user-by-user basis. non-GNU software and documentation
SQDownloader SQDownloader, simple queue downloader using an external one. non-GNU software and documentation
SQLtutor Interactive web based tool for learning SQL by examples Official GNU software
Squash - Learning Music Player Squash is a C/Ncurses music player: Library mp3, ogg and flac support, uses statistics to determine songs to play automatically (garners these stats through whether or not a song is skipped), also avoids playing the same song twice. non-GNU software and documentation
Squat the empties Squat the empties est un jeu en 2d isométrique écrit en C++ et s'appuyant sur la librairie SDL. Le plan du jeu représente une ville à l'époque moderne, et le but du jeu est d'instaurer la commune. non-GNU software and documentation
squawk non-GNU software and documentation
SRC (Unity) - A Next Generation Internet Chat Protocol An attempt to get rid of problems in today's online chat systems like IRC, i.e. increasing scalability and removing other limitations. This should make internet-wide communication a lot better and easier. non-GNU software and documentation
Srpc Srpc is a RPC framework for POSIX systems, using Unix domain sockets for IPC. non-GNU software and documentation
sshlink Forward local/remote ports with SSH easily non-GNU software and documentation
sshproxy sshproxy is a pure python implementation of an ssh proxy. It allows easy management of remote sites and users allowed to connect to them. non-GNU software and documentation
Stage0 Bootstrap for the Free Software A class of minimal bootstrap binaries that has a reproducible build on all platforms. Providing a verifiable base for defeating the trusting trust attack. non-GNU software and documentation
STALEMATE KBSDE The basic version of the STALEMATE Knowledge-based System Design Environment fundamentally consists of a logical design-language parser, a deductive inference mechanism and a code generator toward C/C++, Java, SQL and XML. non-GNU software and documentation
Stamp Collection Management Providing all data and tools to manage a stamp collection without any proprietary software or data. non-GNU software and documentation
Stargazer Stargazer is a load balancer with proxy capabilities. It allows distribution of load to a number of server farms and provides fail-over mechanisms in case one ( or several ) fail. It supports both, TCP and UDP , and is capable of balancing any protocol, i non-GNU software and documentation
Starmpeg Starmpeg is an intuitive, powerful and friendly mpeg player for all unices and linux. It is intented to be fast and portable, using Qt library from trolltech and smpeg library. non-GNU software and documentation
Station Location and Info The station-info program searches for and displays information about AM, FM, and TV stations using databases supplied by the US Federal Communications Commission (aka, 'the FCC'). non-GNU software and documentation
StatNews Extracts useful statistics out of a newsgroup or mailing list non-GNU software and documentation
Stellio Game Library A collection of C++ classes and functions for use in computer games. Its goal is to help Free Software game developers produce games with all of the flashy technologies seen in commercial games by providing Free implementations of these technologies. non-GNU software and documentation
Stencil Stencil is shoot'em'up game. non-GNU software and documentation
Step by Step Guide to GNU/Linux Debian Installation A GNU/Linux Debian installation guide documented with more then 100 screenshots for every little step the user should do so even someone who has no knowledge of installing it what so ever will succeed. non-GNU software and documentation
Step By Step Into Argp This project is a book that helps you learn the command-line processing system called argp. non-GNU software and documentation
Sticker - System call spy non-GNU software and documentation
Stolen Lives Documentation System System to document cases of people killed by law enforcement agents. GPL'd so that others may customize it to document other kinds of human rights abuses. non-GNU software and documentation
stonage Stonage is a puzzle game. Your hero should find the exit on a hundred level. non-GNU software and documentation
Stopper Executes a copy if a file contains " nan " in its last line or a value under a specified threshold in a specified column. Useful in monitoring CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) calculations. non-GNU software and documentation
storeBackup Disk-to-Disk Backup Tool: Fancy compressing managing checksumming hard-linking cp -rua based on deduplication plus backup replication. Very fast also over slow lines. non-GNU software and documentation
Storm - permanent storage non-GNU software and documentation
StrategicCombat 2D Turnbased Strategy non-GNU software and documentation
Straw, desktop news aggregator Straw is a desktop news aggregator for the GNOME 2 desktop. non-GNU software and documentation
Stream Formatting Tool SFT, stream formatting tool, allows for simple formatting of a stream. SFT can number lines, where a newline is encountered, as well as remove spaces and tabs from its input. non-GNU software and documentation
streamtuner, a stream directory browser streamtuner offers a GTK+ 2.0 interface to Internet radio directories. non-GNU software and documentation
Stretched exponential spectrum (KWW) A C library to compute the Kohlrausch-Willams-Watts function, i.e. the Fourier transform of the stretched exponential exp[-(t/tau)^beta]. non-GNU software and documentation
strongly coupled hygrothermal solver for wood The solver calculates the strongly coupled heat and moisture field for wood and needs the finite element package elmer ( to run. non-GNU software and documentation
Students\' Electronic Register non-GNU software and documentation
studynux : a creator of study cards unde non-GNU software and documentation
STUMP STUMP (Secure Team-based Usenet Moderation Program) is a robomoderator for Usenet newsgroups. Official GNU software
Subnet Calculator Interactive Subnet calculator for GNU/Linux and Windows. non-GNU software and documentation
Sudoku Factory Sudoku Solver and GUI. non-GNU software and documentation
Sudoku Solver and Generator A command line program that solves Sudoku puzzles, or generates them in either ASCII or HTML format non-GNU software and documentation
Summer Of Code project list The GNU Project is participating in the Google Summer of Code. Visit the project homepage (see the navigation bar above) for details. portions
Sunlite for BitchX Sunlite is a BitchX script which features a translation of the environment into Spanish, Galego, English, Catala, Euskera, and Italian, color configuration with a theme manager (optional), hotkeys support, sound playing on events (optional), an MP3 player non-GNU software and documentation
Super Slide Me SSM (Super Slide Me) is an application to create image galleries. By a user-friendly interface, you can resize and rotate images and make slideshow presentations, eventually with sound in background. non-GNU software and documentation
Svas Svas is a distributed Alife environment consisting in a world server, a graphic and control clients, and several agent clients. non-GNU software and documentation
SVG Babal An arcade SVG bouncing ball game. non-GNU software and documentation
SVM (Statechart Virtual Machine) SVM (Statechart Virtual Machine) is a tool to interpret and simulate statechart models. SCC compiles statechart models into efficient Java code. non-GNU software and documentation
SVORI Software supporting the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative non-GNU software and documentation
swap - a command line utility to edit files and directory trees. swap - The Directory Tree Editor non-GNU software and documentation
Swarm Swarm is a kernel and library for the multi-agent simulation of complex systems. Please note that our main website, is in the process of being rebuilt and this development site is acting as our backup server. non-GNU software and documentation
Swathanthra Malayalam Computing Aim: "Swathanthra Malayalam Computing" makes possible. Swathanthra = 'free' as in freedom Website: non-GNU software and documentation
swbis - Extensions to POSIX packaging The swbis project is a from-scratch implementation of the POSIX spec ISO/IEC 15068-2:1999 with extensions for package authentication and tools for creation of signed source tar archives. Official GNU software
sweater This package has been decommissioned. non-GNU software and documentation
SWFTools SWFTools is a collection of command-line tools for handling SWF files. non-GNU software and documentation
SWIG for C# Working group directory for the swig dotgnu/pnet pinvoke and ECMA c# interface to SWIG. non-GNU software and documentation
Swinput Swinput can fake a mouse and a keyboard. Swinput uses the Linux Input System. non-GNU software and documentation
SWORD 2000 Software With Objects for Rapid Developement, SWORD is a C++ library aimed at speeding up developement of portable applications (at least GNU/Linux and Microsoft Win32, someday Apple MacOSX). non-GNU software and documentation
SWTScore SWTScore is a musical score editor, written in Java. Its first goal is to fully support the ABC format. non-GNU software and documentation
SYGAL Système web de gestion d'activité pour association incluant la gestion des membres, le secrétariat, la trésorerie et la comptabilité. non-GNU software and documentation
Synapse Filemanager designed to exploit features offered by the Hyppocampus relational filesystem non-GNU software and documentation
Synaptic Synaptic (previously known as raptor) is a graphical package management program for APT enabled distributions. non-GNU software and documentation
Synchronizing Key Server SKS is a new OpenPGP keyserver whose goal is to provide easy to deploy, decentralized, and highly reliable synchronization. That means that a key submitted to one SKS server will quickly be distributed to all key servers, and even wildly out-of-date ser non-GNU software and documentation
Synthesizable MSP430-compatible core Synthesizable processor core that is instruction code compatible with Texas Instruments' MSP430 microcontroller series. non-GNU software and documentation
System Poczty Wirtualnej (Virtual Mail) non-GNU software and documentation
System Task Scheduler non-GNU software and documentation
System V style init programs System V style init programs originally written by Miquel van Smoorenburg that control the booting and shutdown of your system. non-GNU software and documentation
Syster System Availability Metrics non-GNU software and documentation
sysync Sysync is a lightweight host management system, providing centralized account management (user accounts, ssh keys) and configuration file management across multiple systems. non-GNU software and documentation
szs project szs - a (status|notifier|clock|whatever)-tool for the wmiibar. non-GNU software and documentation
t2ms - ticket/task management system non-GNU software and documentation
T4 T4 is a simple macro processor whose syntax is influenced by m4 and TeX. non-GNU software and documentation
Tabarnak Tabarnak tends à devenir un helpdesk modulaire et facile à adapter à un système existant. Initialement prévu pour être un helpdesk, sa structure actuelle ne permet pas de le nommer ainsi. non-GNU software and documentation
TabletToolbox TabletToolbox (ttb) is a toolbox application for tablet PCs. non-GNU software and documentation
Talen Vocabulary Trainer A very minimalistic program for vocabulary learning. non-GNU software and documentation
Tamarack Artiscan Driver This project aim to produce a SANE driver for Tamarack Artiscan 9600/600c non-GNU software and documentation
Tangomon Educational monster battling game non-GNU software and documentation
Tapioca - Offline Photo Gallery Editor An offline photo gallery editor for non-GNU software and documentation
TarGNUm - GNU Hebrew translation team *INACTIVE* TarGNUm is the home for the GNU site hebrew translation team. translation teams
Tasklist Groupware Tasklist is no longr hosted at Savannha. Please for all future updates. non-GNU software and documentation
Tatanga non-GNU software and documentation
Taylor uucp Taylor uucp is a free implementation of UUCP and is the standard UUCP used on the GNU system. Official GNU software
TCD, a CD player with ncurses interface non-GNU software and documentation
Tcldrop Tcldrop is basically a clone of the Eggdrop IRC bot, but is being written purely in Tcl. The intention is to write a much more scriptable bot than Eggdrop is. It will run stand-alone or from any Tcl-enabled application (using Tcl v8.5 and above). non-GNU software and documentation
TDT Provide secure and stable OS, based on highly modified Linux Kernel, own package system, like "BSD Ports". Compatible with x86, Power PC. Easy to use of any level users. Complete Documentantion in many languages. 99% compatible with Windows '9x games and non-GNU software and documentation
Te Tuhi Video Game System You draw a picture of a video game on paper and show it to the computer. It looks at what you have drawn and develops suitable game rules. Then you play the game. This is an inclusive project; experimental modules are welcome. non-GNU software and documentation
Techne Techne is a general purpose, programmable physical simulator and renderer. non-GNU software and documentation
teebu teebu is an archiving tool. It was created to allow files to be backed-up in a secure and fault-tolerant way. For this purpose, teebu supports encryption, and can recover data from undamaged portions of corrupt and partial archives. non-GNU software and documentation
Telecom Options Call Tracking System Call tracking and billing system for PBX administrators non-GNU software and documentation
Telephony Billing non-GNU software and documentation
templatizer Quickly start an email with a template. non-GNU software and documentation
Ten Forensics Toolkit The Ten Forensics Toolkit is intended to assist with the forensic inspection of GNU/Linux-based systems. non-GNU software and documentation
Tennacles Tennacles is a tool which will aid artists and designers in the creation of adventure games through a visual integrated developement environment. The generated data can be exported to available exisntant game engines which will play the data. non-GNU software and documentation
Tensile A glue language based on the ideas of process networks and finite-state automata (something like a 2-D shell) non-GNU software and documentation
Tensor extension to the GSL GSL extension to create and manipulate tensors. non-GNU software and documentation
Tensors - C++ Template Library This library may be used to code tensorial equations using Gibbs (direct) notation. It is not very efficient because of temporary objects. However, it is very easy to be used and any dimension and order may be selected. non-GNU software and documentation is a terminal emulator for GNUstep ( It also provides so called 'terminal services' to other applications. non-GNU software and documentation
Terminocheck Terminocheck (as in Terminological checker) is a Perl script which lets you check and rectify terminological mistakes in source code, such as writing 'Linux' when 'GNU/Linux' is what is meant. non-GNU software and documentation
Test-Reporter non-GNU software and documentation
Testengine v0.1 Web based application for Candidate Selection. non-GNU software and documentation
Testy test non-GNU software and documentation
testy-ng0 non-GNU software and documentation
TestyEight non-GNU software and documentation
testyten non-GNU software and documentation
Tetradraw ANSI ART Editor ANSI ART Editor non-GNU software and documentation
Tetrahedrosaur Tetrahedrosaur is an experimental software that allows user to create various 3D shapes via selective breeding. non-GNU software and documentation
Tetum Translation Project Tetun (aka Tetan Tetum) is the common language of the people of Timor Leste (East Timor). The Tetun Project aspires to develop and refine Tetun Interfaces and guidelines for Linux and other Free Liscenced Open Source Computing Environments. GNU user groups
TeX by Topic This is the source of the book "TeX by Topic" written by Victor Eijkhout. non-GNU software and documentation
TeX for the Impatient TeX for the Impatient is a ~350 page book on TeX, plain TeX, and Eplain, written by Paul Abrahams, Kathryn Hargreaves, and Karl Berry. Official GNU software
TeX2Star A system for converting TeX documents into OpenOffice XML documents non-GNU software and documentation
texdocgui texdocgui provides graphical user interfaces to the documentation of many free tex-related tools and packages. It is based on the directory structure of the free tetex distribution, and uses perl to access the docs. Using the varios perl bindings it is po non-GNU software and documentation
Texi2HTML A Perl script which converts Texinfo source files to HTML output. non-GNU software and documentation
texi2latex -- convert Texinfo to LaTeX texi2latex converts any Texinfo file to a LaTeX2e file that is ready to be processed by both LaTeX and pdfLaTeX. non-GNU software and documentation
texi2man Texi2man extracts pieces of text from a file texinfo, recombines them into a new file and transcodes the result from texinfo to groff. With texi2man you can create a new man page in Unix style, extracting it from the texinfo source for info documentation non-GNU software and documentation
texinfo - GNU documentation system Texinfo is the GNU documentation system. It can produce both on-line information and printed output from a single source. Official GNU software
Texinfo Language Support for Visual Studio Code An extension of Visual Studio Code which provides Texinfo language support for Visual Studio Code. non-GNU software and documentation
teXswitcher teXswitcher is a free cross-platform graphical tool to easily reorganize LaTeX documents (by drag&drop). non-GNU software and documentation
Text Extractor TXR Txr is a new language for text extraction tasks. non-GNU software and documentation
Text User Interface, framework for scripts A command library, a shell wrapper, a toolbox, an interface framework and it truely is for scripts. non-GNU software and documentation
Text Utilities The GNU Text Utilities are the basic text manipulation utilities of the GNU Operating System. This project has been decommisioned. It's functionality has been merged with coreutils. Official GNU software
Text::Wrap::OO An object oriented interface to Text::Wrap. non-GNU software and documentation
Textmaterial for informatics Textmaterials for informatic students shipped with GFDL license. non-GNU software and documentation
Textometre 'textometre' is or will be a free multi-platforms software for the lexicometric/textometric exploration of textual resources. It tries to take advantage of XML and Unicode technologies for the text management. non-GNU software and documentation
TFTB -- the Time-Frequency Toolbox The Time-Frequency Toolbox (TFTB) is a collection of GNU Octave and Matlab (R) scripts developed for the analysis of non-stationary signals using time-frequency distributions. non-GNU software and documentation
tGarden - responsive playspace The T-Garden is a responsive event-landscape where visitors can 'wear' sound, dance with images and play with media in a tangible way, constructing musical and visual worlds 'on the fly'. non-GNU software and documentation
Thai Translation Team for the gnu's web *INACTIVE* Translate gnu's web into Thai translation teams
The Arc build tool project Arc is a fully extensible build tool, combining most of the functionality now found in tools like autoconf, automake, libtool and make. It is portable and written completely in Scheme. non-GNU software and documentation
The asynchronous SSH library libassh is a free software library written in C that implements the Secure Shell protocol version 2. non-GNU software and documentation
The Backbone Project The Backbone Project's intent is to create the best-damn "Desktop" system we can. The definition we use to define "best" is "the kind of system we want to use". We're using the GNUstep libraries to do it. non-GNU software and documentation
The BHL mode BHL is an Emacs mode which enables you to convert plain TXT files into HTML, LaTeX, and SGML (Linuxdoc) files. non-GNU software and documentation
The Bibulus bibliography formatting system Bibulus is a system for formatting bibliographies and generating references. Bibliographic databases are stored in XML and the bibliographies can be output in many formats (at present LaTeX, HTML and plain text). non-GNU software and documentation
The Billy-Bob Ming Project non-GNU software and documentation
The Borgshare Project Completely serverless peer-to-peer communication software. non-GNU software and documentation
The Bubbling Load Monitoring Applet Widget displaying the system load as a bubbling liquid. non-GNU software and documentation
The CHICKEN Scheme-to-C compiler CHICKEN is a compiler that translates R5RS Scheme into portable C using a technique developed by Henry Baker ("Cheney on the M.T.A."). non-GNU software and documentation
The Circle (no longer being developed) The Circle is a P2P application that provides file sharing, instant messaging, trust based news and proxying for Debian's apt tool. It uses a distributed hashtable for scalability, and is written in Python. non-GNU software and documentation
The Comet Middleware Project The Comet middleware project is a Java-based environment created to experiment highly-dynamic distributed applications. By highly-dynamic we mean applications that can be modified at runtime (e.g. internal changes, mobility and so on). non-GNU software and documentation
the Curses Command Front-end non-GNU software and documentation
The Daemonarch A Distributed Asynchronous Enviroment for Modeling Objects Network Architecture non-GNU software and documentation
The DareDevils Game Daredevils is a 3D racing game where vehicles race at great speeds on dangerous tracks. non-GNU software and documentation
The Ebba toolset The Ebba toolset is a free implementation of (a variant) of the B formal method for software development. non-GNU software and documentation
The Elysium project The Elysium Project's goal is to provide various info on musicians,their gigs, promoters, mp3 samples, and various other about music, written in php4 with mysql backend as a postnuke module non-GNU software and documentation
The eMule Xmod The Xmod is a Project based on the eMule Client. It's a client working with the edonkey protocol, meaning you can use Servers and your old files with it. non-GNU software and documentation
The Enhanced Linux Progress Patch Who has not wanted the GNU/Linux system to look better? This project, the ELPP is a patch to the linux kernel that displays a splash image and a progress bar showing the boot progress of the system. non-GNU software and documentation
The Ethel Freenet Node Ethel is a Freenet node implementation in OCaml. The project has been moved to, see for our new site. non-GNU software and documentation
The Extendable Rewriting Notatation a proper superset of Perl 5. Extensions and extension mechanism subject to discussion. non-GNU software and documentation
The eXtended osip library eXosip is a library which help you to establish and control a set of call through the use of SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). non-GNU software and documentation
The Fat Controller non-GNU software and documentation
The FL Compiler Project non-GNU software and documentation
The Florestan project * Reunimos de forma non-GNU software and documentation
The Fortran 90 Posix interface project Fortran 90 Bindings to the Posix API non-GNU software and documentation
The Free High School Science Texts Produce a set of free high school science texts. These texts must be easily customisable to fit a specific syllabus. non-GNU software and documentation
The FreeCookBook This project's goal is to create a basic and complete cookbook with all the basic necessary recipes for "Western" cooking, including some basic ethnic recipes as well. non-GNU software and documentation
The FreeType Project A modular font rendering library. non-GNU software and documentation
The General Area Calculator non-GNU software and documentation
The GNU 3DKit The GNU 3DKit provides an object oriented graphics API for writing 3D graphics applications using GNUstep or Cocoa. non-GNU software and documentation
The GNU Binary Utilities portions
The GNU Bourne-Again SHell Web pages for Bash, the GNU Bourne-Again Shell Official GNU software
The GNU Hurd The GNU Hurd is the GNU project's replacement for the Unix kernel. Official GNU software
The GNU HURD on Alpha The purpose of this project is to privide a working implementation of the GNU HURD for the Alpha architecture. non-GNU software and documentation
The GNU Readline library Web pages for the GNU Readline library. Official GNU software
The GNU Shepherd The GNU Daemon Shepherd (formerly GNU dmd) is an init system for GNU. Official GNU software
The GNU Telecom Subsystem To deliver scalable telephony solutions for current and next generation telephone networks using free software running on a GNU system. Official GNU software
The GNU Writing Movement The GWM will provide a catalog of existing free documentation and brand new manuals. Raising the quality of free software documentation is one of our priorities. Everything will be distributed under a free license, preferably the GNU FDL. non-GNU software and documentation
The GOSSIP Simulation Environment This is a simple yet powerful simulator for synchronous data flow programs as they appear often in digital signal processing. It is implemented as an extension to Guile. non-GNU software and documentation
The Guile eXtensible IRC client non-GNU software and documentation
The Guile Scheme Apache module non-GNU software and documentation
The Horus Indexer A website directory indexer non-GNU software and documentation
The HTML Inclusion Tool A simple preprocessor for HTML pages which can run as a CGI application non-GNU software and documentation
The IDEDOS Project IDEDOS is a disk operating system written in 6502/65816 assembly for the Commodore 64/128 and SuperCPU, equiped with the IDE64 cartridge. It's main purphose is to control ATA(PI) devices and present them like normal Commodore drives. non-GNU software and documentation
The igraph library This is another library for creating and manipulating graphs. There is simply no other graph library out there which can handle graphs of the size the author is confronted with. Whenever possible igraph tries to be also user friendly and portable. non-GNU software and documentation
The Jtrix Project Jtrix is a technology to allow code to be mobile, adaptive, distributed and scalable. For more information see our white papers which you can get from the home page at and the Getting started project in particular. non-GNU software and documentation
The KnowledgeBase A lightweight Knowledge Management system with both web and command line interfaces. non-GNU software and documentation
The LGPL'd PC BIOS The goal of this project is to have a LGPL'd PC BIOS for Plex86, Bochs and Qemu. Also long term plan is making it safe for use on real hardware. non-GNU software and documentation
The Librarian The Librarian is a FREE library (the place where books are there) management application for the GNOME desktop. non-GNU software and documentation
The libunwind project Libunwind defines a free portable and efficient C programming interface to determine and manipulate the call-chain of a program. The libunwind project also provides a free implementation of the interface which is portable to most platforms and currently non-GNU software and documentation
The Linux Orinoco Driver The Linux Orinoco Driver supports a large number of wireless (802.11b) NICs based on the Hermes, Symbol Spectrum24 Trilogy and Prism 2/2.5/3 chipsets. non-GNU software and documentation
The Los Task Request System The Los Task Request System is software for automating common user-requested system adminsitration tasks. non-GNU software and documentation
The Lynx text browser Lynx is a text browser for the World Wide Web. Lynx 2.8.6 runs on Un*x, VMS, Windows 95/98/NT but not 3.1 or 3.11, on DOS (386 or higher), BeOS, QNX and OS/2 EMX. non-GNU software and documentation
The Machine Learning Project AI Framework to solve Problems of Real Life non-GNU software and documentation
The Marvin Project Marvin is a cryptography software based on GPG in which one part of the key can be generated with voice. non-GNU software and documentation
The Needle Programming Language Needle is an advanced statically-typed object-oriented functional programming language. non-GNU software and documentation
The NitroNet IRC Server Daemon Modifications of an irc daemon to fill the NitroNet.Org needs non-GNU software and documentation
The nmh Mail Handling System This is the (new) MH Mail Handling System, an update on the classic MH Mail Handling system, originally by the RAND Corporation. non-GNU software and documentation
The Nova Operating System Single-server POSIX-like operating system. non-GNU software and documentation
The Om Modular Synthesizer Om is a modular synthesizer for LADSPA plugins and the Jack audio server. Its engine is a fully independent process which communicates through the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol. non-GNU software and documentation
The OO-Browser The OO-Browser is a multi-windowed, interactive object-oriented class browser similar in use to the well-known Smalltalk browsers. C, C++, Common Lisp and its Object System (CLOS), Eiffel, Java, Objective-C, Python and Smalltalk class browsing are all in Official GNU software
The Open Sip Registrar Daemon osrd is the Open Sip Registrar Daemon. SIP is the Session Initiation Protocol and has been published by IETF. The registrar receives registrations from SIP phones. When a user (using a SIP phone like linphone) wants to invite somebody in a call, the regis non-GNU software and documentation
The OpenVortex Project Our mission: To create robust and completely free (as in freedom) Linux OSS & ALSA drivers for soundcards using the Aureal Vortex line of audio processors. non-GNU software and documentation
the Orange Slice Orange Slice is a subtitle editor. It aims at being able to edit many different file formats like SSA, ASS, SUB, SRT, etc. It's Mostly based on the Sub Station Alpha (SSA) format. non-GNU software and documentation
The oSIP library This is the oSIP library. It has been designed to provide the Internet Community a simple way to support the Session Initiation Protocol. SIP is described in the RFC3261 which is available at Official GNU software
The Panada File System A decentralized distributed file system non-GNU software and documentation
The partysip SIP Proxy server Parysip is a plugin oriented SIP registrar, redirect, stateless and, statefull Proxy server. non-GNU software and documentation
The Plains of Usata An action/RPG non-GNU software and documentation
The PLife Project non-GNU software and documentation
The Random File Selector A random file selector that can perform various tasks on the selected file, such as printing, running a shell command, etc... non-GNU software and documentation
The Scrudgeware (Symbolic-Link) Package Tool Spkgtool is a software management system. non-GNU software and documentation
The Stump Window Manager A tiling, keyboard driven X11 window manager written entirely in Common Lisp. non-GNU software and documentation
the system of clean code non-GNU software and documentation
The Turtle Autobuilder Perl classes and supporting scripts that allow to monitor a source repository and process new or existing versions, for example by downloading and compiling software automatically or on request and uploading built packages to a binary repository. non-GNU software and documentation
The Xlogmaster Xlogmaster is a program that lets you monitor everything that's going on on your system in a very quick and comfortable way. It allows reading of logfiles, devices or running status-gathering programs. Official GNU software
The XML Database Object-Oriented Model Used to create a logical object-oriented model for manipulating tabular databases from an XML definition. Xmldoom is written in Python and supports powerful Python runtime engine. non-GNU software and documentation
Themes and plugins for TWiki TWiki Skins -- a place holder for TWiki themes and plugins. Here you can download the latest CVS version of the GnuSkin. A simple, yet functional and stylish GNU-looking theme. Contact joachim to gain membership access in this project for your own T non-GNU software and documentation
ThemeX/Westgen Site-Wide Template Engine "ThemeX/Westgen Site-Wide Template Engine" is an Open Source (GPL) Web-based content management system written in PHP. non-GNU software and documentation
therion Therion is a cave surveying software, that is used to generate 2D cave maps and 3D models. non-GNU software and documentation
Things Things is a Retained-Mode Canvas 2D vector Animation API; intended for GNU/Linux. non-GNU software and documentation
This isn't emacs editor MaCRoS This isn't emacs editor MaCRoS A flexable shell replacement based upon guile and emacs (possibly scsh too) non-GNU software and documentation
Thorny Devil Enterprise Password Store TDEPS - Thorny Devil Enterprise Password Store: A Secure password storage server for shared secrets non-GNU software and documentation
Thoron Thoron is written for LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP). The purpose of this software is to provide all the funktions needed to arrange an sports event. From submittning the competiors, to displayning the results from the event. non-GNU software and documentation
ThotBook editor A visual editor for DocBook SGML/XML and derivatives, based on the Thot toolkit. non-GNU software and documentation
Threadmill Threadmill aims to build a high level GUI system to manage graph nodes with customizable front ends that allow wrapping any kind of node from real time generated unix cmdline output to Objective-C method calls. non-GNU software and documentation
three_port_thevenin_bipolar_transistor Three port thevenin bipolar transistor , it can be found under the project heading BBBMT_TPTBT (Black Box Bipolar Model Transistor / as previously stated). This is a simplified T , with high frequency (said who ?? B.S.J.W.S ) modification and thermal mu non-GNU software and documentation
Tice: C++ Real-Time Active Library Tice is a C++ active library that compiles some classes of real-time specifications into a set of real-time tasks (operating system's processes/threads) scheduled on a set of processor cores. non-GNU software and documentation
Ticket Applet 2 A GNOME 2 applet for tracking the remaining life of a user's Kerberos ticket, and permitting the user to grab a new ticket. Has options for running an arbitrary program (ie. to grab an AFS token) after a new ticket has been grabbed. non-GNU software and documentation
Ticketing non-GNU software and documentation
Tidydoc : documentation organizer The goal of Tidydoc is to make documentation organization easier and faster. Documents can be added through a web interface or using any file transfer program, such as scp. Then html files and bibtex files can be generated automatically to browse your doc non-GNU software and documentation
Tiger UNIX security tool Tiger (or the 'tiger' scripts) is a security tool designed to perform audits of UNIX systems. It's useful as an security check tool and as a host intrusion detection tool (if configured to run through cron and by sending e-mail reports). non-GNU software and documentation
tilkIRClog A program written in Python, designed for logging IRC chats and sending logs via email. It's fully automated and has lot of features. non-GNU software and documentation
timber non-GNU software and documentation
Time Entry for phpBMS A module for phpBMS that allows businesses that bill by the hour to track their billable activities and assemble invoices. non-GNU software and documentation
Timestamping of Prior Art System ToPAS's purpose is to prove prior art for projects hosted on Savannah. This can be useful in case of lawsuit for patent infringement. ToPAS is simply a publicly timestamped list of MD5sums of all Savannah files. non-GNU software and documentation
timetrack A small suite of scripts that helps keeping track of the time spent working on a project non-GNU software and documentation
Tina Tina is a personal information manager with a curses interface. It allows the user to categorize short text items and to display the items in a particular category. non-GNU software and documentation
TINI Is Not Init An infrastructure made up by shell scripts and a well defined directory structure, which act somewhat like the init scripts, but with the main aim to be able to easily switch between different environments. Ideal for notebook users. non-GNU software and documentation
Tiny C Compiler TinyCC is a very fast and small ISOC99 compiler for x86 linux non-GNU software and documentation
Tiny DHT TinyDHT is a light-weight implementation of the Azureus DHT protocol. non-GNU software and documentation
Tiny Object Model for XML documents A very simple object model for XML documents non-GNU software and documentation
TinyInit TinyInit is a small modern system init package for UNIX-like systems. non-GNU software and documentation
TinyOgg TinyOgg is a Free (AGPL'd) service to convert Flash-based videos to Ogg: Theora and Vorbis (video and audio) to make it possible to watch videos without needing Flash or any other addon or plugin to a standard-friendly browser. non-GNU software and documentation
TinyQ TinyQ is a stripped down version of Qt 3.x that has been put together to use as a backend library and provides all the necessary library classes to comfortably develop in a C++ environment. non-GNU software and documentation
TipJar Authenticated Identity Service Clients and servers to implement a double-blind identity service. The reference implementation is Perl running in a CGI environment. The main focus of this project is ease of inclusion of the deliverable client code into a CGI application. a AIS::Client m non-GNU software and documentation
TK-707 - a midi drum sequencer TK-707 is a midi drum sequencer for Linux, based on functionality of Roland's TR-707. You can also switch to the latin TK-727 sound map, or customise your own sound map. non-GNU software and documentation
TkDVD growisofs (command line tool for burning DVD+R/RW and -R/RW for the last versions) GUI written in TCL/Tk. non-GNU software and documentation
TkLauncher A small desktop launcher for GNU/Linux. non-GNU software and documentation
TkResolver++ TkResolver++ is a suite of software for conducting experiments into psychokinesis. non-GNU software and documentation
Tlf ham radio contest logger Tlf is a free console mode general purpose CW/VOICE keyer, logging and contest program for hamradio non-GNU software and documentation
TOAD - Game tournament assistant TOAD is the Tournament Organiser and Assistant Director. It automates many of the tasks needed when running a game tournament: player registry, match pairings, round results, etc. non-GNU software and documentation
TOAD C++ GUI Library The 'TOAD C++ GUI library' is a C++ class library to write graphical user interfaces for the X Windows System. non-GNU software and documentation
ToberUberStobe Game about survival in the Karakum Desert non-GNU software and documentation
todo2html todo2html converts TODO files into pretty HTML files. non-GNU software and documentation
tof tof is an online photo album which features indexing of pictures and fine grained access right control. non-GNU software and documentation
toGPRi v1 tools toGPRi v1 tools have been created for primarily analyzing RAMAC© groundpenetrating radar data and for building 3D matrices to generate georeferencied rasters of underground elements. non-GNU software and documentation
tomahawk Tomahawk project is a admintration Gui right access in apache. non-GNU software and documentation
TONG TONG is old-school fun, combining Tetris and Pong on one playfield. An insane mix of ever-changing rules affect the ways the two games interact. High customizability keeps things fresh, and presets provide challenges for newbies and veterans alike. non-GNU software and documentation
Toolbox Toolbox is a collection of common tools for GNUstep. non-GNU software and documentation
Tools for Inline Grassroots Organizing non-GNU software and documentation
TooN Tom's object oriented Numerics non-GNU software and documentation
Toople Google-like Search Engine non-GNU software and documentation
Toos This project will build a simple database in C++ for administrating a collection of books and CDs non-GNU software and documentation
Top10 Racing Simulation Top10 is a Go-Kart Racing Simulator. It is aimed at being realistic, but easy to drive. It runs on Linux and MS Windows non-GNU software and documentation
topot topot is remapper of different input devices (joystick, keyboard, mouse, midi/osc gears) to X events (mouse, keys), MIDI and Open Sound Control. topot is written in python and can be used interactively through python interactive shell (ie. ipython). non-GNU software and documentation
Tops Computing Environment Tops provides a stack-based computing environment with four types of stack items--numbers, matrices, strings, and string arrays--manipulated by commands called words. Words interact over the stack, and are easily assembled into new, more powerful words. non-GNU software and documentation
Toronto-area GNU/Hurd Usr Grp. We are a group of GNU/Hurd users from the Greater toronto area. We are willing to help new users to run GNU/Hurd and to develope software for GNU/Hurd. GNU user groups
Torsion Operating System Torsion is a single address space multitasking operating system with transparent data persistence. This means that any data that's created just persists automatically. There is no such thing as "saving" to disk. non-GNU software and documentation
ToutDoux ToutDoux is a project manager. The general approach is business oriented (I hope), it's imply that free database and high extensibility (plug-ins, back-ends and scripts). It has been decommissioned. Official GNU software
Tovero Solid Modeling System *** This project is unmaintained. *** Tovero is a 3D solid modeling system which uses constructive solid geometry (CSG). Users write programs in C++ or Ruby which link to the Tovero libraries. Running the program generates a binary model, which can be non-GNU software and documentation
tpb -- ThinkPad Buttons A utility for supporting the special buttons on an IBM ThinkPad(tm). non-GNU software and documentation
TPL: TPL Prints Languages the TPL project is a templating system specification, with implementations in various languages.It is intended to bridge the gap between the logic contained in the program and it's display, but can be useful in other contexts. non-GNU software and documentation
tpop3d A fast, extensible, secure UNIX POP3 server. non-GNU software and documentation
Traditional Chinese WWW (zh_TW) Traditional Chinese translators of the website of the GNU project. translation teams
Trains non-GNU software and documentation
TRAMP (transparent remote file access) This is an Emacs extension similar to Ange-FTP, but where Ange-FTP uses FTP to transfer the files, Tramp uses a shell login. The file transfer itself is either via uuencode or base64 encoding through the shell, or via external programs such as rcp or scp Official GNU software
Translate Word non-GNU software and documentation
Translation into spanish of Free as in Freedom by Sam Williams This project is the translation into spanish of the book Free as in Freedom by Sam Williams. Probably it will include some modifications to the text mainly due to Richard M. Stallman non-GNU software and documentation
Translation of into Italian Translation of into Italian translation teams
Transparent HTTP Proxy Relay non-GNU software and documentation
TransPO Project moved to non-GNU software and documentation
Transport Sample Protocol TSP is the acronym for Transport Sample Protocol based on TCP/IP. TSP goal is to provide a standard interface for high rate data distribution between a provider and several consumers on different hosts. non-GNU software and documentation
trashware magazzino Gestionale PHP/mySQL per le associazioni specializzate in trashware non-GNU software and documentation
Travel Enterprise This project aim to provide a complete framework and solution to manage Travels Business. non-GNU software and documentation
Traverso-DAW: Record and Arrange Audio Fast Traverso-DAW is a multitrack audio recording and editing tool that runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. non-GNU software and documentation
traydevice Lightweight, highly configurable single device systray representation. non-GNU software and documentation
TreeBind TreeBind is a generic hierarchical binding API supporting Java objects, XML, RDF and LDAP. non-GNU software and documentation
TribeStrive TribeStrive is a web based multiplayer strategy game where you lead a clan of primitive tribes through diplomacy, research, exploration, industry, and combat to become a major power broker in the world. non-GNU software and documentation
Trie-Gen: Trie Lookup Code Generator Trie-Gen generates C/C++ code for trie lookup functions defined on a sets of keywords. non-GNU software and documentation
Triggerbot non-GNU software and documentation
Trinity Chess suite non-GNU software and documentation
Trinity-Vision A package for displaying song lyrics and readings through a video projector. non-GNU software and documentation
Trolltrap Provides a user ignore list for discussion websites like It screens out obnoxious and annoying users (as defined by a "ban list" of users which you edit). It works by acting as a standard web proxy, intercepting all replies from web servers non-GNU software and documentation
trombi PROJET ABANDONNÉ : Le projet "trombi" est un logiciel de réalisation de trombinoscope. // ABANDONED PROJECT: The "trombi" project is a tool which generates trombinoscopes. non-GNU software and documentation
Trotyl non-GNU software and documentation
TrustPeer, a trusted friends p2p software, in order to build a TrustNet TrustPeer is a secure "friends only" based peer-to-peer software. The idea is to connect only to friends you really trust, and they will forward files and requests to their own friends, and so on. No direct connection involving the disclosure of your IP # non-GNU software and documentation
Tryton ERP Modules for Dominican Republic Tryton Account and Invoice Modules for Dominican Republic, by Fundación Dominicana de Software Libre. non-GNU software and documentation
TsumeGo TsumeGo is a problem solver for the game of Go. non-GNU software and documentation
ttyrpld - TTY replay deamon ttyrpld is a kernel-based tty shell-, screen- and keylogger for Linux, FreeBSD/PCBSD and OpenBSD . It has a real-time log analyzer. Supports any tty type (vc (console), bsd/unix98 pty (xterm/ssh), serial, isdn, usb, etc.). non-GNU software and documentation
tuBois Basic tool to manage photo galleries, using PHP/MySQL non-GNU software and documentation
Tune Your Twizy non-GNU software and documentation
Tunnel Tunnel is a game in which you control a capsule going down a tunnel. In the process you should pick up power ups and avoid collisions with enemy balls coming your way. non-GNU software and documentation
Tupper non-GNU software and documentation
Tutka Tutka is a free (as in freedom) tracker style MIDI sequencer for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. It is similar to programs like SoundTracker, ProTracker and FastTracker except that it does not support samples but is MIDI only. non-GNU software and documentation
Tutoterm The Educational Terminal: a step-by-step tutorial and dynamic documentation display included into a terminal emulator. non-GNU software and documentation
Tux Bowl American Football Simulation for Linux. non-GNU software and documentation
TuxReader TuxReader is an educational tool to assist children learn how to read. It is written in C/C++ and uses the Festival Speech Synthesis system. non-GNU software and documentation
tvm non-GNU software and documentation
Twin-X Twin-X is a life simulation program inspired by the game Creature, from Cyberlife Technologies. At this moment, it's at early stage of developpement and only the 2D/3D engine is in developpement (the rest is in plannification) non-GNU software and documentation
TwinLisp TwinLisp is a language with C/Java - like syntax, but with internals and abilities of a Common Lisp. More precisely, TwinLisp is a translator from its syntax to lisp code, which should be executed by an existing Common Lisp implementation. non-GNU software and documentation
Twisted non-GNU software and documentation
TwoLe planning engine GNU GPLv3-covered software for supporting Integrated Water Resources Management. It provides advanced optimization and simulation engines suitable to allow Decision Support Systems to explore water management policies for multi-criteria water planning. non-GNU software and documentation
txt2xhtml txt2xhtml is a plain text to XHTML converter. It outputs valid XHTML code and allows user to set page appearence using CSS. non-GNU software and documentation
TYK - a language learning tool TYK (the acronym for Teach Yourself Korean) is a generic tool for practicing vocabulary and grammar of foreign languages. non-GNU software and documentation
Type::Tie::Aggregate Like Type::Tie, but slower and more flexible. non-GNU software and documentation
typer A graphical typing trainer non-GNU software and documentation
U61 U61 is another block-based game. non-GNU software and documentation
U6a Implementation of Unlambda, an esoteric programming language. non-GNU software and documentation
uBook A simple website to buy and sell books locally without account registration. non-GNU software and documentation
udpeq -- a multilink udp equalizer udpeq is a program that balances UDP traffic over parallel routes. non-GNU software and documentation
udpkit Udpkit provides a set of two commands, udpsend and udprcv, that send and receive UDP datagram on a network. Udp is an connectionless IP protocol, and so udpkit is very handy for broadcasting informations through a wireless network or to computer that may, non-GNU software and documentation
udsl Unión para Desarrollar Software Libre. non-GNU software and documentation
uLisp-TFT Implements TFT extensions for Arduino's uLisp programming language. non-GNU software and documentation
uLoad Graphical tool for bit torrent downloads. non-GNU software and documentation
ULOG-based network accounting for Linux This project has been moved to non-GNU software and documentation
UML Diagram Editor non-GNU software and documentation
Una Introducción a GCC en Español Este manual ofrece una introducción tutorial completa a los compiladores GNU C y C++, gcc y g++. non-GNU software and documentation
unac unac is a C library and command that removes accents from a string. For instance the string été will become ete. It provides a command line interface that removes accents from a input flow or a string given in argument (unaccent command). non-GNU software and documentation
unblockproductivity non-GNU software and documentation
uncc C decompiler Uncc is a decompiler from x86 assembly to C programming language. non-GNU software and documentation
UndernetCS Tcl Script for Eggdrop Advanced Eggdrop Tcl script who manage authentication to X (the Undernet channel service) non-GNU software and documentation
Underware The underware project moved to non-GNU software and documentation
Unicluster-EXEHDA Unicluster is an Internet Computing Platform (ICP). It processes problems in machines distributed over the Internet. It is designed to suport specially problems that can be processed in parallel with low communication rate and high processing time. non-GNU software and documentation
Unicode Sinhala Adding Unicode Sinhala to GNU/Linux non-GNU software and documentation
UniEXP - Universo Experimental STL based C++ library for create, change and visualize tree-like data having flexibility in mind. non-GNU software and documentation
Unifont A font with a glyph for every visible Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane code point and more, plus utilities Official GNU software
UniPackage non-GNU software and documentation
Unique Regular Expressions Library The unique regular expressions library handles text stream in C. non-GNU software and documentation
UnitCheck UnitCheck - PHP Project Functionality Testing Tool non-GNU software and documentation
UniTheme UniTheme will become an user friendly environment for creating and editing toolkit independent widget themes. non-GNU software and documentation
units Official GNU software
Universal Character Generator A modular, customizable and powerful character generator/editor for pen-and-paper role playing games, using XML rulesets, and multiple frontend (GUI, command-line, ...), backend (SQL, XML, ...) and export (LaTeX, HTML, ...) plugins. non-GNU software and documentation
Universal Profile And Networking: GEogra non-GNU software and documentation
Unix Multi-Soundchip Emulator Unix Multi-Soundchip Emulator is a text-mode music player for GNU/Linux and other UNIX like operation system. It can read many "oldskool" music formats (like sid/xm/sndh/etc..). non-GNU software and documentation
Unmaintained non-GNU software and documentation
Unmaintained: Stribog the attitude sensing platform Unmainatined: Stribog is a defice for measuring user orientation: azimuth, pitch and roll, based on a magnetoresistive compass, a tilt sensor on accelerometer ICs and a microcontroller to manage all. non-GNU software and documentation
UNO Application Server The UNO Application Server attempts to fill a business need that the free software operating systems have not addressed. The UNO application server is based on the idea that the end users are allowed to pick their programming languages, libraries and serv non-GNU software and documentation
Unofficial CHM Specification This is an effort to document Microsoft's Compiled HTML Help files (CHMs), mainly the internal files, since the archive format is documented already. non-GNU software and documentation
Unofficial OSKit source Main goal of this project is to collect patches for OSKit in a CVS tree so they are not lost. All this is unofficial. non-GNU software and documentation
unpackfs unpackfs is a filesystem based on fuse (filesystem in userspace) for transparent unpacking of archives. It shows the content of archives right beside them in the filesystem hierarchy. non-GNU software and documentation
Unpiggyfy Unpiggyfy is a source code formatter and indentation rules extractor. non-GNU software and documentation
unrtf UnRTF is a moderately complicated converter from RTF to other formats, including HTML, LaTeX, text, and troff mm-macros. Converting to HTML, it supports tables, fonts, colors, embedded images, hyperlinks, paragraph alignment among other things. Official GNU software
Unusversus Software of personal management for teachers. non-GNU software and documentation
upcow: uploads the uptme through cowsay non-GNU software and documentation
UpdateDD A client to update a dynamic dns record. non-GNU software and documentation
Upmf Upmf is a source based package manager, written mostly in Scheme and making use of GUILE, making it easy for you to tailor the package manager to your needs. non-GNU software and documentation
UPnP Proxy A basic UPnP Proxy concentrating on sharing UPnP services between two or more subnets. non-GNU software and documentation
uqjau bash & some perl scripts for simple purposes, w/slashpackage like structure non-GNU software and documentation
Ural Project Main Category: HTML Authoring, Sub-category: HTML Pre-processing. Short Description: Allows direct HTML form addition and listing of Bookmarks by user, into four groups. non-GNU software and documentation
Urchin non-GNU software and documentation
uri uri is a library that analyses URIs and transform them. It is designed to be fast and occupy as few memory as possible. The basic usage of this library is to transform an URI into a structure with one field for each component of the URI and vice versa. non-GNU software and documentation
URip URip is a Free Software command line tool that extracts audio out of YouTube videos. It can also convert the resulting audio files to the Ogg/Vorbis free format. non-GNU software and documentation
URL A general-purpose URL loading library for Emacs. This project is obsolete. It has been incorporated into Emacs. non-GNU software and documentation
USBB2K-API The program consist of an API (daemon) to handle a VOIP box of the type USB-B2K which allows to plug a classical telephone on an USB port (skypebox, wangobox, yealink...) in order to integrate this with any type of program of the type VOIP under GNU/ non-GNU software and documentation
User Agent Capability Matrix non-GNU software and documentation
UserLinux Networking Center non-GNU software and documentation
Userspace drivers for the GNU system The purpose of this project is the creating of drivers for the GNU system that run on userspace and use the Hurd filesystem interfaces to provide device access to frontend programs. non-GNU software and documentation
UserTools UserTools is a set of utilities for managing user account information that is stored in LDAP according to RFC2307. non-GNU software and documentation
userv - security boundary tool Using userv, one program can call another without either of them having to trust the other completely. This project is not maintained on Savannah; see the project home page. Official GNU software
UT2003area UT2003area is a set of tools for quering Unreal Tournament 2003 servers and extracting information such as the server configuration and the list of players, just like the in-game server browser. It is meant to be easy to use, fast, reliable, and expandabl non-GNU software and documentation
util-vserver The util-vserver project provides tools for kernels with the security context patch. non-GNU software and documentation
Utility to make cute slideshows Sjaldszol (name comes from english slideshow) is a little (at the moment ;) utility to make slideshows with your collectionsof photos, pictures etc, etc. You can combine them with your favourite music. non-GNU software and documentation
UWiKiCMS UWiKiCMS is a lightweight web content management system. non-GNU software and documentation
V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms A collection of common and not so common acronyms in the field of computing Official GNU software
vaCAS, an user-friendly GUI to GIAC non-GNU software and documentation
Vacation Mail Responder vacation automatically replies to incoming mail non-GNU software and documentation
vampire Vampire is a remote package testing tool written in python. It takes a tarball, uploads it on several machines, configures it, runs a check sequence (usually make distcheck) and returns the results. It is designed to be flexible enough to run checks on di non-GNU software and documentation
varable sample step sequencer feedback A sound sample step sequencer, with flexible control of sample pitch and length, and automatically re-sampling the output periodically for unpredictable effect. It's JACK enabled too. non-GNU software and documentation
Variable Expression Library Varexp is a C++ library that allows its users to separate information and from the representation of that information by providing a simple-to-use but powerful sh-like text-template mechanism. non-GNU software and documentation
Varnamproject Varnam project contains a set of cross-platform opensource tools to help you input in any Indian languages. non-GNU software and documentation
Vazaar Vazaar is an applet for GNOME which try to keep organized your information. non-GNU software and documentation
vc-dwim vc-dwim is a version-control-agnostic ChangeLog diff and commit tool. vc-chlog is a ChangeLog writing helper tool. Official GNU software
VCG graph visualization for DotGNU Pnet/C VCG is a GNU GPL graph drawing program. The vcgdotgnu will run on the dotgnu platform using the pnet/C c compiler to IL. non-GNU software and documentation VDRIP is a stand-alone encoding utility used to convert MPEG2 format Videos (in TS or PS container formats) to mpeg4 ASP .avi files (Lavc,XviD,DivX). It is a free software for GNU/Linux released under the GPL License and supplied as an all-in-one file. non-GNU software and documentation
Velocity String Library An abstract, easy-to-use string manipulation library totally independent of operating system and C compiler. non-GNU software and documentation
velothon This project aims at developing a challenge game for events such as Telethon or inter-village games, using home-trainer bicycles connected to a home-made centralized odometer with a video projected display. non-GNU software and documentation
Vemail Vemail is a Perl/CGI based framework for doing LDAP directory based data management via the web, for network services or other types of services. non-GNU software and documentation
verilator - Verilog to SystemC Verilator is a GNU licenced program to compile Verilog RTL code to fast C++ and/or SystemC code. non-GNU software and documentation
versatile file signature checksum tool The Swiss army knife of file signature checksum tool non-GNU software and documentation
Very fast tags for emacs Vtags stands for Very fast tags. Vtags is a replacement for etags.el. It supports Vi-style tags files, traditional emacs TAGS files, and, to a lesser extent, GTAGS files. non-GNU software and documentation
vgplay ReplayGain processing backend code for ogg vorbis plugins and players non-GNU software and documentation
Vgrid Virtual grid program for radiology. non-GNU software and documentation
vIA, a modular AI IRC bot Modular AI IRC bot. We are currently planning the work to come. non-GNU software and documentation
viceo Sane Scanner driver for Viceo [e3 and e4 chipset] based scanners non-GNU software and documentation
videntify - avi information extractor non-GNU software and documentation
Video Clip Music Assist finds music for your homemade videos. non-GNU software and documentation
videoconf editor non-GNU software and documentation
Vidriolib vidriolib is a library for developing graphical user interfaces under the X Window system non-GNU software and documentation
View-OS: A process with a View View-OS is a novel approach to the process/kernel interface. The semantics of each system call can be assigned process by process giving the user the right to decide which view of the system each process has to join. non-GNU software and documentation
VihmaUss threaded text editor. non-GNU software and documentation
vile, a vi-compatible text editor vi-compatible text editor, based loosely around an emacs-like screen and key rebinding model. non-GNU software and documentation
vim-popus Vim plugin for translators to edit GNU Gettext PO Files with a message centric view. non-GNU software and documentation
viny non-GNU software and documentation
virtual 8085/86 machine This project is aimed at providing an 8085 and 8086 emulator shell. Currently it is under development so all the instructions may not work. non-GNU software and documentation
Virtual Debate Allows users to debate virtually. non-GNU software and documentation
Virtual File System VFS is a filesystem that let's you manage ALL you files. Not just those on disk, all of them! non-GNU software and documentation
Virtual Life Laboratory GNU VLLab is a project allowing the study of virtual animal societies. This "laboratory" allows growth and evolution of different animal species in a virtual environment and real time noticeable. non-GNU software and documentation
Virtual Private Network Daemon non-GNU software and documentation
Virtual Remote Server The Virtual Remote Server is a p2p server cluster that provides various Web Services to the internet. It's design offers several of the most important advantages of a centralized server, a persistant net presence and a common, manageable database. non-GNU software and documentation
virtualitty Network-distributed shared 3D world environment. non-GNU software and documentation
VirtualLab non-GNU software and documentation
Vision2Pixels Vision2Pixels Web based photo critics service. non-GNU software and documentation
Visual bookmarks for Emacs Project moved to github: non-GNU software and documentation
Viua Virtual Machine Register based virtual machine programmable in high-level assembly language; with emphasis on control, predictability, error tolerance, and concurrency. non-GNU software and documentation
VL2 Support Libraries These are utilities for Indian Language based full-text search engine. This is promarily designed for creating a search engine for voterlists available in the form of DBF files in Indian Languages. non-GNU software and documentation
VladNput Pending non-GNU software and documentation
VM (View Mail) for Emacs VM (ViewMail) is a mail reader that runs inside GNU Emacs and XEmacs, and has been created by Kyle Jones ( This site hosts the development of VM after Kyle's last version (7.19, Sep 2004). The current version is 8.1.x. non-GNU software and documentation
Vmgen Vmgen supports the construction of interpretive systems by generating the code for executing and dealing with virtual machine (VM) instructions from simple descriptions of the VM instructions. Official GNU software
vNET Project vNET is a visual Network Exploration Tool. See our web site for more detailed description. non-GNU software and documentation
VNIX VNIX is a project to provide a library that is compatible with the VMS runtime libraries for use on POSIX systems. non-GNU software and documentation
Vobs - a novel 2 1/2D UI framework non-GNU software and documentation
voc-get A "flash card"-like vocabulary training program with a comfortable handling of several translations and score management. non-GNU software and documentation
Voltron's Magick Cutup Machine The Magick Cutup Machine is an automated text-cutting-shuffling application. It's main purpose it to help the user overcome rigid responses and interpretations of textual content. non-GNU software and documentation
Volume Unit Volume Unit is a text-mode sound level monitor for the JACK Audio Connection Kit. non-GNU software and documentation
VoXpopuli forum VoXpopuli est un forum en PHP et utilise actuellement une base de donnée MySQL, a terme il sera aussi porté vers postreSQL. Il propose les fonctionnalités classiques d'un forum. non-GNU software and documentation
VPN client for Cisco's EasyVPN equipment A VPN client compatible with Cisco's EasyVPN equipment. Supports IPSec (ESP) with Mode Configuration and Xauth. Supports only shared-secret IPSec authentication, 3DES, MD5, and IP tunneling. It runs entirely in userspace. non-GNU software and documentation
vrtater vrtater peer to peers VR, GNU free software non-GNU software and documentation
vsound Vsound is an application which allows you to digitally record the audio output of another program. This output can be saved to a WAV file or can be piped into another program such as an Ogg Vorbis or MP3 encoder. non-GNU software and documentation
Vulcano The GTK GUI Burner it a GTK GUI for burn CD con linux. Spanish: es una interfaz creada en la libreria GTK para el quemado de Cds. non-GNU software and documentation
VyQChat VyQChat is a serverless chat program compatible with Vypress Chat(TM) for Windows. It runs under GNU Linux system and provides a nice GUI. non-GNU software and documentation
w3 Emacs/W3 is a full-featured web browser, written entirely in Emacs-Lisp. It is maintained as part of ELPA, Official GNU software
WAF - Waf is A Fundation non-GNU software and documentation
wafer Wafer is a framework for developing functional tests for web applications. non-GNU software and documentation
Wall Changer Program for automatic wallpaper change. non-GNU software and documentation
WarII Database This a small multiplatform database that can be used to store the usual strategies used by players in the WARII online game, that are then used to predict the future behaviour of those players. non-GNU software and documentation
Wartorn Wartorn is a data-set for Stratagus engine. non-GNU software and documentation
waste non-GNU software and documentation
WatchVideo WatchVideo is an application to watch videos from many popular Flash based sites, without the need for a plugin. WatchVideo uses an external player instead. non-GNU software and documentation
Watermaze Analysis Program WAP (Watermaze Analysis Program) automates Morris' Watermaze experiment. Currently WAP measures latency, distance and mean velocity. There are many parameters still to implement. non-GNU software and documentation
waudiocd A simple command-line audio CD-burning frontend I wrote because the current solutions irritated me. Interfaces with cdrecord and mplayer. non-GNU software and documentation
Wavescope non-GNU software and documentation
WB B-tree Associative Arrays WB is a disk based, sorted associative array C library. WB has an optional interface to the SCM Scheme implementation which supports SLIB relational databases. Official GNU software
wdiff wdiff provides word-wise comparisons between files. It operates like diff, except it compares words rather than lines. It uses diff as a back end. Official GNU software
Weapon Factory Weapon Factory is a 3D realtime strategy game focused on the tactic and strategy capabilities of the player instead of his APM (Actions Per Minute). It feature a lot of improvements in the field of user interface in order to help plan and commands the uni non-GNU software and documentation
Weaver Weaver is a framework designed to help the development of free, graphical 2D games for GNU/Linux systems. non-GNU software and documentation
Web Application Security Project (W.A.S.P.) WASP is a set of libraries for various web development environments such as PHP, Python/CGI, Perl/CGI, etc... to detect possible attacks against web applications and to make more secure web applications. non-GNU software and documentation
Web Authenticator WebAuth (the Internet Authenticator) is a daemon and library for performing secure authentication over the wire, beit local network or the Internet. WebAuth uses the MD5 and other hashing algorhythms for secured-communication (when sending information, su non-GNU software and documentation
Web Client Programming in Perl non-GNU software and documentation
Web Documentation Typesetter Web documentation preparation system non-GNU software and documentation
Web Interface Tools The WITs (Web Interface Tools) is a zope product for web interface developer. The product is python code and has no dependency from other products or modules. non-GNU software and documentation
web nutrition non-GNU software and documentation
Web Oriented Resources Management The pu rpose of WORM is to help the generation of Web pages in a professional, educational or administrative environment. Based on XHTML/CSS, using PHP and XML, WORM is a cross platform project non-GNU software and documentation
Web Package Surfer non-GNU software and documentation
Web programming as it should be This projects exists to build an alternative to the unbearable mess web programming has become. To do: write a more informative description. non-GNU software and documentation
Web Secretary Web Secretary is a web page monitoring software. non-GNU software and documentation
Web Site Engine The code to drive a reasonably full-featured volunteer web site, including news, discussions, adverts, etc. We're going to "do different" on a number of fronts and have some fun! non-GNU software and documentation
Web Video Transcoder Web Video Transcoder is a cross-platform tool that uses FFmpeg to convert videos to open formats (WebM, Ogg) compatibles with most browsers. non-GNU software and documentation
Web White board Share Draw It provide a server for many client to share a same basic black and white vector based drawing. non-GNU software and documentation
web-cyradm It is a Management-tool written in PHP, for a Mailsystem built on Cyrus IMAP and Postfix with Database table lookup enabled. (built in MySQL or patched-in PostgreSQL) The goal is to have as much configuration as possible stored in a database non-GNU software and documentation
WebAdmin non-GNU software and documentation
WebApp Trace Tool Watt tracks how requests in a web application use the database and provides a simple web UI that shows the queries run by each request and what code triggered these queries non-GNU software and documentation
WebAPP Web Automated Perl Portal WebAPP is a community portal system that is written in Perl and uses a flat file text format database. Some of the many features include forums, links and downloads directories, articles with xml feed, profiles, member galleries, polls, IMs, and stats. non-GNU software and documentation
webbase webbase is an internet web crawler based on a MySQL database. It is available as a command line program or as a library (shared or static). non-GNU software and documentation
Webbased tutorial engine A engine for fast developments of webbased tutorials making usage of Java, JSPs, Servlets and the Struts-Framework. non-GNU software and documentation
WebFormPro PHP Web Forms Processor
O Email logging/autorespond
O File logging to .csv format (Spreadsheet)
O Form confirmation page
O Form Field Validation
O Private Fields (Credit Card Safe)
O Simple Install
non-GNU software and documentation
webmastering portions
Webpages for GNU FM portions
Webpages for PHPNuke The Webpages module for PHP-Nuke was developed for a school site I manage so teachers and students could create a personal webpage for all to see. You only need to be a registered user to create a web page. Web pages can be listed in non-GNU software and documentation
WebPublish This package has been decommissioned. WebPublish can be used to manage all of the details that are associated with publishing a local copy of a website to one or more remote servers using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Using WebPublish to manage the trans non-GNU software and documentation
Webstract Webstract is a lightweight php framwork for developing comprehensive application modules which share a common API for interconnectivity and data exchange. non-GNU software and documentation
WebSTUMP Official GNU software
WeeChat WeeChat is a fast and light chat client for many operating systems. It is customizable and extensible with scripts. non-GNU software and documentation
WeeWM WeeWM (Wee Enhanced Environment) is a fast and light window manager for XFree86. Everything can be done with a keyboard. It is customizable, and has dock management, smart window placement, virtual desktops, and more. non-GNU software and documentation
Wej Embeddable Web Server non-GNU software and documentation
welcome-a-bit for Wikinews instant message delivery for Wikinews per topic - delivers to email or wiki page non-GNU software and documentation
Well-designed configuration library This project has been abandoned at a very early stage. non-GNU software and documentation
Wergerandina Gnu Jî Boy Kurdi *INACTIVE* The main purpose of the Kurdish Translation Project is the translation of the web site to Kurdish. translation teams
Whammer Octave/Matlab MOC code for 1D water hammer with unsteady friction and cavitation models included non-GNU software and documentation
Whiteboard Over Network Sometimes, people from different locations, all around the world, need to make planning. One of the must-have thing for all conferences is a whiteboard. WON is an application for network whiteboard. It's a client that connects to a server. There, a cli non-GNU software and documentation
Whonix non-GNU software and documentation
Widget for graph drawing Widget for graph drawing non-GNU software and documentation
WiEmu - The WSN Emulator WiEmu is an open-source distributed agent-based high fidelity software emulator/simulator for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. With WiEmu, you can evaluate your network architecture, topology and/or protocols as if they are running on real test-be non-GNU software and documentation
wifimap Wifimap is a web-based tool to help sysadmins document and view the structure of a wireless community network. non-GNU software and documentation
wikiit non-GNU software and documentation
WikiTexi - Collaborative Docs Create a system to allow software developers to collaboratively document their systems. Support generation of GNU-standard TexInfo documentation using a groupware system whose look and feel resemble wikipedia and other collaborative content efforts. non-GNU software and documentation
Wikiup A Wiki with many features: edition on-line or off-line (text editor and CVS), static pages for non-registered users vs dynamic pages for webmasters, templates, highly modular and more. non-GNU software and documentation
Wiktory Wiktory is a wiki-like directory software. non-GNU software and documentation
WillowBark Squid-cache to ClamAV Redirector CGI Perl script to launch ClamAV and scan HTML downloads on a Squid-Cache Proxy with SquidGuard Filter. non-GNU software and documentation
Window Maker Window Maker is a lightweight and highly configurable window manager for the X Window System. It can be used in most POSIX-like operating systems, such as GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS X etc. non-GNU software and documentation
Windows 7 Sins Translations translation teams
Winds Of Fire non-GNU software and documentation
Windstille non-GNU software and documentation
WineD3D For details see non-GNU software and documentation
WizAVRd non-GNU software and documentation
WLAN station tracker This program helps to track WLAN stations (by MAC address) analyzing the direction dependent signal strength. non-GNU software and documentation
Wolfpack Empire Server non-GNU software and documentation
Women's Caucus non-GNU software and documentation
Woodchuck non-GNU software and documentation
WOOM Of Object Maker WOOM - WOOM Of Object Maker WOOM is an Objective-C implementation of a window manager. The idea was invented by some morons who believed that an Objective-C window manager will beat a C one when operate with the GNUstep project. non-GNU software and documentation
Wordgen Wordgen is a tool for generating word lists. non-GNU software and documentation
Working Days Tells you what dates are public holidays. You can use wday to test just a single arbitrary day either past or future, or to produce a list of holidays for the year. Wday works for any country or state. non-GNU software and documentation
Worktitle Blast non-GNU software and documentation
world of objects non-GNU software and documentation
World Racer non-GNU software and documentation
WorldForge's Werewolf: Inevitability Inevitability is a small multiplayer game involving a remote village lost in the misty forest. This is a scripted game module built using WorldForge's client/server roleplaying game technology (see non-GNU software and documentation
wp-mirror WP-MIRROR - utility for mirroring a set of wikipedias non-GNU software and documentation
wsx2lop non-GNU software and documentation
ww - editor The project aims to produce an editor that enables the user to seemlesly switch between Windows text console, GNU/Linux text console and X Server terminal windows with the sharing of key-bindings and configuration files between the operating platforms. non-GNU software and documentation
WWHD non-GNU software and documentation
WwOpenGL WwOpenGL is a project which objective is to give you a simple interface for writing OpenGL commands and test little modeling programs. The main idea is that you just concentrate on the OpenGL commands, and let WwOpenGL deal with the windows and display i non-GNU software and documentation
www satellite prediction software Sorry, but this project is dead. It should be removed for the same reasons as explained in Thanks. non-GNU software and documentation
www-tr translation teams project Webmastering portions Webmasters and translation coordinators. portions Tagalog Translation Team *INACTIVE* translation teams
WWWJDic This gem uses WWWJDic Backdoor Entry/API as described by to to interact with WWWJDic and translate to and from Japanese language. non-GNU software and documentation
wxemacs non-GNU software and documentation
wxMozilla non-GNU software and documentation
wxRuby GUI Framework The wxRuby project has moved - you can now find it at: non-GNU software and documentation
X Language An easy to use multi-syntax programming language with a set of portable APIs to create CLI and GUI applications for UNIX/X11 and/or Win32. non-GNU software and documentation
x-ezine electronic magazine x-ezine is a free zine released under the FDL Documentation License. It deals with computer-related issues in general, and Unix/Linux in particular; it's aimed towards users, programmers and security experts. non-GNU software and documentation
x-snmp X-SNMP is a tool for graphically managing network devices via SNMP. I have incorporated some features over time that have made it quite handy! non-GNU software and documentation
x4o X4O is an java xml parser framework. non-GNU software and documentation
x86test x86test is a utility to display information about the (boot) CPU in an x86/PC system. It is bootable (it doesn't run on any operating system ) and is currently entirely written in assembler (AT&T / GNU as syntax). non-GNU software and documentation
Xadrez non-GNU software and documentation
Xadrez Chess Server non-GNU software and documentation
Xanis non-GNU software and documentation
xannoy non-GNU software and documentation
xansiprn Remote printing with telnet ansi escape characters. non-GNU software and documentation
xbindkeys Launch shell commands with the keyboard or mouse buttons under X Window. non-GNU software and documentation
XBoard XBoard is a graphical user interface for chess (and many chess variations), xiangqi (Chinese chess) and shogi (Japanes chess). It serves as a game editor, a front end for chess engines that run on your machine, and a client for internet chess servers. T Official GNU software
xbobble Puzzle Bobble clone in 3D! Uses SDL-OpenGL/SDL_mixer/SDL_image/libayq. NOTE is for GCC 3 or above only. non-GNU software and documentation
Xbox Game Manager Xbox Game Manager for Linux, Win32 and Mac OSX platforms. It allow you to send/recv (extract/compress) xdvdfs (xbox iso) directly to the xbox via ftp using a GUI, and many more... non-GNU software and documentation
XBubble XBubble is an X Window based clone of the famous arcade game Bust-A-Move/Puzzle Bubble. You can play it alone, against an opponent, or even against the computer. It has nice scalable and customizable graphics. non-GNU software and documentation
xcscope.el non-GNU software and documentation
XDClient XDClient (xdc) - end user client for dictionary/encyclopedia databases stored in XDXF format ( non-GNU software and documentation
XEmacs Window Manager XWEM is an attempt to built ideal desktop. It is not a secret that Emacs is most powerfull environ one has used, but it leaks some real integration to desktop because it can't have control over every thing. XWEM will try to break this barrier. non-GNU software and documentation
Xeron Information Services Portal non-GNU software and documentation
XForms, a GUI toolkit for X Added note due to broken download area non-GNU software and documentation
Xgalaga reborn Xgalaga reborn is an unoffical fork of the long inert Xgalaga. I hope to to renew interest in Xgalaga while updating it for modern GNU Linux distibutions. non-GNU software and documentation
xgen non-GNU software and documentation
xges-create non-GNU software and documentation
xharp xharp is a multi-platform program attempting to provide a musical interface for the expression of audio samples. non-GNU software and documentation
XHTML Tools A set of xsl stylesheets and shell scripts to transform easily an XHTML "source" document into several other formats: HTML, LaTeX, plain ASCII text. non-GNU software and documentation
xivtv xivtv is a simple xdialog based interface for the ivtv tools. non-GNU software and documentation
xlab - X Window Script Record and Replay Xlab is a program which sits between an X client and an X server, monitors the events between server and clients, and records events in a script file. Xlab can automate the playing of fixed sequences of operations into an application program based on X. non-GNU software and documentation
Xlog Xlog is an easy to use program for logging your ham radio contacts. Contacts are saved in a browsable list which can be edited. non-GNU software and documentation
XMakemol A program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems non-GNU software and documentation
XML Difference Generator This project is intended to find differences in two similar xml files. non-GNU software and documentation
Xml Disk Catalog It is a Disk catalogging tool that can be used to catalog diferent media's. It saves in a simple xml format making it easy to use in a web aplication. non-GNU software and documentation
XML repository / search engine SDX is a powerful search engine for XML documents // SDX est un puissant engin de recherche pour documents XML non-GNU software and documentation
xml2ly - MusicXML to Lilypond converter xml2ly is a set of XSLT stylesheet to convert a MusicXML file into Lilypond format non-GNU software and documentation
XMLBuild Build tool written in C# which uses xml files. Similar to NAnt but not restricted to C#. non-GNU software and documentation
XMLNotes System for teachers to manage a XML file containing student scores visible on the Web. non-GNU software and documentation
XMMS-Lumi : Auto-Play of new files non-GNU software and documentation
xmu - X Window for multi-user To develop a system based on the X Window System which allows more than 1 user to use a PC with one monitor and multiple of usb-keyboard and usb-mouse pairs. non-GNU software and documentation
Xnee Xnee can record, distribute and replay X (X11) protocol data. This is useful for automated tests of applications or benchmarking of applications. ...think of it as a robot. Official GNU software
Xortex Enterprise groupware application non-GNU software and documentation
Xouvert A development branch of the Xfree86 source tree. It's purpose is to provide wide testing and integration for third party patches, and to test and stabilize innovative new ideas for submission to the main Xfree86 branch. non-GNU software and documentation
XPack, an XML SGBD in C++ XPack is a project to develop an XML SGBD in C++, using only STL and Qt 3.x version GPL. It manage users and their rights, like the traditional data bases. non-GNU software and documentation
Xpcomp non-GNU software and documentation
xphp3 GPL fork of php3 non-GNU software and documentation
XploBot - Explore a new world Explore a world with a robot _you_ designed. In future releases you'll be able to explore, conquer and defend a world with only automatic bots ! non-GNU software and documentation
Xplored Robotics Team AGV Autopilot Colombo is a free and open-source hardware and software project intended to create an exceptionally powerful and versatile Autonomous Guidance and Navigation System (A.G.N.S.) that could be installed on an explorer rover bot for general pourpose tasks. non-GNU software and documentation
Xpt - GUI for Panorama Tools Xpt is a GUI for the Panorama Tools developed by Helmut Dersch (
We want to create a program similar to PTGui ( that runs on something other than Windows and that is free.
non-GNU software and documentation
xrebind xrebind allows you to bind keys or buttons. These can be used to generate mouse motions, button presses or releases, key presses or releases, or to launch programs. non-GNU software and documentation
Xross Tab Compiler This is intended to be a Market Research Data Processing Tool, similar in functionality to commerically available tools - but better. non-GNU software and documentation
XSed - a Tutor for Sed and Regular Expre non-GNU software and documentation
xSGE Extensions for the SGE non-GNU software and documentation
xsltpages XML Request Transformations - a syntax for describing webapps. non-GNU software and documentation
XSLTXT - the XSLT compact form Provides a compact and easy to write syntax for xslt stylesheets. Includes java tools for bidirectional conversion between xml and xsltxt format and to directly process xsltxt format stylesheets using the SAXReader interface. non-GNU software and documentation
xstarcastle Play a clone of the Star Castle arcade game non-GNU software and documentation
XToDo To Do List Management XToDo is a PmWiki to do list management plugin software licensed under the GPL. It relies on PmWiki wiki engine, which is licensed under the GPL, and written in the PHP programming language. non-GNU software and documentation
Xtreme Threading non-GNU software and documentation
XVII XVII is a RDBM and an application server. non-GNU software and documentation
XY - Graph Drawing Framework Simple graph drawing framework. non-GNU software and documentation
Xymon Clients for System z OSs Xymon Clients for System z Operating Systems provides agents for integrating the basic monitoring of the three IBM Mainframe operating systems into the Xymon monitoring system: z/OS, z/VM and z/VSE. non-GNU software and documentation
Xyria:DNSd Xyria:DNSd is a performance optimized DNS server for x86-32bit *nix-systems. non-GNU software and documentation
YaCE 3 YaCE 3 is dead. See YaCE 5. non-GNU software and documentation
yaf-splash Pops up a window of text, auto-sized and centered on the screen, that is dismissed when you click on it, rather like xmessage. Unlike xmessage, it lacks buttons and other window manager cruft, can appear transparent via the SHAPE extension, or overlays non-GNU software and documentation
Yainet - Another Irc NETwork Yainet - bringing IRC back to its roots. As a supplement to the "big nets" where irc-operators or services decide what you use IRC for (to some extend) Yainet returns the freedom and power to the users. non-GNU software and documentation
YaNuCa Yet Another Nutrition Calculator Web-based calculator for enteral and parenteral nutrition in adult intensive care patients. non-GNU software and documentation
YaRET - Turns CDs into Encoded music, Yummy! YaRET (Yet another Ripper Encoder Thingy) has been completely rewritten! YaRET supports multiple -concurrent- encoders. Your choice of normalizers and rippers too. Useful CDDB support and configuration files, YaRET aims to please the console crowd. non-GNU software and documentation
Yase2D Yase2D is a 2D game development framework based on the SDL library. non-GNU software and documentation
Yatris A Teris implementation for X, with user-definable blocksets. non-GNU software and documentation
yauap - commandline audio player yauap is a simple commandline audio player that is using the GStreamer multimedia framework. It comes complete with a amarok engine that is able to control the player over DBus. yauap is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. non-GNU software and documentation
yaxa non-GNU software and documentation
Yet another computer The goal of this project is to design a GPLed computer from digital architecture to end-user front-end, without limitation from existing hardware or software. non-GNU software and documentation
Yet Another Distributed Autobuilder non-GNU software and documentation
Yet Another DVD Shrinker Yads is a frontend to transcode. The goal is to make it as simple and foolproof as possible to create an XviD MPEG4 file of the main feature of a DVD, with subtitles optionally hard-rendered (rendered onto the video frames). non-GNU software and documentation
Yet Another Firewall For GNU/Linux YAFFL is a simple and efficient firewalling system intented to protect gnu/linux systems. It allows anti-flood, auto-blacklist and simple anti-nmap port detection. It will also give you forwarding and simple NAT rules to share your internet connection. non-GNU software and documentation
Yet Another Free RAYtracer Noname is still an "in development" raytracer. This page is set up for those who want to contribute by writting code or by documenting the still undocumented code. non-GNU software and documentation
Yet Another Liero Attempt non-GNU software and documentation
yetris yetris is a Tetris(tm) clone on the terminal. It has colors and highscore, along with many features found on modern Tetris(tm) implementations. It's made with C and runs on (most) Linux terminals. non-GNU software and documentation
Yi Yan Tang Chinese tty program. Convert between different encoding automatically. non-GNU software and documentation
Yogi, a clens graphical frontend non-GNU software and documentation
yrx non-GNU software and documentation
YUV Motion Tools Simple tool to stabilize horizontal/vertical shake in a yuv4mpeg stream. non-GNU software and documentation
Z English-Japanese Dictionary Japanese-English dictionary for Qtopia. This is designed for non-japanese people, since prononciation is included. non-GNU software and documentation
Z-Shell Empire Client zec is an Empire ( client written in Z-Shell script. non-GNU software and documentation
Z80 assembler Assembler for the Z80 microprcessor. The assembler aims to be portable and complete. Of course it assembles all official mnemonics, but it also aims to assemble the unofficial mnemonics. non-GNU software and documentation
Zadka's Window Manager Keyboard-oriented window manager. Very lightweight, and supporting external interface via properties. non-GNU software and documentation
Zaurus PHp Personal Information Management Web interface for Personal Information Management. For this moment you can manage your address book. non-GNU software and documentation
zebot - irc-channel guardian ircbot written in perl, extensible through self-writable perl - modules using OO-techniques. Thought more as a toy, even if channel camping facilities and user managment are included: the thing acts as a dog :D non-GNU software and documentation
Zebra Zebra is a software dedicated to solve Constraint Satisfaction Problems. It will contains most of the known solving algorithms (MAC, Backtracking, Backjumping, ...) and will allow to generate reports about the resolution (number of constraint checks, ...) non-GNU software and documentation
Zeus A project to develop a new kind of operating system kernel from scratch; not based upon any one existing model/methodology of OS development or design. (sources: ) non-GNU software and documentation
zfm non-GNU software and documentation
ZigzagDownLoader (ZDL) ZigzagDownLoader is download manager. Using ZDL you can download in only one action from many services for file hosting and video streaming. non-GNU software and documentation
ZigzagProxy (ZPROXY) A Command Line Interface (CLI) to connect using proxies non-GNU software and documentation
ZIMT: Zealous Instant Messaging Tool ZIMT is a console client for instant messaging protocols like ICQ. It aims to have a easy-to-use ncurses-based interface, which can be controlled like the very good IRC client irssi, which means to have a screen filling window for each dialog. non-GNU software and documentation
Zirrux 130 A program to compute the Tiger Hash with a generic C impementation and optimizations in assambler to x86 and x86_64. It has been postponed indefinitely but it will be eventually finished. non-GNU software and documentation
ZLab Pitch Tracker This program extracts the pitch of an audio signal, and can divide it into notes.... sometimes. non-GNU software and documentation
Zman Desktop Timer System non-GNU software and documentation
Zombies non-GNU software and documentation
ZoneCheck ZoneCheck, a DNS zone checking tool non-GNU software and documentation
Zope Firebird Database Adapter Python Module needed as interface between Zope and Kinterbasdb to access Firebird databases non-GNU software and documentation
ZOPE MultiAgent Systems ZOPE MultiAgent Systems is a Python implementation of multiagent systems for ZOPE framework. ZMAS provide a hibrid communication platform of agents, based in blackboard and FIPA-ACL specifications, and an execution environment. non-GNU software and documentation
ZotzBrothers POS Plus Accounts Receivable, inventory, and point of sales system still in the very early stages of development. This is a conversion to free software of a system in use since the early to mid eighties. non-GNU software and documentation
ZShellScripts ZShellScripts allow people to plug their own scripting language into Zope easily by providing a common base infrastructure. non-GNU software and documentation
Zutils A collection of utilities for dealing with compressed files transparently. non-GNU software and documentation
[ NITdroid ] NITdroid is a kernel and userspace port from scratch of the Android operating system to the Nokia Internet Tables. non-GNU software and documentation
[moved] Dook: scripting language for Java [moved] Dook is an embedded scripting language for Java platform. It is small, easy to use and learn. non-GNU software and documentation
µracoli µracoli stands for "microcontroller radio communications library" and is intended to be a package that demonstrates capabilities and usage of Atmel's IEEE-802.15.4 radio transceiver in combination with AVR 8 bit microcontrollers. non-GNU software and documentation
Български превод на разглеждача Мозилла. Български превод на разглеждача Мозилла. Moz non-GNU software and documentation
�?gora Galaxy non-GNU software and documentation

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